ter Co ervp STips "*Lawn lyhW 1incho r 2.5 cOf * Leave grass -mmum" ur lawn; ttiis saves 25% of your fertilizer requirements (saving you water, time and money). " Water new plants until weIl established and thon only as needed. * Washlng your car: use a shut-off nozzle 50 that water only fiow as needed; use a palot soapy water and thon uinse the car when finished; tumn your hose off at the fauicet instea of the nozzle to avoid Ieaks; and use wasbors i bose connectors tu prevent Ias * lmthe heatth of the soit in your -« by addéi~g organ matorial sud as compost «r nmnr. Organk ma"oa Meaiswvaer and modmeros sontmoatrs whch can bolp y«u plants copo dushi t«, dry weator " Croat a xenscap gardon. Xoricain is ladcaplng with the goal of reduclng water usage. Xerbeaphig ni"s extensive use of soil proparation and mu ahne s the soetio f " ~ s Ue*»aon W* t eti mosu.M L"pww w.#Uil ol nd wtSt mWolfbW4 ion a dd f Maintaining Our Reservoir Levels Joyce Savoline REGIONAL CHAIRMAN HalIon's facilities were designe specific capacities, in accordan I needs of our residents. This inc Region's 21 water reservoirs tha storage for meeting tbe drink demands of residents and fire requirements. The reservoirs are located tbrougbout the Region botb as underground tanks or elevated storage. By the lime tbe water is bioused in these tanks, itlibas gone tbrougb an extensive purification process; Halton's plants can produce the equivalent of 880 million boutles of water each day! The amount of water that is treated and stored correlates both to demand and Halton's primary mandate of ensuring residents' safety and well-being. In Ibis regard, Halton has set tbe target of maintaining appropriate reservoir levels wbicb ensure adequate provision for fire protection. Tbe recent bout of extremely bot weatber bas prompted tbe need for conscientious water conservation efforts due t0 increased demands on tbe system tbrougb lawn Halton Region - Doing Our Part A. Brent Marshall CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Despite the soaring temperatures and record sunsbine, when you turn on the tap - water flows. You don't need tc tbink about il, because we do. We are constantly monitoring and maintaining the system 10 ensure that the supply of water meets the needs of our residents. However, in order 10 maintain adequate reservoir levels, you can belp by being aware of water usage and following tbe Water Conservation Tips provided on tbis page. Here are some of the programs we bave in place 10 belp conserve water as weatber forecasts continue 10 caîl for extended periods of higb heat and sunsbine: " Rainwater that runs off the sloped roofs of our buildings at tbe Halton Waste Management Site and the water fromn our storm water retention ponds is collected in an area underground to be pumped out and reused to water trees, wasb Regional vebicles and dlean garage floors. " An underground leak detection program ensures watermains aren't leaking and wasting water as it travels fromn our water purification plants t0 your homes. " We make sure we maximize and reduce our watering consumption by setting sprinkler systems on timers and running tbem during the early morning bours. * Mulcb is placed around tbe base of trees and across flowerbeds 10 belp keep roots cool, retain moisture and The Canadien Champion, Friday, July 29, 2005 - A33 i e Is 1 » ýeml* Your Halton C~ I g ~ g~ p 3111 I1JI~ Halton's drinking water goes through extensive testing 10 meet, and otten exceed, Ministry of the Environment regulations. With so much work going into cresting our drinking wster, we need your help 10 conserve il ait summer. reduce the need for watering. *Plantings at Regional facilities follow the principles of xeriscaping (Iandscaping with the goal of reducing water usage) by planting water efficient varieties that need less water and can sustain their beauty through dry weather. *Newer Regional facilities utilize plumbing measures that ensure responsible water consumption and older facilities, like our North Operations Building, have been retrofitted to reflect current standards. We continue to look for opportunities for conservation efforts in ail our facilities. We are doing our part and we are committed to educating others by attending local community events to provide information about water conservation. We hand out ramn gauges to help people know how littie water actually is needed for effective Iawn maintenance. For more information or to receive a copy of the Housebold Guide to Water Effîciency, please contact us or visit our website for more water conserving tips. Enjoy your summer. Breakdown of Residential Water Use Outdoor use Shower9athslavatr Other/peneral indor use Courtesy of Environment Canada Torlet FI hmog Icu LUI O-0- watering, garden maintenance, car wasbing and other outdoor uses. This increased usage directly affects the levels of Halton's water reservoirs, which are monitored daily for capacity and flow. We can aIl contribute 10 ensuring our water reservoir levels remain higb, througb voluntary water restrictions. 1 encourage your participation in conservation-friendly d 10 meet activities througb the remainder of tbe summner months ce 10 the per the suggestions listed on tbis page. :ludes tbe7 t provide ing water protection