Former MPP hosts car raUvy t ram SNOW on page Ali donations to the dog guide training facility through the Oakville Lions Club of which he's a 55-year member. Mr. Snow joined the Oa.kville Lions Club in January 1951 and bas held almost every office including president and district gov- ernor. "I've donated evcry year. and when 1 was an MPP. 1 helped the Lions get the grant money to renovate an old school as a training~ centre." The training facility occupies the former Wcstwood School where Barbara Snow had been a pupil. He also helped the club purchase the building. Mr. Snow was elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1967 and served 18 years including 10 years of minister of transportation and communications. He hosts the annual Lions Club Car Rally, held the second Sunday in September, for the foundation at bis Pineland Farm on Homby Road, and supports the Lions Foundation annual Walk for Dog Guides. "I've been involved with the Lions Foundation since it was founded. In fact, t was part of the group of club members who started il." He purchased Hornby Glen Golf Course, across the road from Pineland Farm, in 1999. Bike tour to travel thàrough rural Milton Milton can expect a herd of cyclists to pedal through town August 20 artd 21 for the 2005 Rona MS Bike Tour. The tour will pass through rural Milton en route from Brampton to Waterloo, stopping at VO]Lunteers' bouses both days. Approximately 600 participants will ride frorn Brampton to Waterloo artd back again. The two-day. 180 kmi joumney is set to raise $290.000 for MS research. It's a non-comipetitive event g"eared toward aIl ages and abilities, and helps raise mnoncy to fund research into the cause artd cure of multiple sclerosis (MS). as svell as provide services for people xvith MS and tbeir families. Nearly 20 Rona MS Bike Tours wsill take place across the counii try, witb more than 10,000 riders of ail ages participatin' in the figbt against MS. Last year. $5.1I million svas raised for research in Canada, and this year Ontario's goal is $1.4 million. For more information on the bike tour. caîl (416) 967-3038 or visit HOME DECO R -s AUGUST Mane 135.OOigd engtin $3700/gd SuedelRiver Rock 1149.OO/gm Diuowf t6e MiçpuaquI & l nI ou tdm onlysiguatur Raph Laure "4Lietles" series of interor latex paIt can offer. " Free in-store design advice (please bring a piclure and sample) " in-home consultations & design services * Antique, Vintage & Painted Furniture " Unique Accessonies L Cand ies G ifts Champion Country, Tuesday, Auguat 2, 2005 - A17 .--Lots of horsing around at park .hsNt gentie giants this weekend. The park will present Heavy Homse Field Days, a weekend fuil of draft horse demonstrations, shows and actîvities Saturday and Sunday. The events will take place from noon to 5 p.m. each day. and will feature a wide variety of demonstrations depicting horse farmmig practices in the laIe 1800s and early 1900s, ineluding hamnessing, farrier work, threshing and stooking. Belgians, Percherons, Clydesdalcs anti Sputted Draft horses wiil be brought to the park andi put to, work, pulling wagon rides andi assisting in farrier demonstra- "The event offers fine draft teama that will recreate the way agriculture was done before the invention of powered farm machinery," said Carson Brown, site operations manager for Country Heritage Park. "These horses are extremely strong and weigh up to a massive 2,400 pounda and can be more than 6 feet tal1, but are still known as gentie giants." Some of these gentle giants will a]lso be on display at the annual 4-H Achievement Show Saturday moming. About 20 young 4-H Heavy Horse Club Members will bc jutigeti on their horses Along with these attractions, tarxmng operations such as cutting grain, plowing, discing andi makcing hay wull be dernon- strateti for spectators. Regular park exhibits will also he open all weekend, including an i1830s pioneer farrnstead, a 1910 schoolhouse, farmn ani- mais and a collection of antique tractors anti threshing machines. The sehedule is subjeet lu, weatlier con- ditions. For more information, calI (905) 878- 815>1 or visit www.countryher- More at Mohawk Country Music Star Aaron Pritchett in Concert! Listen to, Aaron's latest single "Lucky for Me" that has cracked the top 10 yet again, this will be Aarons 3rd top 10 single off of the "Something Goin on'Here" album. He's here LIVE in concert on Fniday August 19thi at 9pm, and itfs FREE! Yuk-Yuk's Comedy Nights! See the funniest stand-up talent at Mohawks Yuk-Yuk's Comedy Nights, FREE every Thursday in August starting at 9:00 pm! Plus you have a chance to, win $500 in cash!* Appearing this summer: August 4 - Tony Krolo August 18 - David Hemstad August il - Pete Zedlacher August 25 - Fred Proia $50,000 Hole-in-One Challenge! Enter our $50.000 Hole-in-One Challenge every Monday and Tuesday night in August! Visit us online for details. $19.95 Buffet Special Enjoy a deliclous buffet in the remodeled Terrace Dining Room! Featuring three entrée items, including chicken, pasta& Chef's feature. Plus Caesar, chef. assorted salads, desserts and a racing program. Live Horse Racing! And don't forge about the 1live standlardbred racing, each Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday until October 8th. New post time: 7:20 pm! GuEtPHMOHAWK RACEIRACK 9430 Guelph LUne, campbelMle, Ontario LOP 1 BO [MAOHAW.K 1-888-675-RACE, ________ TRAcK HOURS - Li'e Racing Monday ibesday Thiirsday Friday b Saturday ai 7 2Oprn RACEBOOK - Opsn 7 daysa dektom Il aro1 il SLOTiIOURS MooWeia3amli asSos .4 Hour bbo dtoch 055g mREE PRKING & ADMISSION