28 - The Canadian Champion, Friday July 29, 2005 - - ~ . - -~ - . - - ur ~' AL ~ . A e * e : *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 0Rentais 170-196 et Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-29 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classîfied@miltoncanadianchaMpion.Com le Merchandise 300-385 ai Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ai classified ads also appear on www.haitonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad submîssion by moul un in persun: The Canudian Champiun, 875 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 3Z3 Deadîtres: Mos., il arn., for Tues, pubication, Thurs, il ors., for Fri. pubication. Spacia Foulure & Hoiday deudlios may oury. Paymeni: We accept cash, chaque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, Amenîcan Express. Business accounts coni be opened with un Opproved cradit application avaiiabie frors your Suies Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS lu assure the information is correct. Contact your Soies Consultant within 24-Bouts if un arror uppears. Ar error in a Fni publication must ha repsrted ns lofer than Mus. .11 ar. 50TH ANNIVERSARY ~ ons Aparimeni & FoRai Fails For Rani HAPPY 50T11__ ACTION, large 3-bed- GEORGETOWN, 2- room townbouse style bedroom basement ANNIVERSARY apartment in tri-pieu. apartment. Laun- Close to schools and d ry /p ar ki ng . Elier& VraBaiey d o w in t o w n . $800/monlb plus ahil- Elmr & VeraBaiey 975/montb plus ahil- lies. Asailable August mrried Judy 3Oîh, 1955 l ies. No aFîplianses. 1tst. Cali 416-628-6640 Cal 519-833-2038 _________ They wMl be celebrating ibis MILTON 3-bedroom wodefu ocain iî fmiy AVAI LABLE Septers- bungalow. Appliances wonerfl ocason ithfamly ber lut. 3-bedroomi mail available. Downtown, and friends floor, $1,200/monlh in- large driveway. Avail- siades parking/yard/util- able Sept. dieu. Close t0 George- $1450/montb + stilities. o~v e I town GO Station. Cati 905-875-3750 , LIb verne, Ruth, Lisa, Christine,I~ 416-258-6571 _ _______ 11GwenPaul, Ryan, KyIe &SaraI ~ CAMPBELLVILLE ru MILTON upper floot of raiseing nar me- ouse, 1-bdîrs apt., railseting ne amn- vailable Sept. 1 lies. Newiy renovaed $800/mth utilities in- BIRTHDAY Bachelor apartment os- :1 Rsi Wshes from ail your fvsmily 1 % à 811 roseFSae o r Sae Beautitui, spacious, weti cared for 3-badroors Dorsal Park home. Premiors 50x 120' private lot backîng on 10 parkiand. 14'xs 27' dock,ht tub and pond. Neutrai décor, famiiy roors with gas tirepiace, tinîshed basemant, freshiy paînted, high-athicieiiuy turnaco, nawer roof and windows Aii 5 e-L FOR o APONMN VEW Business MM Oontuiies DEALERS for 90 and t25cc dînt hîkas and ATV's Buy for $750. sali Sf,400. 