The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 2à, 2005 Goran ostwhopping 28 pounds in challenge * tram CHAMPIONIS on page Ai 0 is the way to go." Lori Frechette Major surgery prevented Lori Frechette from doing much in the way of weigbt loss this montb, but she's still managing to keep off thse 27 pounds she lost tbanks to Beverly Hilîs Weigbt Management and Nutrition Centre, 550 Ontario St. A benefit she wasn't expecting from ber weigbt loss is that she's recovering from surgery faster than she thouglit since she's in better shape. Once fully recovered in a tew weeks, Ms Frechette said she plans to pick up rigbî wbere she left off. 1 uvant to continuc until 1 loue an extra 20) poun.ds," she said. Ms Frechette didn 't reacb ber original goal of losing 60 pounds, but wbat she's learned froru ber one-on-one meetings witb a registered nutri- tional consultant bave heen invaluable. she saîd. Audrey Kirkwood of Beverly Hilîs said Ms Frechette sbould be proud of berself. "Lori bas done amazîîîgly well. She's made so many positive changes in ber life tbrougb ber eating habits." she said. Joice Schotield Althougb Ms Scbofield basn't been visiting Inches Away Fitness and Toning Studio. 42 Bronte St. S., unit 11, as mucb as she wanted to. she said she's trilled witb ber results. 'Surmmer and life got in the way, but I bigbly recomrmend it (Inches Away)," she said. "It works. And I plan to go back wbcn I'm donc (the competition)." From the stant, the inches began to come off, Ms Scbofield saîd, and it's jout now that the pounds are beginaing to drop, too. In total, Ms Scbofield bas lost about 10 pounds and 32 inches off areas including ber shoulders, tbigbs and stomacb. r B~LLS~ She said the exercise tables, witb eacb one focusing on a différent area of the body, are relaxing. "If yoîî bate to sweat, this is perfect for you. It really does work," she said. Diane Wolstenholme Ms Wolstcnholme was away on vacation and couldn't be reacbed for comment, but ber per- sonal tramner, Nathalie LeFave, bad notbing but positive tbings to say about Ms Wolsten]iolme's progress at GoodLife Fitness for Women, 409 Main St. E. Last month alone, Ms Wolstenbolme bad man- aged to shed tbree-and-a-balf pounds. plus two itîches oft ber waist. Since the challenge began, it's been the inches that Ms Wolstcnbolnse bas focused on. Her matit concern was bas ing a tighter, more toned abdomen. ."Sbe doesn'î bave mucb (sveigbt) to lose," Ms LeFave said. "Thse main tbing o-as strengtbening ber core arcs." H-er eating habits are also mucb better nosv, Ms LeFave added. Colleen Gorman Due to ber own bard work and belp from Herbai Magîc, 15 Martin St., Colleen Gormnan is still losing weigbt. This montb, she bust four pounds, for a total loue of 28 pounds and 43-and- a-balf inches. "I'd defrnitely recommenfi this," Ms Gorman said entbusiastically. Over the past six months, Ms Gorman bas cbecked into HerbaI Magic daily for weigb-ins, and said she couldn'î bave donc it on her own. TMe fact so many Miltonians bave been folI lowîng ber progress bas been an added motiva- lion, she said, and she's pleascd to bave been able îo inspire some people to loue nveigbî theru- selves. Stephanie Norrie of HerbaI Magic said altbougb Ms Gorman could've been more con- sstlent ai limes, she did very well. Sheena Camneron Sheena Cameron did more than achieve ber goal of losing 20 pounds. She exceeded ii. witb a total sveigbt loss of 21 pounds. Thanks to her regular exercising sessions at the Milton Lcisure Centre on Main Street, plus golf- ing once a week. Ms Cameton said she's "feel- ing fabulous." "I have a lot more energy to enjoy the summer outdoors with my grandchildren," Ms Cameron said. She added she intends to maintain her weight, and when suniser's over and the winter season approaches, she'l look for new activities to stay slim and bealthy. "Tbank you to the Milton Leisure Centre for their excellent support," Ms ,Cameron said, adding her personal trainers have been very helpful. Her personal tramner Nathan Lam, satd be's seen improvements in many areas. "l've noticed her endurance ts much better. She's not as tired as when she first started," lie said. "Also, ber tlexibility bas improved a lot." Brigit Atkinson For Brigit Atkinson, tbe main goal of this chal- lenge bas been to gain energy and tone ber mus- cles. Truestar For Women Nutrition and Fitness Centres, 575 Ontario St., bas belped ber witb this and more, between its gym facility and bandy Internet component. Witb Truestar's 30-minute workout circuit, what you put into it is what you get out of it. she said. "It's what you make of it," she said. On Truestar's Web site, Ms Atkinson said she's been able to, ftnd everything from, ber personal- ized exercise programn t ber nutrition program to exercises sbe can do at home wben she can't get to the gym. Also on the stte is a place to ask questions. Truestar responds by e-mail. "There's stuif for the wbole family," Ms Atkinson said of the Intemnet portion. Sbe added it's tbanks to Truestar that she's now a regular breakfast eater, and is reaptng tbe benefits ot the added meal. > Ti Juestar .FO'R W 0'IIE W Nutrition & Fitness Centers Cbange your lifeforever! total health with 30 minute esercise nutritional counseling professionai weight loss supplements professional vîtamins free personal coach money back guarantee* FITNESS CLASSES NOW OFFERED! Ailfor one Iow price CALL 310-TRUE - Ail WEIGHT MANAGEMENT " Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff " Lose weight eating real food " Boost metabolism, feel healthy and energized " Personalized plan. customized for your unique goals. lifestyle and needs. " Maintenance programs WE ALSO OFFER " Electro-muscle toning treatments " Vascusage cellulite treatment " Non surgical face lift 905-75-2889 f CALL YC)U" FREE 7_ COIVSULT 7 A rio