Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 2005, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian'Champion, Friday, JuIy 22, 2005 ,* .Commenut *The Canadian Ch16ampion Box 248, 875 Main Si. E.. Ian Oliver Publisher Milton, Ont. 1,9T 3Z3 Neil Oliver A.siienie Puhlislier (905) 878-2341 Wendy McNab Adi'ernin i ct Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smith Maieiging tditor Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Tim Cotes Proadin Mainaeger Classified: 905-875-3300 Charlene Hall Circuldaini Meinager Circulation: 905-878-5947 Teri Casas Office Manager The Canadian Champion. published every Taesday and Friday an 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont.. [ST 3Z3 (Box 248), s aie ot the Metraland Ptinting, Publialting & bisttîbuting Lid. commnity nesapets. Advetising is accepted an tie condition liai, inaihe evemi of a typographical errai, iiai portion ni the advertîsing space occupied by nie erraneaus item, tagetheti suS a neasanable clawaîce Ian signature, will net lie cliaiged tnt, but the balancentf the adverisemeit wl) lie tard tan at the applicable rte. The publisliet tesenves the riglit ta caiegannze advertisemenis an declineý CCAB Audited RECOGNIZEO FOR EXCELLENCE BY A-'p- Ontario Cammuiiy t? A Canailian Couiy Suburban Newspapens ewspapens Associatin +N ewpeslIsscntanya lnc THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Han He ailica ne"e' T jlà g &a 'A, TV AUCTIO 0FMia YYMCA i ThieMite CasadiaeChampion sn a lasi.be Peanct Canada could be next WKU2 It would be naive and, quite frankly. dan- gerous for ('anadians o delînde themselves that what happened two weeks ago in London could neyer happen in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver. If anything, the London attack illustrates that almont four years afier 9/11, world- class city centres are stili vulnerable to acts of terror. Statements like thone made recently by 'I'C Chair Howard Moscoe demonstrate exactly the ldnd of bravado and ignorance that may land Canada on the short lint for a similar attack."We don't have any trooplito pull out of Iraq and 1 wonder if the terroir- istb fia-st would have to find where Toronto is before they attacked it," he said during a press conference the day after terrorista bombed London's rail system. killing 55 and wounding hundreds. We're ot sure exactly what point the Toronto councillor was trying to make with bis words, but to suggest a world-class city like Toronto ilin'l easily located by extrem- ist groups is. svell. regrettable. However. Moscoe didn't stop there. "If the people nf' Torotnto acre wsondering if sve're prepared un ccnpe, we are as prepared as any transit system in the worîd," he crowed hours after the 11K. suicide attacks. Being as prepared as London was on July 7 doiesn't exactly instill confidence in the safety of our system. Toronto's transit sys- temri came under fire last week for not bav- ing a modemn enough surveillance system toi help identify perpetrators of crime. 'Me 'TTC apparently lacks the same network of cameras that have helped identify the four suicide bombers in London. Perhaps Moscoe's message was that Canada basn't been a willing participant in the U.S-led military mission in Iraq and therefore would be far less likely to be tar- geted by extremists. We caa only hope he's right about that. We suspect officiais in New York and Washington, D.C went o bed on September 10, 2001 feeling tbey were under no immediate threat. Canada's proximity to and relationship with the U.S. could provide aIl the motive terrorilits need ten tura their attention oua- way eone day. White Moscoe may have sim- ply been attempting to allay public l'eau-s. we respectfully submnit tbai tînese \vho plot suicide bonnbings are quille capable îf ask- ing for directins. Milton on its way to becomîng choked in own traffîc, just lî»ke city of Brampton Dear Editor: Where does Halton get off putting in traffie stand poles at Lower Base Line and Regional Road 25 and not ait Derry Road and Fifth Line? Where is the logic in that? In my opinion, we're soon going to have to renamne Derry Road Deatb Road. witb aIl the carnage that's going to happen - and bas already started Io. A recent head-on collision result- ing in a fatality at Derry Road and Fifth Line could be just the begin- ning of accidents caused because of the poor planning in this area. And that's not aIl]. Multon's camrage-stzed roads are trying to support city traffie, with the absence of left tum tantes or advance green arrows at molit major intersections, not to mention a Iack of rigbt tum tartes into the new sub- divisions. 1'm not adverse to, prosperity and growth. so long as it*s tempered witb common sense and good plan- ning. However, in my opinion Milton is on its way to becoming cboked in its own traffic. much like Brampton. If not. tl may be your car and injured family the police asave me pait on Derry Road next week. Can we not leamn fmom other com- munities' tnntstakes1 TIM Szumlanski Edwards Avenue' Do you have an opinion on a local issue? Have your say with a letter to the editor. E-mail it to miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. Press afew buttons and you could help save a life Normally at the beigi of catch suinoer. I write a cnlumnn itnnpleritng residents tiot to drink atnd drive. As a repoîrter, I'nn asked icn srite saiy teto nnacny sîcartes about senseless deatbs occurring because somneone tbougbft he cor she svas julil fine atnd probably too embarrassed 80 admit driving shouldnit be an option. But thts year. as I was revving up for the plea. I noticed sornetbing as I looked over recent montbs' police blotters. I'm talking to the wrong people. Oh sure. there are always a couple of locaîs who decide te, drink and drive. But it seems most of the people charged eacb wveek are people either visiting friends or family here in town, or just passing through - tbey're from Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, you name it. And tbey*re endaiîgering our resîdents. Sci tbis lime l'in addressîng the responsible motorists like yeu and me -aînd the vast major- ity caf Miltottiats, l'ni sure -wlno wvculdn't dream of getcing behind the whecl imnpaired. l'm asking that the nexi time you're out at night driving home frott a friendly get-together you keep your eyes open for erratic or dangerous drivers you tbink might have had one too many. Many of the people arrested and charged with drinking and driving each month are first spotted by.average people like you and me who decide te, caîl the police. When someone cuts you off or swerves drasti- cally and you suspect he's had too much toi drink, do you mutter a few words and keep driving, or do you take a moment to stop, pull over and report the driver to police? Afler all, a narrow miss with you could be a deadly accident with another driver or pedestrian down the road. tf you caîl and you're wrong, the driver isn't dmask, nothing'b been lost. If you don't call and your suspicions are right. a whole lot could be lost. It makes me angry toi think people from else- where are bringing their stupidity here. It also innakes mie aiîgry thal il seems the tnaajorîly onf chose chairged mîiih driinkitng aind diing-related cîffences are middle aîed. It's nent the high scbcnol crensd --ils fice people svbo should be modeling responsibiliiy for their childa-en and youth in the comnnuiiii. tt secmis the people svbo 'should know betier* don't. atnd the young drivers caflen largeted unfairly mighî be getting il. Good for them. Now. to, a différent group of people. If you're hosting a barbecue or get-together where alcohol is served -or brought - it's up to you. legally and morally. to make sure nobody gels behind the wbeel who shouldn't. It might not be the fun thing toi do. but does that really matter in light of the bigger picture? Let's ail do our part to send Une message that drinking and driving isn'î acceptable in Milton. ATHENA wards The o3k'ille, Milt.. él ShQwçaw Milton GALA àw Awards

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