Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 2005, p. 29

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The Cunadian Chafinpion, Fniday Juiy 29, 2005 - 29 De iih M : eah Danae IlII Markt Basket IK Matiast Cme Trinn ifting gl$o CarrTrining i1 Eiiiiiii John homasWhlfeLOVING, putient and Fnrî 1 i Ji c210a. rin sitv w anvd ve RED an1dPURPLE RASPBERRIES DRIVERSM ~ T ivv,ù,ii il,,, 'wspeuC sd v i v 9005876-2440 aconlo , Itoîr, fuclOryr 10 dsuTler-- iovîng wîte oi vo psars Jvy, whom he marritd in ZuciCni Cucumbernios, Cab- B U c ship trogo helr Engiand dattes WWII. Hs tu nurvioi by dasgh- Pes Petln Cuubes US.- sh nd taroht tne ter Mantlyn, Susun and Errol DaCe; Grandchi- DaOycure bages, 0III Herbs & Fresh Gartfc U L N T .Sanreu /w dren Megan Darni Joseph, Adam Leveretts Avalable v "THE FARM' De Paoli truckxs from U.S. plant and Giltian DuCs. John is aiso sutvived by a sis- CICAEailhePick poar own PEP lis a Personal Employment Program .42 per- mille He Elas lAp r rad a brother edrge for 1 child. Sept-Jane 1 Ready Picbed (pileuse caf) for people wvith disabities Motel providet nighty Hewu pedoasd p rthr (Ger eMr- Newhies tc, Preschooj 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 Family Medica thal, Chartes (Dons) and sister Belitt (Bus) Mer- age. Country home in Mon-Fni 8-5, Sat 8-3 and Sun-Hot. 8-12 0 Labour Market Information and Job Providsd uer. John grxw Up in Milton, Ontario, spent six Brookvîiis ares. 905- Call for Weather/Availabiiy Exploration must bave AZ f icense peurs oft service during WWII in Europe with the 854-2462 Trafalgar RoaO, to 151h Sidvîoad iStewartosen) 0 Resumes and Cover Letters 1 yr. T/T OTR Exp. Royal Canadian Engineers, and mont of bis ASCnd wobig aee a renuerad alrunCo- DAYCARE avaîlahie 1C mei o amo or îe* Interview Skilf s and Dealing with DiaClosure 877-893-2066 mîssionex of Corporute Services witb Trafalgar ius xorlh of Brookvitis Townshin and isen [Ce Cituxo xl kubilte While in 0 rz----- Work Readinesa and Action Planning Oakile he servedt us treasarer of St. Hlda's Anglican Chsrch and as a long lime Rotarian. He retired with hio wite 10 a frm len Tyendinaga Township, Ontario where thep spent many hap- py peura. The famity wioh 10 express their ex- treme gratitade to the Red Cross and t0 Cars Puriners and their Team C, and t0 Candice Bray, Narse Practitioner for making il possible for John t0 spend bis tant dapo ut home with fumiip. Arrangements are entruoted tc, the W.G. Youn9 Fanerai Home, 430 Huron Street, Strat- tord, Ontario 10191 271 7411. Cremution ani he foiiowed by a memoruf service in Milton, Opta- ris, the date of which wiil i e annosnced lter. Ao expressions of sympathy, memoriai dons- lions muy he made, if desired, to the Heurt and Stroke Foundution or 10 Wellesley Township Nurse Practitioner ihrough the fanerai home. IneMeriam M Irn Mmriamj IN loving memory of SCOIT THORNE May 1 sf, 1964 - Juty 22, 1995 Tenderp vie treasure the paut With memtoriea thut witi aiwuys tant. Love Mon & Ded Siephen, Stuart James & Cassis il-peurs expeniencen. with CPR/Firnt Aid. Rs- ceipis provided. Cuit 519-856-4376 DAYCARE. Lovîng cure, crafts, outdoor play, First Aid, CFA, police checC. Pari- Time/Fuil-Time. 905- 876-0620 QUALIFIED child cars uvaitubte Sept. CPA, police chech and reter- ences, lovins slîmsul- ins environment. Kar- en 905-824-8623 RAINBOW VILLAGE DAVCARE ix uccepting registration for chilitren M8mah 1 ers. French clans and eady tearning programmes. 