Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jul 2005, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, JuIy 15, 2005 The Town is looking to widen Tbompson Road between Denry Road and Louis St. Laurent Avenue, with construction pten- tially starting this summer. While the projeci was original- y scheduled for 2009, Town Director ut Engineering Services Paul Cripps said uts been muved up tu be done in cunjunictiun with develupment in the area and alsu because the cunditiun uf the ruad is deteriurating. "The road is really under a lut uf stress right nuw." he said. I's exhibiîing signs of wear and tear." Mr. Cripps said when finished, the stretch of road will be five lanes wide - two lanes for eaeh direction of traffic, plus a left turn latte down the centre. He said s Roîatcker Rediner 'CR trees will also be planted down the boulevards. He added staff hopes tu get construction siarted in Augusi, and it will then take about eight weeks tu get the majority of the xvork dune. -We hope tu have it cumplete betore winter sets in.- Mr. Cripps said. During construction he said thruugh traffic will be main- tained. with ai leasi une lane being accessible. He noied afier hours the Town wilI du its best tu make sure two lanes are open for traffie. A public open bouse was beld lasi week on the project. Mr. Cripps said generally the feed- back staff received froru the small crowd was "the sooner, the better" for construction. "Peuple are really anxious for the road to be rebuilt," he said. A hylaw tu authorize construc- tion on Thorupson Ruad between Derry Road and Louis Si. Laurent Avenue xiii go beibre Milton couincil Monday. The bylaw will also allow lor period- ic traffic restrictions froni August t tu September 26. Mr. Cripps said based on the feedback staff bas received su far, bc'd be surprised if anyone came out to the counicil meeting to speak againsi the project. Plans for the work can be viewed by appointment ai the Engineering Services depariment at 555 Industrial Dr. HARPER Satioary eatherSofa ,139g Surf this? wwwhs.e.u 'B.L /Thompson Road widening 10 stan. earïler tnan planneL By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Ail restaurant usvners thruughout Halton cuuld soon have lu mnake their health departi-uent inspection reports available for the public to sec. The Region is luuking tu make Dtnewise'- its current prugrami where restaurants vuluntarily discluse the results oif their inspection reports- mandaîory for Halton food establishments. At its meeting Wednesday, regional council directed the directur of legal serv- ices to prepare a draft bylaw making Dinewise compulsory. A copy of the draft will be circulated su ail restaurant operators in Halton for coru- ments. Regional and Burlington Councillor Rick Craven praised the concept at the bealtb and social services committee meet- ing last week. "I tbink tbis is a realy good item for us," lie said, "What we're trying to do now is reacli out to the bospitality community. ht belpa everybody understand the impor- tance of food safeîy." A report froru I-lton Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosal said a sampling of restaurant operators were surveyed by phone last year on making Dinewise mandatory. 0f those currently parttctpattng. 84 per 0% FFI THE COPOAflOF- "What we're trying to do now is reach out to the hospitality community. It helps everybody understand the importance of food safety."1 cent sbowed support for making the pro- gram mandaîory, while only 65 per cent of non-participants were in favour. The report also said of residents sur- veyed on the same topie, 78 per cent want- ed to see Dinewise become mandatory, witb 81 per cent saying tIsai making infor- mation about food safety inspections avail- able would influence tbeir decision about where to eat. Halton Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline previously wrote to thse Minister of Healtb and Long-Term Care requesîing that thse ministry look into developing a standardized inspection report posting sys- tem acroas the province. Ministry staff bas since indicated ibis won'î be dealt witb in the immediate future. Dinewise began in 2003 and now bas about 550 voluntary participants. Those taking part post a certificate of inspection in a bigbly visible location in their restau- rant, and customers can then ask to see the laîest inspections reports. A lisi of these restaurants is available ai wwvs.region.bal- ion.on.ca/bealth. Staff will report back in Octuber on the cuisents receîved trous local restaurant uperaturs and pruvide recormmendations regarding nsnandatîng Dinie\ssîsc. Ml/u,îo'Hennesse 5(v i<îii hireacIwd us ,tiieiip,sseo%,@ uuiiiltoneonotl(duuuii(haoîpioun.cu Milton Online? ww.mltnc5' NOTICE 0F CONSTRUCTION AND TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE Notice is hereby given pursuant f0 Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, as amended, that the Council of the Town of Milton at ifs meeting to be held in Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, on July 1 8th, 2005 beginning at 7:30 p.m. wilI consicler the adoption of a bylaw(s) authorizlng construction and temporary road MlSure for tIse tollowlng construction proJect as noted below. ROAD RECONSTRUCTION Thonpsn Road (Oorry Road to Louis St. Laurent) The temporary closure will be in effect from August 1 sf, 2005 until Septemberj 28th, 2005. Such a bylew will allow for perlodic restrictions to through traffic. Local accoss willI be malntained throughout the construction. Plans detallng the project are available for viewing by appolntment at thse Engineering Services Departmenf located at 555 Industial Drive second floor>. Council will hear, in person, or by their counsol, any person who dlaims thaf their lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-laws, and who applies to be heard. Persons wishing f0 be heard must notify thse Clerks Departmonf in writing, no later ftan 10:*00 a.m., July 18th, 2005. Any inquiries should be dlrected to the following: Martin Bateson, C.E.T. Manager, Developmaent Engineering Engineering Services Departmnenf Phone: 905-878-7252, ext. 2514 Fax: 905-78-5029 E-mal: ma&tin.bateson@m*lon.ca Instal Smoke Alarms It's The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working amoke alarma. Instailithemn Un your home or cottage today! Proposed bylaw cails for t~i a nk inspection reports public

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