Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 2005, p. 10

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A10 - The Caniadian Champion, Frîday, JuIy 29, 2005 Weight-loss pro gram busts dieting myths, says creator Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Keep Canada Sim participant Amanda Coad watches a presentation on the weight contrai pro- gram at the Milton Leisure Centre Wednesday night. MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS AS 0F JULY 27, 2005 TEAMS G W L T PTS 1 ST GEORGE'S 12 10 2 0 20 2 MILTON BIBLE 13 10 3 0 20 3 SOUTH SIDE 13 8 5 0 16 4 NEW LIFE "A" il 7 4 0 14 5 BOSTON 12 7 5 0 14 6 KNOX il 5 6 0 10 7 HOLY ROSARY 13 5 8 O 10 8 HILLCREST 10 3 7 O 6 9 NEW LIFE"Bl 13 3 10 O 6 10 ST. PAULS 12 2 10 O 4 By GILLIAN CORMIER Kccp A (anad,î Siiiii K(St. a. ipainî bascd on a book dcvcloped by former local resident Lcc [airbanks, conducted ils Milton launch of a ftvc sveek svetght cont- trol programi at the Milton Leisure Centre Wednesday. KCS certifted consultant Pami Coad was on band to introduce the program, which has already launcbed in Mississauga and been in the United States for a number of years under the name Keep America Slim. The progralm seeks to bust dieting myths and flout conventions in an effort to gel obesity uandier control. For instance, Mr. Fairbanks wrote, somne- limes eating too hitle cour be a roadblock in attaining a healthy body. "Eating less than your minimum meta- bolic needs causes your body te, hum mus- cle and storc lat:' Mr. Fairbanks explaincd ait a prior speaking cngagement. Ms Coad cxplained thc 'Starvation Metabolism-' response, wherc the body, \vhen dcprivcd oil adequate caloîrics, scîll adapt iii nced fewer calories iii functiîsn. As a resuit, dieters oftcn regain the wcight they lose almost irnmediatcly because they have siarved their body mbt becoming a "fat-storing machine." And maybe more surprising than the need toi eat te, lose weight, said Ms Coad, is the role of exercise in slimming down. "You don't necessarily need to exercîse tu lose weight," said Ms Coad. In fact, the program calîs for no exercise until Week 4. Instead, vitalmins are a large part of the KCS formula, she said, and they work to help the body elimiùnate fat instead of store it. The program, uses Pharmanex nutritional ro aur mailn cuafimam: Wu apoingiza for mal incanvanianca aaad al an etnar in nnrtiya dalad:, Jury 22 - Jury 28. Product: Samsung 42" Widescreen Plasma HDTV. On p.9 ni sur July 22nd tlyer, tis Television is udvnrisd as Seing un HDTV or 1-595 Definition Redis In tact, il is an EDTV and supports Enhanced Datinîtion SKU:S4212: 1061664 SAUDAY JULY 30 '4 p in 1273 R ait Clon. $3 9,777 24 .m 607 anaACn.$390 Amy &a Rr y ýl l air g le MidaoniPls 05fttt 2' rm 61Gwi. 626900 Am ingi FRoal LPgi l dalntRiîs 95-7-8101 4 prt, 1203 RodboraA. $39900 tu a ing, Re511 eluP M tdoaCenre At905-87- t 24 pin, 240 ar, Atoit. $269,00 2-Fri Champioon lallnt. Ia1W,900n SpGollingh Roa Hoan Mancwlonow cain mura-88-10 o-4pani ho47a Pe nde nrait $2sin00 But lîke any sscîgbt-loss progralin. said Ms Coad, KCS bas mile bt jusi issu. First, people on the prîîgramn sbould gel less that 20) pcr cent of their calories froru lai, and second, lbey should cal simallcr quanti- lies of food, but cal more often. Other popular diet programs like the Zone and Slim-Fast were explored, and she explained that the reason many of these programis fail is because they're each miss- ing somelbing. KCS also dismisses scales as misleadîng wben trying to, measure fat loss, and inslead uses tape measures bo record inch- es lost, nol pounds. When tryîng to win the battle of the bulge, another tool Mr. Fairbanks advo- cales in bis book is hcallhy stress manage- ment. "Stress is the newcst ingredient t(i obes îy," satd Ms ('oad. 'Not a loit oif priigrams Ms ('oad s,îid tbc pri îrîmn allosss pari.. ipants tii maîntaîn their dcsircd sscigbt for a ltletimc. uîffcrs svcekly coacbîng. encoîur- ages better sleeping patterns and ceases dieters wîlh more energy. 'Me program costs $350 for the first month, and additional musnths cos $1 301. For the fee, participants gel a weigbt con- trol package that includes Mr. Fairbanks' book, Pharmanex nutritional supplements, a carb counter and meal supplements. Mr. Fairbanks began developing the KCS program in 1995 after witnessîng diet-related healtb issues in bis own fansily. He bas lectured and written on health-relat- ed issues since 1992, and calîs KCS the "first complete weighl losa prograin." Keep Canada Slim will be in Canadian bookstores the first week of Auguat. The Milton chapter of KCS will meel Wednesdays aI 7 p.m. aI the Milton Leisure Centre. For more information, contact Pam Coad ait (905) 876-3037 or e-mail pcoad@cogeco.ca. Learn how to talk 10 ollsers about their smoking. CALa. THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY'S TOLL FREE SMOKERS' HELPLINE 1-877-513-5333 We wish ta draw your attention ta the following in the "Clearance Event"' insert of our curent "Canadian Tire" tlyer PAGE 1 - DEFERRED PAYMENT COPY READS: DO NOT PAY FOR 12 MONTHS ON STORE PURCHASES 0F $200 OR MORE SHOULD READ: DO NOT PAY FOR 12 MONTHS ON CENTRO S UPR EM E 4-BU RNER STAINLESS-STEEL BARBECUES, 85'1 277-4/1 283-8 We sincerelv regret alt iuconveîi eiice we tias' have cauaed vou. Csnoe23 ins r iin ODE331 -Ail zoc

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