905-878-7552 STAY-AT-HOME mom bas Fuli/Part-time spaces avaitubie. Po- lice check, Hawthorne Village Ares. Wiil do shift work. 905-878- 8185 Caering Cao Thnksj Ea Cr fThan CHEFS Inn Caterers of I U Fine Foois 15 ow reg- The familles of Jean Smal woutd f ike te, thunh staff of J. Scott Earfy Fanerai Home, Nelson House Attendais, Dociors & Narses of 2nd- Floor Med/Sarg. Milton District Hospital & The Ladies otf St. Johns Charch for the lunch. Perliapsyo sentii a loveily carl, or sat qlieilv lit a chaiir l'erli ousenvct I fieJvral sry Ifs cive sao'li, hee l'i'rliiîips!ii iîpoke titi kiiidevl ivordi, As aeiifriiif couilsali, lîîuiiil lbiuviil ve not luite dota lVlvîleivrii of l,,is uu, il,r IVe îliiîk you si, ou, ,i lit,, paiut Greatiy Appreciafed Brian & Larry Sai sond fanmilles 90TH Birthday Celebrafion Hore blessed Fve been f0, have lived 90 loný years and stili be fortunate in havîng so many caring and loving friends and relatives. Many thanks 10 each one of you for remembering me wvith phone catis, visits, card, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to my family for arranging the deficlous catered dinner in my honour. i arn cerfainly a very lucky and thankful lady. Doris Wheelihan THANI< YOU 1wud lie toi take lb s opportunity toi sy'hn o'very mach lv my tamily an rnsfrtewonderful birthdap Lpurty Vern Bridgman xono lVe iîvulif hO,- h' ilpresn îîîi siniiri, Ilîîîks Io tII îîaî /rieiiîs andîîf /ii for tlt, i îrds, fiîîrs, 1liouiiîcai, fi,d i'luit., andîî sîupport receîî,î,i îfîîriî the rnl los i ofu iioun iiiîî' iiraitiîfuuî Kpit- an iîîuiriiiluîii aitto niiiîniîî fi' mention lîîî /îu 1, iti, iiiî iîiiiu'r and ivf il, llil îpu frontî tii, lîîutifîî 'of îîîî liîntl. Gramina & Poppy (Faye &r Bof, Sfark) LeaNotcesj l Notces E yHse m no longer responsble Ia 0f Js ly l9th, 2005 for any debts Iiurrfed by Richie Cornei Richardsl Iýeyo itoO tro iâýG1_ istering for their dinner service for Fati 2005. Cuit 416-434-5176 for ail the lauty itaits! MFer 'Sale 2 couches - Navy checC or Beige twxed -$200ea, Corner Com- puter standt -$50, Coun- try Buffel/hutcb (open concxpl wovd/horxst- greon) -$100, 2 Single beds/bunC ues (inc. matlressenl -Coule De- sign - $300 Cati 416- 418-1462 A dinixg room, cherry- wood, double pedestat tshle, 8 chairs, buffet, butch, doveluil con- struction. New stiti in boxes. Cool $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 587-9459. A King Piltswlop Mat- Irons Set. New in plas- tic. Cont $1800. anti for $450. 905-567-9459. BED, Amazing barguin, quoen ortbopedic pit- txwlop set, new in plas- tic, wurrsnly $150 905- 567-4042 will detiver. BEDROOM Cberry- wood, Beit, chest, dresser, 2 nughlslunds. Dovelait Construction. Neveu opexeit Cool $8,000. Sacrifice 51,900. 