The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - A23 Maraudeirs keep on pounding opposition 'i j, . kj shortstaffed Quinte By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special ta The Champion The Maraudera continued their assaut on the Northern Football Conference (NEC) witb a 48- 0 drubbing of the Quinte Limestone Panthera Saturday aflemnoon. The win clinched top spot in the NEC for Milton - ending a I 2-year reign of the Oakville Longhomns as regular season champions. Il was also the third consecutive shutout for the Marauders, who've outscored Ibeir oppontents 119-0 over this stretch. Their home-field efforts have been equally dominating, wiîb a 5-0 record and collective 184-Il differentiat. That's a huge psychological edge heading mbt next monîb's post-season, seeing as the local gridiron warriors have home-field advanîage theoughout the ptayoffs. There was neyer any question about Saturday's game -or rather mismatcb. Defensively, the Marauders were al] over the Panîbers. Quinte neyer threaîened 10 score and didn'î even cam a first down. Part of the probiem filere was that big defensive end and former Montreai Alouette Steve Young was usualiy in their backfieid s0 quickty hie coutd have been named an bonorary Panîber. He had two sacks, forced a flimbie and will likeiy send several Quinte playera mbt therapy 10 remove the constant image of No. 89 from Ibeir nightmares. Offensiveiy, ion Nedlejkoivc had two touch- downs and over 100 yards before the second quarter was baif over. A bad carry for him was when hie eamed leas than 15 yards. He might have had 500 yards if hie kepî piaying, but didn't touch tbe bail after the score was 21 -0. Hauling in toucbdown passes from Josh Spanik were Andrew Taylor, Tanios Babsous, and Crispin Barnes. Other rushing toucbdowns wenî 10 John Spice - the firsI of bis career and Nigel Wilkinson. It was Wiikinson's second major in as many weeks, and latety wben bis number bas been kMaruder bail carrIe Jon Nsdqqkolvc. 9Mt corrall.d by "1 gel the giory," stressed Wilkinson. "Those tir,. QIRW~ dfSioe Smt'rjay taiibacks i on and Steve -they're the firsI afwoo t ion Dible IOt t people 10 comne and tell me. The glory's there Sd .Milon won~ 4. wben we win and ail walk off the field togeth- er." PhtWo by GRAHAM PAINE catled he's been breaking off some substantia] gains. Normally, the futlback is one of those play- ers who's heard but not seen. His job is mosîty as tead blocker for Nedtejkoive and Steve Lubin, who pick up the big yardage and most of the glory. Don't tell Wilkinson hie doesn't receive his share of accolades. despite the facî he's usualty btocking and on the ground by the lime Nedeljkoivc and Lubin are 20 yards up the field. As for his own recent suecess, "It's aIl the hoggies," added Wilkinson, in reference t0 the offensive tine. "He's one of the unsung heroes on this team," said Lubin about Witkinson. "I remnember in the provincial championship game tast year, I didn'î even look aI him (when hie was btocking in front). I waiîed untit t heard him (ltock) and then t made my cul." Saturday's blowouî gave the Marauderx the opportunity 10, use sonne of their backup ptayers. which altowed the tans 10 enjoy the Mighty Mouse Show in the fourth quarter. Taitback JoeI Guevarra, who mighî be five feet taIt, had sev- eral good gains, bouncing off taciders and gen- eratty acting as if hie was a foot and a haif taller. Oltimer Rohan Gattoway also gol int the act. Mosly on specialtleams duty now, the former sîarting tailback broke off a speclacular gain of 26 yards t0 remind everyone that he stiti had il. Wiîh the play of the Maraudera on the field speaking for itself, head coach Barry Emo could add litie except 10 give credit 10 Quinte: "They came in here with a short bench and their quar- terback out, and bated us hard. They didn'î take a play off. Tbey're a young îeamn and alt tbey have 10 took forward 10 ix improving." The Marauderx close out the regutar seaxon in Markham Saturday and then have a first-round bye in the ptayoffs. Sporting motivation can take many differentforms lî's haîf-time aI the Milton Marauders football game and the booming voice of coach Barry Emo can be heard froro a distance -a longe dis- tance. I-e's not happy. Heads tom from across the road. xvhere thc Milton Red Sox senior basebail team ix sittinge out a ramn delay. Their manxger. George Moiore. xxOxîId have talked tîx tîteni prier lx tiseir 'ýame,' bot il xoux xx cc stanidings 10i fCc axxa . 