The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 29, 2005 - A5 Tustees say money for court reporter misspent Special to The Champion A number of trustees at the Halton District School Board are slamm-ing a $700 expenditure for a court reporter who antended two controver- sial meetings in May at the request of board Chair Paul Tate. The cash wili corne out of the school board budget. While the amount mighî flot appear sig- nificant based on a multi-million-dollar budget, trustees say il's an example of reckless spending of taxpayers' dollars that should have heen better allocated. "1 think it was irresponsible," said Halton His Trustee Ethel Gardiner of having to psy a court reporter. Mr. Tate said he doesn't regret hiring the The Halton District Scisool Board is un tie middle of ils searçis for a new director 10, replace Dusty Papke, wbo left arnit contro- versy June 30. Ait advertisemnent bas already appeamd i n major newspapers like Thse Globe andi Mail, whicb states tise "Halton District School Board is seeking au oeststanding edttcator anti vision- aty leader 10, become ils director of educatton in September 2005.- It furtiser states tisat tise succesaful candidate will Opossess exceptional interpersonal anti communications sis, anti be a bigh-energy, self-starting, strategic plamier focuseti on was money well spent. He said audio-video recordings at the huard have malfunctioned in the ps and, since the two May meetings dealt with sensitive topies, including changes to policy govemance, an accurate recording of both night's discussions was imperative. Transcripts of thse meetings will cust the board extra. "We wanted to make sure if there was any con- cern in the future. we can absolutely prove what %Nis said," Me. Tate said, noting the recording firmn will keep the trsnscripts on file "for years." Mr. Tate andi huard Vice-Chair Peggy Russell also authorizeti the hiring of Peter Lauwers, fromi the law ftrmn Miller Thomson, to provide a legal opinion about the validity of policy govemance achieving results." Tise adi notes tise huard is "focuseti on achievement anti accountability." Lavemne Snmith & Associates bac. of Toronto is bandfing thse searcis. President Laverne Smniths saiti she coulin't comment on bow tise searcis was going. Sbe noted ber finit provides coiporations a two-yea guaranten for tise pesson bired. If tise candidate doesn't wosic out due to, rea- sons sucis as personality confliet or incompe- tence tise searcis will be conducted agamn free of cisarg. So far, sise saiti, tisal bas neyer hap- peneti. Poiicy govemance was tîttroducet o the board about four years ago. Within that mudel, trustees set broad strategie targets for staff under the management of the education director. It hsd been s contentious issue among some trustees who felt it iimited their decision-msking ahilities. Mr. Tale at that lime said he hecarne aware that the huard migist be opersting illegaily under pol- icy govemance and believed an opinion was needed as quickly as possible. Mr. Lauwers attendedti he May 16 and 18 meetings. M. Tate hsd said previously that the $ 10.000 fee for M. Laîîwers' work would corne from the huard's $500.000 legal fees fond. That number hasn't heen made officiai as board staff awsits receipts verifying the amount. Policy guvemnance was drasticslly altered at the May 18 huard meeting and, Ister that night. then education director Dusty Papke snnounced he was resigning. The five trustees, including Ms Gardiner, who have been vocal about thse board hiring s court reporter and s private lawyer. said the rnoney spent on their services will resuit in nu direct henefit for student learning. Oakville Trustee Mary Chapin said the rnoney could have been more effectively spent on class- roorn needs. "Thse $700 just adds to the unneces- sary expenditures that have occurred recently. There are rauch better places to spend even $700. Ail these unwarranîed expenditures take sway frorn potential surpioses that get directed 10 the classroom. One bas to question why il was necessary in the first place." the board would have 10 tork over more rnoney - around $1.400 -10 gel a copy of the tran- scnipts ot the meetings, as well as psy $300 10 $400 for extra copies on top of that. Copies of the transcripts weren't part of the original $700 cost when the court reporter was hired. "1 question the need for any more expendi- turcs. 1 think if's ridiculous the board bas nothing 10 show for tl. Ms Gardiner called on staff last rnonth 10 pro- duce s report detsiling the exact cost of the use of the lawyer, the court reporter and two Halton police detectives who attended the two May meetings. The lawyer's costs have yet to he reported; the costs for the on-duty police officers were homne by Halton police. "If we were neyer going to use those things (trsnscripts>, why would we ever engage court reporters?" Ms Gardiner ssid. "Ail rnoney we spend has to be sccounted for." Given what bas transpired the last few rnonths. Mr. Tate ssid he will be hringing forward mottons t0 have the board staff îske verbatim, notes of hoard meetings and to look at having Cogeco Cable broadcssting the meetings. Cogeco broadcasts Halton region council meet- ings, for example. The use of Cogeco, he said. would bring the cornmunity dloser 10 the board to lesen more about what is going on and what is said. "Verbatim minutes are difficult, but they would be better than what we have." M. Tate said. "1 think it would be very good for the corn- nmity to see what happens at sehool boards." 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