30 - The Canadien Champion, Frîday July 29, 2005 IeerlHelp Mi GnHelp ~ I p IHeIp l Geerl Help enraIHep GenrHep GenalHep k]Ml nrHelp S..vt o Lai pk The Leng Lake Proîect is an etraordinery vîint venture between two comperes wîîh e shered vision fer ail sends deveiopment - OPTI Canada nc. and Neoen. Usne6 OPTIs ptented OrCrude"5 preceso, titis projeco is brîngîng togetirer the best in their fields, utiliîcnîg the envrgy of innovation! the energy of Fort MCM urray If peu are seekîng a chalerging oppvrnunîny and warî lv be part cf cutting edge tecirrvlogy, thîs may be the ime te thînk abroan a career move. Thn Lvng Lakre roiect is iocated approvîmateiy 40 km southeast ef Fort McMcrray, Aberta, a fest-paced, growîng city wth ail the mvdern amenîrîns and a population of 64,000 people. Yvc and yvur family car enjvy a fantastic lifestyle, and teke advantage cf tire vutdovrs as wvii as 4O PTI " Projecil Engineer " DCS Specialixt " Electrical Technician " Lab & Environmental Supervisor " Procese Engineer " Process Control Engineering Specialist " Contrai Panel Operator " Shift Supervisor " Procurement & Logistics Supervisor " Lead Commissioning Engineer " Executive Administrative Assistant " Occupational Health Nurse - Learning & Deveopment Tramner - HR To apply crline, iearn more abocut the Long Lake Proiect, and obtaîr detaîls on these pcsitions, pieuse vînit wwwIlonglake.ca. Only ilîcre oppliranto raCCeSsful in securivg on interview î.ill rec cniacied Ail resrmes mIli b kloi e for future cppvntveiiies. OPTI Cunvado/Neven hires onnltir busc of merît an eoar e mmitird tv emnpîcyment equity, nexèh CraI Dne Lit IleumIWEqlpment RellmI c. A leader in the crane and aerial work plat- form industry, THE VENETOR GROUP la family owned and operated, serving the Golden Horseshoe since 1975 with branches in Hamilton, Toronto and Cambridge. Due to our contnued growth, our Toronto branch es hiring for the foilow- ing positions: TRCTOR TRAILER DRIVER You wii perform activities reiated to the pick-up/delivery of rentai equipment. You possess a vaiid AZ license, dlean drivers abstract and at least 2 years reiated expe- rience. LICENSED SERVICE TECHNICIAN You iii perform ail aspects of mainte- nance/ repaîr of serial work piatform equipment (scissor lifts, boom lifts). You possese a vaiid Heavy Duty Equîpment, Automotîve or Truck & Coach Service Tecirnician licence and et ieast 1 year reiated experience OR are a registered 2nd/ 3rd year apprentice. Manufacturer training provided. We offer a dynamît work environment and competitive compensation and benefts. Please forward your resumne to Human Resources by fax at 905-5614062 or by e- mail at hr@veoetoecom. Jlaime Sow Pky iSon We 9rqTra iigt 4Havy Asemby i WokrsLt Ass*eembiys cauiabe r Palease0fax47-sume 9-845-9810l Oer Emitr it &asaevinemotmaii.c Please fiarlystae 9h5t84es981d We are currently Iooklng for cus orner serice tellers in our Buringlon & Hamilton ares. As a preferred employer, we offer f0 0ut staff 4 Fan and Chalienging workplsce 4 Feible echedaies 4 1000% compeny peid benefilte 4 Compettve wages 4 Faily paid training 4 Opportunity for advancernenl & growth If yoa have the foiiowing cedentals and siue we woald tube 10 meet yoa. 4 High school graduate 4 2 years castomer service eopetience in the retaîl field 4 Cash hendling and balencing 4 Good citical thinkçing and decision making 4 Computer and keyboarding 4 Strong interpersonal skilis with a frendly marner If you are