0I~ xxxi x xîîdîît ias e heatd flint. Txxi difleretît spoirts, lxxxi iccesstiul texlis. lxxi diftéret typ' of xi itii5 iti(it. "I'm nt reali> ax scîeiet. csplittd lthe s2- year eId Mooere. xvbî laught schoxi foîr 3-5 years. "I eux tîxits the odd limie. but y xxx catit be Vînce Litmbardi tf youre tîxt Vînce Lotttbardi.- Buisebaîl doesn't usualty lctxd itself txs that type of msotivation, according 10 Moore: "In hockey you cati gel out there and bit. bit, hut. What are you goîng te do tn basebaîl? You*ve got 10 be Milton sports enthusiasta will be Shooting for Angeta next month in an effort to remnemr- ber and honour two of their own. Together with a handful of area busineases, faiiy and frienda of ike Maynard and Dottg Buns - longime buddiea who were kidled in a car-train crash in London tast fall - are set 10 hold a memorial 3-oïi-3 charity bas- kethati toumamnent in their miemory cool. -You can't go up 10 bat in a rage." -I think il's like anyîhing." added Emo, xvho seems 10 have sonne Vince Lombardi in hiimu. -You have 10 find xvhaî xvorkx for you. I din't knuxxs if il's necessarîly a football situatixon as mucb as a personai method.' Ideali>. Moore xsould like the itîder players tii nitilîate the ixutîset pIax ers. but ixis prxiblicns ltai lic ix,ti y xix biISt ixix In l xîî111a0r. îtx a.grees filatai il te îsxxxîixattixi c.îtxt ciitts triî 1 he coiach. N ixsl lxfootball cixache, xxii i txx tîxi aî hait dixce o.r six ps.y ets lthe> cati isiti aie:' lie s.ix. tI th lite xler pi cr-S looxk xip lxx til andx respect îlsetx. tIsey' h txiixxxx Il bieeds atîd ,ro\xss a fle ofi uts îxs n." Lacb indîvîdual resjsunds ditterentiy lu differ- eîîî types of motivation, and a coachbhas lxi be astute enougb to recogîtize îhaî. 'There are the huniers," said Emo, "the kind of Shooting for Angels will he held Auguat 27 ancf 28 at E.C. Druîy igh School. A tirst- nighî celebration wilI be held aI 9 p.m. aI John Toneffi Sports Centre. -White the 32-teain field is aiready set, vol- unteers are atfll bemng soughl. Those intes'ested in helping ouI are asked to eaul Ryan Eacrett aI (416) 679-2146 or visit www.shootingfor. angels.corn. exiy xxho Ji xx ants te L u mlhere and excei ai e\eryt> ii n. And then ibcî c are the fariet- s lie xito x exisi aindjusi doi hi'.job. 'llie task is te sýet hii t aise his cxIe l tfice xtîser ,Liy,." -Yen have ixi adapi iii the pet .sonality vuni deaitt xx tth.- said Meute. b.îcs guy s ditter- cnt. There*s nu statndard xxay et doing tf. Bith coaches agree that heing popular amons, the players is cxxs important than being respect- cd. anid that it's necessary 10 sleer the motivation te within the framexvork of the team. That often means dealing with disgruntled players who betieve they shouid be playing more. "Yen have to lake the lime t e t them knoxx where îhey fit in and that they're a part of a big- ger picture." noted Emo. But, if you gel a chance. you better make the Most of il.. "If 1 inxert a ptayer int the tineup, gîve me a reason 10 keep you on that field," said the Marauderx' field generat. Players offert gel doxxn on lhemsetvex. and thaîxs where motivation cornes in again. "I don't knoiv.asy bportitj w.hich you have te deai with so mucb failure,' xaid Moxore. "Event if you're a .300 bitter, you stili fait seven out of ten tintes. You have 10 try and keep a positive outlook, but il's barxd. Miltxon boxer Malt Hart. undeteaîed as a pro- lessional, pretty nsucb bas 10 prîîvîde bis xîwn mosxtivationt. He traints fîve oxr six days a xseek andl bîîv he stays nsîxîvaîexl s actua y quite x ilie. "I xxan Ioîîx bc aî xxx1i cxhx amtpxin sie las.- Harti lain ,x litsc lxx put flie iarl xxxxrk in if 1 xx att lxx îcbîes c titt exiai.- lie ai,, siniited Ixîux cic aîîd the sxîpp>irtlx ixtîs1 hns fiiiiiy anxl lx enss is lsipfxii. anîd cîsîi.î- sizcd tai bi,, daxislitci s aisx a buge îxsîîtîx altixti because lie xvanls lx xlIx xeii fiir ber sake besixles iis îvIl.i Siayîng moîîsaîed on a daîiy hasts bas lix bc difficuit. and Hart agreed. "I tbînk every athiete bas those days xxheîî they*re pbysically atîd menîatty tired, but you've got 10 push yxxurseif. It's a mraiter otf wbeîher yxsu really wanî il or ot." lits alxo important te keep a possitive attitude and 10 have the abilil> 10 tomn negatives mlxx positives. Een people xx'o doubt lie. nsxti- vale me." said Hart. "You've gol lu stay possi- tive." The final xvord goes 10 the master motivator Lombardi, legendary former coach of the NFL's Green Bay Packers: "lise difference between a successful person and others ix net a lack of strengtb. flot a lack of knox iedge. but railler it a lack ofxviltl.'" Memorial hoops tourney set