905-702- 1911 gîimcken- zio@sympaiico.cu OWN your, Lita' Leurs 10 eamn a potentralins- some ot 10.000K or more pet montb front home. 1 do il, so can pouf 1-800-753-7775 Busnss JUMPI What as oppor- tunîty! Magnatigno /0 one ot the fastasi grow- îng franchise networks in Canada, wa are look- îng for somaona f0 own and opérette an asivb- lîshed mugnatigno franchise in yosr urea. Cal 1-800-219 8977 e01.2 ot o/Oit www.mug- natsîgns.com $0.00~ DOWNPAY- MENT Required for 103% inanlng. Bad crédit, seif-employed, no proof of incoma up tu 100% financina. Cafl Dave 05-QÇ4- A 5-yr @4.55%. Aiso aquîy morigvga pro- grumu ragardioos of in- coma or credif. Cali Chrîs @ f 800-328- 7887 or visit us ai www.sînclaircock- Suiv cv/n GOLDEN Data Mort- gage Corp. 100O/ bad credit, bankîspîs, No proot of insome, refi- nancîng. Credit Repaît 905-864-4561 2100 sq. ft.. 4 lied- roors, new oak kîtchen, uppliancas înciuded. Milton. Cvii Sbvwn 647- 286-0541. ACTON 2-bedroom. Avaîlubla Augasi fut. 5880/month ufîlîties in- ciuded. Quiet Building. No-pets. f92 Churchill Road, South, Cai 519- 853-1281f ACTON Apaiments. 1- badroorn aparimanss aviube Sptember lst. Frîdge & stove, laundry tacîlîties. No dogo 519-853-4374. Open 7 days/week. Sama day apyroovi. wwreastar.cu ACTON large f Oad- room ranovdtad. $800!month inciodas s f i i i t i o s Frîdga stova parking No smoking/pets. Aval- able Augusi foi, Coul 905-357-8403 ACTON. 2-badroors apt & 2 bachelors lot Augaut ltI $610/$890 montb atil inclusive. Cai 519-853-3309 or 519- 853-0719. supansy for one onin. New fridge and ulose, A/C, in-floor beating, iaundry facilities on- uit e. Availabte Augaut 10. $900/montb utilities însiuded firot/laut ta- quired. No smok- ing/pals. Parking for 1 vahicie, 905-854-9353 daytime 905-854-5466 abler 5PM. CAMPBELLVILLE ru- ral sesfing- near amen- fias. Nawly renovvaed 2-bedroonn -, den apart- ment occupvscy for two only. New frîdge and stove, A/C. laundry fa- cilities os-site. Avaîl- able Auguot t. $1 ,400/month atîlîties inciuded fîruhilast te- quîred. No smok- ing/pets. Parking for 2 vahisies. 905-854-9353 daytima 905-854-5466 abler 5PM. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Milîside Drive. Atactive quiet baud- ing. Spucîvus brî9ht clean f52 bedroom soifs wîth laundry facilîty and social room on site Ragular rasîdent avants Open 7 days & eeiegs Cali 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 bedroomo. Checks ouI web site www.haitonhiiis rentais.cors GEORGETOWN 2- bedroors bungalow aparimant, A/C. large backyard. - Prince Churlas/Deiras urea. No smoking/pais. $1.000/month includes hydro heat narfaci for mature aduits 416- 305-7783. GEORGETDWN spa- cious. 2-bedroom apart. ment, close 10 High School. Appiasces, great neîghbors, No pets/smoking $980/mtb ail inclusive. Availabie February 151. 905-873- 1174. c 0dd.N 5pt, rlt lanses. 905-8782737. RENTALS 1 and 2-bedroo s uites in bisIoris building in Rockwood sterling aI $650/month. 3-bedroors townhouse in George- town, $1.250/monýt plus ufilitias. Cail Elizabeth Coell, Johson Asso- ciafos Raifor 905-877- 5165. ROCKWOOD 2-bed- roors aparfmant. Avaîl- able Aogust 1 sf. 5675/month încisdeo hea/water/sewage. Hydro and other utîlities extra. Cvii Bob t 905- 604-0897 VERY clean _storay 1 - bedroos loft Downtown Milton. Includas utilities & garage. S850/mon h, 905-691-8246 aven- ingo. lmFer Rani 3 Bodroom uppar lovai of Bungalow sar McLaughin yod Oseen Hardwood floors fhroughout, sep- arata iaundry big Oasis yard, and lots of park- ing0 Avaîlabie Auguof 0f. Pleasa cvi 416-356-365h DETACHED bouse 2500 s5.b., 3-pevro oid, fonce, backyard, drive- way, garage. A/C, 4- bedroors Saptamber lot, 416-898-1021. Downtown Milton. 