interested in an interview pleese simd four resume to: ï Lynda Gelatly 1* Emaîl: lgellatiy@kwik.net Or Fax 1-905-681-8767 ý ÇiU-Çje Acçepting applications for: Sept - Oct weekends *Janîtorial G reeters *Animai aiea Mature Parking Lot Attendants -Shoppe/Feod Service *Cashiers -eBo *Entertainment - aggers/Weighers Mon - Fni - Tour Gaides Please apptv in pet-son ait reail choppe 9528 Highivan 25., Milon, Ont. Required fulitime 1 part-time DELIVERY PERSONS Must be courleous, have a valid G licence and prevîde a clean drîvîng abstract. Heavy lifting is re- quîred. Please cempiele an application fsrm evailable ai the Customer Service Desk The Olde Hide House 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton or fes resume: ail n Steve @ 519-853-3232 or email sw@ohh.to Immedi -teobOece untes We are seeking packagers across Mississauga, Brampton and Milton Please contact VOLT HUMAN RESOURCES at 416-306-3390 or gtajobsOvolt.com for more information. Canadian Colle gle of Educators 90 Dundas StreetWest Mississauga Teacir English as a Second Language n Canada/Overovas TESL DIPLOMA Recognized by TESL Cana- da. Registered & approved ao a Private Career Col- lee Miniolry of Training Collegeo & Unîverotvos TESOL Certification & ECA Diploma Cail: 905-896-0000 wwwBEaTEACHER.ca Required tull imne Mon-Fn 8-4:30 Shîpping & forkit experience a muat. Basic comn- puter knxwledge an asoet. InocIves heavy lifting Please emnaîl or fax esumne: mkrkpatrick@ rochestcrmidland.com Fax: 905-847-1675 Mail: 851 Progneso Court, F0 Boy 486 Oakvilie, Ontario L6J 5A8 We thank ail those înterested. Only those selected for an interview wîll be contacted. ISeekngi j FULL-TIME and PART-TIME PERSON j For detailo and application please go to wwbeautifulpets.com/iobs Horse Farrm v Campbelviv e- Prepping Yearlings for sale fvm Aug 23- Oct JO 5/hrs per wevk $9/hr Horse esperievce recessury. Oppvrtsvity for a me inemplvyment o tie nîght percer. Cali: 905-854-9991 or Fax: 905-854-0650 FuleSvce *Mnday Frday, Days Good Wgeo CalJohn et: 99-67-7626I tatdtaw Educatien Sereleex FREE TRAINING Become a chosi vas Driver Have voursusmmers oif! Train nec for September For More Inormation cati905-877-225 PES CNTOLASSSAN ParI-Time position suehable for retîree. Invoiveo service work. WiII train. Please Fax Resamne ta: 905-873-0615 Or emnail: docbaactfidrbuo ce Skîlled &o ha lm Technical HeIp jechieI HeIp WINDSOR -WATERLOO - MILTON Milton Location requires *LICENSEO 310T TECHNICIANS *4TH YEAR APPRENTICES *LICENSEO TRAILER MECHANICS Top Rates (up tv $30/hnl, Benefits, Excellent wvrking conditions in a busy and reputabie dealerohîp. Appiy in perxon: 8050 Lawxon Rd. Milton or Fax: 905-876-1719 careers@exoresswayvolvo.com Positions aise aveîtaleie t vsr olter locations, A Joint Venture 1V/FLM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Aduits & Kids (2&up) needed for TV & Film Assignments No Fees, No Courses Cail: (416)221-3829 Zko &-SaHep SEENG LICENSEDI Hairetyliat lEtheticianl CLItele an l experience witi b e anaseset. FAX RESUME TO 905-878-3096 Required ImmediaIely Automotive Detailer Fr a basy Toyota deoiership -ExCcellent work condtions *Ccmpetitive cages -Must be custom et crîented, quaiity drîven -Have catie automotîce drivers tcense Appiy ta: Chad Dosman Manager of Parts and Service Operatiana By fax: 905-875-1516 e-mail- empioyment@miitontoyota.com Wv chari ascandidatin rdvance ifor thir appfiîarîvns. Oniy nhoce crcîîered for tces,pvcînns wval 0e uf 1 1