Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 2005, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Frîday July 29, 2005 - 31 Skle & ~ jHî Skied &~ Sfld &j 1 Sies Help Sales HeIp Sales HeIp Rsarg TehialHlTchia Hl h&clHl Ageets il Agieets &a He Ageturts _____esauan MAISON (hessoal Industrie% mec i, 7Nnhl IDPN ETO TAT R f~M qu~ THF Fifth Wheel -ei, 1t argenc5y, atnionirr Io de-lait, and ac -,rrd unrrk isI,,,rN iho arreni ly Sîeh theto loig toit linte opporiuvaic ilab MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Resr-.rsil h i inii vrrocg the hbuiling and g ron, in ci enrdnice \,,iih ali arnd hnraî-kr-cjrinivricdalr(L \1r - rl ýicI troktr-ig and i.cteliiig ol icici-,lied gooIer. , ci ni lig hi pisant , tie.-- i tr-r nrd deii -enlcrrr a ni., roga ,itnrrig plar Il' vo,: ai iiiiie-ieý,eji l Maio ohmclIdustries lue. Emat. debbitCiimadisonctegnical rom ilt r r,rh q rer r,. t r ail. rrrl am iw r ir, il,,r ,wý~ ~ ~ 'c'l r!/ ,r rrrr , rc r1, Cunalyticut Instrumentation pr-avides sales and services to the Canudian anulyticat instrumentation induotry. Locuted in Burlîngton, we are a leud in provîding high qualtt instruments and support to oar clients and are carrenly tsnkîng for an energet- c indivîdal as s: FIELD SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The ouccesofut candidote wiît haee on etectronicu diplomo/degree, knowledge ut înorgonîc chemistry and able lx work unoupernised and in a teom envi- rooment. A eatid drivers licence is required and able lu trasel acroos Canada and inlernationotty. Submit your reoumes to: Canialylical Instrumentation Services 1110 Henilage Road. Unit 7 Burlinglon, ON L7L 4X9 Tel: 905-331-3386 Fax: 905-331-3388 Email: ken@camiyicei.com OAKVILLE baoed Aerospace Cabte/ Harneso Manufacturer requires: Fuli-Time Electrical! Electronlo Assemblers Job dluhes inctode eariouo assembly operaliono, in- ctoding cire & comportent preporahion, hand sot- dering and crimping. The ability lx, read ochemal- ocs & fomilianity wilh Mititary Specilications (IPC 620) would ulso be an asset. Applications without these minimum skitto wil not be considered. We oSfer a eerc cleon cork ensirnment, competitive compensution & beniefito. Please forcurd yosr fesume ta Box 2058, 5040 Mainway Dr, Unît #1, Burt,, ON, 171 7G5 LICENSED TECHNICIAN Ford Experience Preterred Required Immedialely We're busc and offer you Excellent Equîpment and Team Spirit Contact: Gary Ellson, Seraice Msnager Cati: 905-873-1626 Fax: 905-873-3309 Emait: geilliot@conceptford.com CONCEPT FORD GEORGETOWN Englelake Umîted 0s a recognized leader in the Home and Design tndustry and a manufucturer & supplier of custom building producto. Experienced people with the highest standards ar-e jelquired ton the fstiowîng: - Windaw and Door Installer - Carpenlers for Interiar and Exterior Shop Heiper Fax resume 905-825-9802 Custom Steel Manutacturing Shop Requires Structural Steel Draftsman Must haoe min 10 cour-s expertence in structura deoîgn & dletarlîng. Protîcîency in AuInCAD 2000 A MU ST Candrdato must be able to devetop de- taîled shop drucîngo & BOM'n from sketches with minimal supervision, able toi interpret dracîngo quicktcy & notice potential conflîcto. Experiexce ix developîng etectricat, pîping, gos & PSID drucings an asset. Candidate shoold be a motînsted self- starter wrlrng to work ix fsft paced enirxnmient. Piease tfex resusse 905-842-0011 fOakvillef r-'urners, l.a[Prpes. 1iers l.rywaiîers, Jack of ai Tradtes, tnt./Ext. Painlers and General Remod- elers. Partner wrth a national Home improvement cxmpanty & add ta yaar incarne Muet have own vetrîcle & tools F,7 or P'T, flexible scheduling & work close ta home. Earo between $25-$30/hour. Caîl 905-578-4405 CERTIIE1 MilWvrghta Weoer Filters tIon Workero Required by Non/tmonorpny I *M0g CWB CerSi5ck -R gna -Mechanica I Only inteested in the bes Ema t: Markl(cDgssbaroUp.Ca OfiHelp Offie He Admin Assistant !Reception Busy Oakvîlle marketing communications has immediate opening. Min.5 yr. expeni- eance. You musi be able ta multi-task, be eatremely detait oriented, wett organized, flexible and have proven probtem-solving abitities. Dues inctude secretaria tasks for presîdent, database mgmt., special projeots co-ordination, variouo administra- tive taoko. Proficiency in MS Ottice (Word, Excel, Outlook) is a must. Ptease send resume and satary expecta- lions to: nicaiem@karstan.comn WE are looking for a highty motivated individuel for: ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE With an aptitude for accounting, & able ta muli-iesc. Deelerahip experience preterred. Pteaae tax reaume tal (905)f-33M69 ar mait Burtington Toyata, 1249 Guelph une, Buriington, ON, L7P 2T1 Attention: Adrienne Sidswarth- Canirotier Onty uuccessfui candidates wil be contacted for an interview .