The Canadian Champion, Fnday, July 29, 20015 - A3 Man in coma after crash at Derry and Tremaine he was involved in a two-car collision Monday afternoon at Derry and Tremaine roads. As of press time yesterday, 26-year-old Chris Kluczynski ovas tn a coma as Hamnilton General Hospital, said Sgt. Trcvor Hay of Halton police's Regional Traffic Bureau. A 42-year-old Canophelîville wornan whose name hasn't het rcleased - vas- tot injurcd, he said. Police, thc Milton Poirc Departmcnt and Halton EMS rcspotsdcd t0 the scetoc just before 2:30 p.rn. Police satd the invcstigation revcaled a Ford Expedition, travelling eastbound on Denry Road, entered the intersection on a red light. "It struck the northbound (on Tremaine Road) Ford Probe and caused hoth vehicles to skid across the road in a northeaoterly direction," Sgt. Hay said. The vehicles came to rest on a gra.ssy Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Halton paramedics wheel a driver ta an awaiting ambulance as the wreckage of a Ford Probe sits in a field quit. a distance away from the intersection of Derry and Tremaine roads where the crash occurred. 5MDAY Thursday to Monday OnIy!. Thtis Long Weekend, you'l find unbelievoble savings on on incredible selection of Genumne La-Z-Boys furniture. Plus, aur staff con assist you with everything from ml-lame room design ta simple financing solutions. I-furry mn today. BUY NOW, PAY LATERI 0 Down, O Interest, O Payments For 1 Year!* SaafO PEN9 BURLINGION POWER CENTRE wwwlaz4osturio.cos QEW & Brant Street 905-331-7600 iJL4J hnme MmK10su0-9 o. 9 «-6 M Su. 1Oam-5 Pm sUmm. - the Oakville man was taken to Milton District Hospital. He was later transferred to Hamilton General Hospital. Ile intersection was closed for several hours, and police are continuing to investi- gate. -lt appears from our information that charges will probably be laid," Sgt. Hay said. O u 0 l whs 1mbe Irsi thoir lhrsonal SCanadian Red Cross We Pay the GST &PST on ail ailier merchandise Ail Diamond &I Gem JeWellory 40% Ut GoId Joweliory W0%W ln stas Items enw. "Alvmys & ForuveUn le s Included. 218 9eautSt.,Mtost 905-875-2999 Noe m -Ws , %3 t is-F4i 9:30-8, at: 8:30- 4 -NOW EVERYGN ESFR EMPLOYEE 1PRICINO*. YOU'LL CET OUR EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT PRICINS ON MOSTI NEW IN-STOCK 2005 FORD VEHICLES. WELCOME TO THE FORD FAMILY. * ELIVEIY PLUS $5QG ALLOWAuCE PlUs 001ý3 MGNTHS YONRASE FINANCINO 2005 FORD FOCUS - WISE BUYERS REAC THE LEGAL COPS: *251er ends Augoot 2nd, 2005. 051er applicable os most oew 2005 in- stock modela, eocludisg tht Mustang and tscape Hybrid. filer esclades freitht, license, insrance and ail applicable taxes. Somne conditions may apply to tht Graduate Recegnition programn. Ste dealer for detailî. t See dealer for details. AND NUW £u0o FRDn r- I u ACT NOW. LIMUTED ,TUME., A Tradlition of Value & Trust since 1967 - UR y IlVitg LAIST W£EKEPID! RY ý tipljE$ AUGUST 201 2005- OFFÛ NO-EXTRA CHAR DELL COMME e um mi leu lm siffl MMMMU LIMITEU TOME DIFFER