905-567-4042 BRAND NEW Turbo cor seals. 20 poundo +. $40. Cati 905-875-3927 CARPET t bave several 1,000 yards. oh vew Slaînmaslvr & 100% 0/- toncurpet Wittf do living- room & hall toi $389. incuites carpet, puit & instatlation 130 yards) Steve. 905-633-8192 FREE Estîmates. 001 wobbly chairs, tîred tookîng wood finisbes9 Fîields Custom ooit Aetînisbung unit Furni- hure Axpairs. 9-9 905- 632-9090. HOT hub (apal Conero BesI Price, BesI Quai- ity. Ait Shapes & Coi- arAvtul.Cati 1 - ArtIClS HOT Txb/ Spa, 2005 modet, ait optioxs, Cov- or. Nover unod suit in wirapper. Cool $8,900. Ssii $3.800. 905-567- 4042. NEED TO SEIL 1998 CHRIS CRAFT STINGER .26 bi. Twîn 350 engines, 540, Cours, trîm tubs, recenlp rebsit Cobra sut drives. Porta potty & sînh. Great condition, bardiy used. $28,000. Cati Gary 1 905-878-0410 1 (ioriow inquities only). PHOTO Supplies: Great for SIu dents/Sheridan Cottege Studenlo $300. 080. titord Repteniober 16 one titre hottes, Auto- lIth Dovoloper Part B 5 gui, Autlib Devetoper Part A 5 gui, Dexeloper Govatine 40 titres, De- setoper 5 gai, Kodak 3000 Repleniober 5 gui, Odak 3000 Ropienîsher 5 gal, AGFA Developer 4x4 titres, AGFA Adti- vator 2.5 gui (4 boxes), KodaC Aapîd Fixer So- lxtion Part A 5 gui. Cati 905-465-1554. PLAY Centre lwoodxni fort areta, suids, rope tudder, 2 swings, acro- halle swing, monCxy bars & sandboo. Av- laits $1299. Setting for $650. Cati 905-257- 4390. FREE 10 good bome. 'Harvey". 3-pr Watker bound X. Goxit witb aduils and other dogs. No gosd wilh chilitrox or bihes. Great buntixg instincts. 905-693-9929 PUREBRED Golden retriever pups. Bloxde Beaulies, Aoadp 10 go unit dewormed. 519- 843-8853 1 0 ar o Sale 1988 Cuttuos Sspromx Ctassic, 307. MinI inIer- ior, ooit soii body. As is Besl Otter' 905-873- 1662/416-508-7488 WAtoFunacing LAIeII asfr Sale 1990 Cbevy Astro Van, white, good condition, emîssion tooleit, & cor- lifîed $2,500. 080. Cai 905-878-0410 1992 Honda Civic, 5 spesit, 103/Cm, white 4dr good condition $5500. 080. Culi Chris e 905-468-3586. 1998 Ford Mustang. Green wîlb groy mInen- or. Automulic, 6-cpi. 3.8L, A/C, cruise con;-, trot, spoler, heptess en- lry, power tocks, mir- roms und wîndows, CD player. 105,OOOCms. Snow lires unit rims un- citîdeit Certifîit unit e- lesteit. Asking $7,000. Cuti 905-877-8759. w r j rukfo Sale 1994 Cbevp Blazer, 4x4. In good worCîng condition. $1.500 vhs as us. Domînic 519-853- 9879. Litialcy Moitit Non-eProaomn- ty haseit orgaxîzauox. Kmi hIatuani Tatffl Help un Aduil improve thoîr basic literucp sCilis ALOLICS IANONYMOUSI ~24 hr.answeing~ service Phone 1-809 1-486J 1-519-836-1522 AZ Driver * Local delîvenies f0 LIMITED ENROLLMENT Construcion ses. I No lumps. Cail 1-866-31 3-DIME (3463) ext. 239 Nohundhombing. for more informationM SONTARIO Ext. 224 MARCH Irhi pni- .n *.ddb Fax: 905- 693-9475 b" doOF DIMES t. O. ..it «F C.n.d.. Milton Burlington We are goswing uit afaàntastic rate. Required lmmediately: Exp'd Sales People Exp'd F&l Manager Exp'd Showroomn Reception Excellent renumerallon includes health benehîts. Apply lu the General Manager, Fax: 