~,AUcTRAFALGAR Golf & Country Club ,rhs the tottowing sesona lollti lie position avaitabte: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Il yoo are a team piayer with excellent commo- nicalion skills and want lx work in a fun fst psced eneiroomient, pteaoe torward cour reoume lx: P.0. Box 56, Milton, Ontario L9T2Y3 or fax 905-878-1699 or e-mal martha@tratutgargolt.cam SalesHelpSales Neip INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATWVE vie are a teudlng Canadiax steel distributor cur- rently tookîng tor a oeilf motîvated, watt organized individualtc toin oar team. You must have excel- lent communication akîlis, bo numerîc in both imperiat and metit and possoos good keyboard- îng akîtîs. The sacceastut candidate wîli have cite cour industria saltos voperrence or possesa a dîpioma trom collego or anîversîty wirtr omphasia on marketing. Durles wîit inctude but sot timited 10 takîng tetophone toquîrîva, processîng sales ondons and working wîth outoîde salea to, deveiop sales territories. Please forward resumne to: Branch Manager 8055 Esqueeing fine, Milton, On. 1,9T 5C8 Fax: 905-878-4930 Emnail: ullanmitchcll@leumtube.com Career Oporlunity Are you ootgoîng, thriee on proeidîng outstunding customer service and ent0c 0000t0g learning? Beil Worid Milton bas openingo ton fuit time suies ussociates. Retul esperience would be un asoet, howesor, training wiil be provided for the night candidate. Competîtîve wuge otlered. Please upply by sending your resume and cover letter via e-mail ta, sellilti5wpci.co, H Hospital, DENTAL HYGIENIST For North Brampton office for Wednesday, Frîday and Salurday. Fax reoume lx: 905-874-9302 HAWKINS ANIMAL HOSPITAL PART TIME VETERINARY ASSISTANT Required commencîng endl of Auguet. Hours are 3.45pm ta 7.3Opm Mon-FrI, and every other Saturday 9am ta close. Would suit a mature grade 12 student. Applicant MUST love pets. ble a good communîcator outgolng, worc well under pressure andl have a good sense of humour. Fax Resume aily please tai: 905 875 6853 KINESIOLOGIST or Ptiyslotherapy Assistant And Receptionist/Pmysiottiefapy Aide Required ai Physiotherapy Clinic located in Milton Fax Resmes ta. 905-876-3737 Email Reaurnes ta: lntoftcrc.ca Vetrnary Heip Vellnuryep Fax or oend oar letter and resumne to Dr. Ewing ut MOUNTAîNVîEW ANiMAL HOSPITAL '333 Mounliainvitw Road, South, Unit #4 Georgetown L7G 6EB Fax: 905-702-7622 4: AOU DENTAL HYGIENISI Neodoil for Mon & Tues for busc gonerut pructîco ix expundîog csmmunty ol Milton. Fax resme Iu: 905-876-3278 o Phone'r 905-8f765-4701 The Fîrehali Hîrîng Asst. Manager, Bartenders, Servers, & LUne cooks F/T-P/T Fax 905-827-2026 NEEDED: *Cooks -Sous Chefs *Rackhouse *Wail Staff 'AssI. Bulcher for nem bistro restaurant, Milton Cuti Kemal 416-358-7223 or Shawn 647-286-0541 SENIOR SALES RËPR ESENTATIVE Responsibililies include: 1. Seraîcînig and deaelopîog an estabtished account liot 2. Sales and deeelopment of xew occounto in newspaper and other print producto; 3. Proopecting new busineos 4. Sales presen- talions and 5. Achîeving sales quotas. Skills / Experience required: t. A proven track record in Advertising Sales 2. Strong presentation & sales skillo 3. Self-starter 4. Abilîty to mark wîth and exceed targets 5. Excellent organizational and lime management skills and 6. Team Player The Mississauga News offers a competitîve compensation package, and euciting work encîrooment and opportunity for advancemeal ait one of Canada's most successful community newspapers. Pieuse forward resusse to: Box 4443, c/ o The Mississauga News, 3145 Wottedale Rd., Mississauga, ON, L5C 3A9 or Fax: 905-273-9127 or E-mail: salesposc5lmississauga.ne We thans ail applicants for their interest, however, only individuals selected for an interview will be contacted. unliuesay Juie 2nd tram limiii moipi 2pm untl lpm Yos wîii possesa *Otrong work oriric -Positive attitude We wîit provîde -Positive work eooîromeni *Sonuses *Aove average compensation Wie are laaking tor the tallowing positions Restaurant axat managers Restaurant supervisors Servera ft/pt Cleaning/Jsnitorial staff Line cooka ff/pt Dishwashers Have cour resume in hand and Se axaranreva as immodiatintvivew. Transportation is requirvO. Il cou canvor attend pIeuse tue yosr resume ix 905-878-616r attention t3enera Manager ocute ix the heurt -ot oru go; o- luge Place is a beautitul, independent, senior's residence of choîce. We are cur- rently aeeking an energetîc, dedicated and cheerfu teum player to jon sur fabu- tous g roup of proteoxionulo. Reporting ta the General Manager, cou must have a flair for prepuning quutity, home-style meals with a hotel presentation. Other reoponoibilîties include. menu planning, budgetng, ordering, service co-ordination us melI us staff training and supervision. You must have a Journeyman cooking certificute and ut leuol three years rele- vant esperience in a oupervioory role. Hetitage Place thunku ai applicants tor their intereai, but only those setected forean interview wttt bu contacied. Pieuse fex your reaumne 10 905-319«39 attention Mary Tumbut No phone catie piease. Pub looktng I for expertencedl IOOKSI EIHSHERS $8-$1i5/hour Fax resume: 905-864-6797 s PatTmeHepr CLEANER. Mature per- ~ son/couple required for light dutc cieuning in Milton. 5 even- îngolweek. Appron. 3hrs/duc. Applicunts -4 mast Se retiabie and ,~ 1 seat appeurunce. Fau rA resume to 905-637- 7033.

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