2 Updvfed Century home, 2-sfory, 2-bed- room, 2-halOs. A/C. CNVac. Jet-tub, parking. Qviaf largo buckyurd, wraparosnd porch yod dock, Sf650imosfh in- ciodes ofîlîfîvo. 905- 691-8246 avanîngs. GUELPH Lina close f0 401, Victorias style, 2- bedroors, huga living- roors, spacios kîtchan, iaundry, 1-1/2 bath, p ar ki ng /g ar dlan . $925/montb + utilitées. No pets. 416-787- 11 25/416-781-9410 Happy Sweet Sixteen. Kathleen Rose Nelson>. Love Mom &Dad, Emily, Maddle & Jacqui, FREE Ouîck OVEFi THE-NET Home Evalsation Vîsîf haltonhomresifo.cors pt 5 A MILTON 3-bdrm/ bath, large yardlwak t0 GO/close to ail amen- lies. Available Sept 1, $1375/mtb + stilities. 905-876-0065. MILTON 3-bedroors, 2 slorey detached 1-1/2 balbs, A/C/appli- anseu/garage/muti-car driveway, Firot/tant 905-876-3316 MILTON South, Cous- try 4-bedroors, 2-1/2 bath, appliances, air, large garage. $1 800/montb. Availabie Ocl lot. 905-876-4299 MILTON. 3500s5gb. Ex- essuyav Home. 5 bed- rooms, 4 batths, 6 appli' anses. Derry/Trudeau. $1900 + utilities. 905' 361-1153, 905-580- 3033. 3 and 4 badroors town- bouses availabia in Mii- ton. Imsdîatey yod future. .3 beidroom $989 plus utîiîtîeo, 1 bath, 4 badroors $1039 plus utîlîtias 1.5 haths Close to uchools yod shopping. Caii 905- 976-2581. Roors for tant. Non- usoker, no pela. 5450/month vii inclu- sive. Rafarancos. Aval- able immadîvtoiy. 905- 875-2015 a Ls&Fe und FOUND os Commercial July 261h, Famala dog. hiackibaiga/hif of white, greyîng face. 905-845- 1551 WELCOMEê AG ON -New intown? " Getting marrîed in 3 months or more? " Having a baby? " Establishing a new business? Please cail us Community Welcome Lioda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 005-699-f1248 Baby Welcomne Mishei 905-332-8634 Bridai Weicomo Laurie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Welcoine Laurie 905-878-0126 ZZ *th ANGELA and Ryan Smtith are pleased to an- nounce the arria of their son Colten Le, who was bom ai Milton District Hospital on July 18, 2005 ai il :1 5am weighing 7lbs. i 5oz. Cohen was ioaingty welcomed by friends and family. A very special thank you t0 DrOCvetic and ail of the nurses ai MDH It's A Boy NICHOLSON -Michael and Lisa are thnilled 10 announce the arrvai of Carter Steven, born June 24 ait 8:03 arn., weighing 71bs i 2oz. Carter is the tirai grandchild for proud grandlparents Flon and Viviane Gentleman and Don and Rosemary Nicholson. Carter is already being spoiled by his aunt Kelly and uncles Jeif, Graham and Adam. Special thanks f0 Dr. Tam and ,the nursing staff ait OTMH. MAVHEW-CLOWATER: Bennait ynd Lynn are thriied 10 announce the sale arriva of Brooklyn June hors Juy 13,2005 ait 1:50AM weighing 5ibs., 8ozs. New sîster for Jessica, Victoria and Carneron. Proud grandiparents Susan and Mike Benfiey, Wilson and Brenda Ciswater, and Emile Mayhew. Happy Uncles Joey, Adams, David, Adam, Brandon and Scoty, WILSON: John and Celia lnee Russell) vf Milton are pleased iv anvounce the biîoh oftiheir daughter Jesele Kerin Wilson weigfong lbs., 5ozs. ai Milton District Hospital on Tuesday, June 28th, 2005. Much Ioved grandshild for Bill and Liii Russell and Bob and Karin Brown. Huge thanks bo Dr. Hanter and aIl the caring nurses ait MDH.