905-633-8015, Ph: 905463348811 LEASING CONSULTANT Requîred for Bsrlingfon's finesl agartment commu- nify. Responsibilies include: bof nol limîted f0i: var- joua administrative dulles, leasing of aparfmenls as reqaired, apdating ail syslemai, dealing wîffr ten- snl concernos and day tc0 day issues. Musf be expe- rienced wilh Microsoft Office, sales or marketing background an sel. This os a lyr. conîracl pool- lion for maternîl leave. Some weekends and eveningo. Join our ltm Fax remume to: 9054639-0996 or emtait: info@burlingfontowers.com Licenced by Province of Ontario AZ, DZ TRAINING Air Brake and Lift Truck Toli Free 866-993-9962 Local 905-643-4743 M~ EXPEDITE DIVISION Requires Owner Operators Siraighl Trucks & Cargo Vans for our expedite division. Must be able [o cross border We offer a 24nl dispaieh, fuel cards, besefl plan, home mosî weekends, direc ideposit and an abve average compensation package. We are approve for FAST, CSA, and CTPAT border programts Cali John Rothwel @5 M0.366.0375 est 243 or email to ji hn. rolt wel 1@ d ynln.com IZ & G -S RVR MilI(tn basd ProuMàuie ompu ie Corne grosa with us! We otier top wages, a fast paced environmnent and benefit program. Fax resume to 905-878-9010 [I GneaHein 1 GneaHelp nel Help Geel Help kmi Our Production TeaDm $14.11 Startîng Puy h 9d nStlt .80 Shitft premium + I.05 Weekend prernium Patd H-olidays + Vaio n sl Group lnsuran.i Prescription Drug Plan [Dental PlIan RRSPI PE-'NSION Guardian Fîbsîgluos, Inc., s isadîng manufacturer oh residenîui fibsîglaso insu- laIton. os eekîng production workes to work continentli shifbs (10-10) rolalîng daso 10nîghlo svsry 2 weeks. For mors information rsgarding Guardian Fîber- glaso, se our wesits at www.guardian.com. Appiy in peroon or mail your application Io: Guardian Fibsîglaso, nc. 300 Main Street (County Rosd 124) Erin, Ontario NOS 1TO OR Fao your reoume to: 519-833-9749 Or E-mail your reaumne to: cathyiohnolon@bt.goardiancomn Guaiclian Fiberglas, lnc., 10 an Equal Opportuni4i Employer -c=a ana ian com- pany hiring entha- siaalic and caring people. AIl eqaip- ment/ training pro- vided. Mast have reli- able gehicie. StarI $12.50/hr. Only sac. cesafal applicanla will be notified. Email olgap@bellnet.ca or fus 905-332-4802 bp Aag.3/05. Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years aid? We can help Cail JOB CONNECT ait Sheridan 905-878-4956 TEAM'AUTO CLEAN Requires F/T Car Defailers No experience necessary. Witt train. Apply Within: 909 Nipissing Rd., Milton Clasiie Ph e7-31eFx8626 cls il. I *I. @e mitnadaca p o 1 CRDIT PRGBLEMS? UmmD "cas? WlCAm MLP *E-ESTADL11M1 TOUE CaRO QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL If yau are emplsyed, APPROVAL we can help! " Bankrupl (diocharged Your cîrcumolanos or unidtocharged) Your raIe * In credit counselling No down paymvnl or proposa O.A.C. * New immigrant/refuges Rates from " No establishxd credit- 8.9%-29.9% O.A.C. ApY by Phie __ýCaliDsveàton Monilo Sat Today Motion Endeavours 1-905633-988 3416 Falrview, #200 CeS: 906-330-300 Burlington -#s Hyun

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