The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 15, 2005 -Bi 11114 2~ I£a rflen LTD getting their fair share of local gigs By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion They're just five guys who love performning. Do they dreamn of making il big? 0f course. Are they hoping to secure a record con- tract? Yup. But the band members of LTD - LifeTimeDrive - are well aware that those things don't corne easy. What's required is moti- vation, hard work and, yes, a lot of optirnism. So as they work toward their goals, thse five 18-year-olds are try- mng to, keep a bala.nced perspective, having fun performing around Halton while learning the business side of thse music industry and building up their batik of original songs. T1hey recently performed at Milton's Canada Day festivities "Moat baf&d play as a sie and at Arts hbby.3» But 1 t"ln we cmu Milton's recent Festival of Use really pursue thk There eould Arts. In tbe b o e ntlm9 months to corne, .................1.......... LTD will be at thse Acton ________________ Le ath ertow n Festival, thse Georgetown FalI Fair and, September 16, aithUe Milton Fal Fair. Their style? Good old rock 'n' roll, which means Usey appeal to, a wide demographic, from teens to baby boomers. Vocaliat Steven Demetrious sald Use band - and it's naine - carne about unintentionally. It started as three Campbellville friends - Mr. Dernetrious, lead guitarist Alex Frank and dmummer Ryan Mitchell - jamming in Useir garage. Then Usey decided to, give songwriting a whirl. I October 2003, Usey recruited two additional band members - eventually landmng guitarist and vocalist Jonathan Volpe and bassist Matt Buck - and LTD was born. "Ml of a sudden we star(- ed to kick off, and people were liking our music," Mr. Demetrious said. "Scouts started looking at us out of nowhere." The band began playing at various charity events and at school - anywhere Usey could get Useir naine out. It was wben Usey needed a naine for a flyer Usat Use guys real- ized Usey didn't have one. Their eyes landed on a t-shirt being worn by Mr. Volpe, wiUs Use initials LTD. LifeTimeDrive was Use naine Usey coined from. Usose Usree letters. Their sou.nd bas arisen from classic rock influences lie Use Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Use Beatles. In April, LTD recorded a three-song demo, wiUs hopes of adding a couple more songs later this year, Mr. Demetrious said. "Most bands play as a side hobby. But I Usmk we cas really pur- END) 0f SEASON SAVNS' DIRECT from the GROWER! pAil 10",I Hanging NF each Baskets 3 e~~ WLE QIJANTrrIs L-AST R ý-_ GRE-WAL GARDENS 905-878-7107 6626 TLAFALGAR ROAD, HOÎNDy nBETWEFN BRrrANNIA & DERRY> OPEN: Mou-Sut 8Au-Sp. e $un Sau-7pm sue Usis. There could he someUsing Usere." He added Usere's noUsing quite like perforrning for a crowd. "It's a good feeling to write someUsing people enjoy." WiUs a couple of band members Ieaving for university in September, cohesion could be a challenge, Mr. Demetrious sald. But it could also open doors wiUs Use university crowd, whicb Use band is hoping to target. The business aide of Usings isn't easy, he said. "Tie best advice I've gotten is if it sounda too good to be true, it probably is. A lot of people want to make money off you." Mr. Frank readily agreed about Useir ineptitude when it cornes to Use frnancial aide of Usings. "We're 18 and kind of loopy as far as business goes," bie said, a Register for one or two weeks * Ages 5tol12 * SPOTS ARE FILLING UP FASTI? * REGISTRATION NIGHT: b Tuesday JuIy 12th * 5:OOpm to 7:OOpm Mil1ton Falrgrounds laughing. Tise band now bas 10 or 15 original tunes, mostly co-written by Mr. Demetrious asd hiniseif, Mr. Frank said. "We're not a huge success yet, but Use success we have is because of our large demo- graphic," hie said, adding, "My grandmnother digs us!" As sorneone who cas play Use harmonica, violin asd piano in addition to guitar, music is more Usas just a pastime for Mr. Frank. "It's really a passion of mine. Whether playing in rny free time or in front of a crowd, 1 (love) it. 1 cas't imagine what I'd be like wîUsout music." For more infonmation on Use band, visit Stephanie Thiessen cao be reached ai sthiessen @miltoncanad- 'GEOROETrOWN P CUNEMAS f235OGUELPH STREET 0 CHARUIE AND THE pn CHOCOLATE FACTORY OaIy t45 & t% p.. Wed, Sat & Sun. 220 p.m. oWEDDING CRASHER DàIy6:45 p.m. & 9%tp.m S&t &Sun. 260 pm sýaW w"a -geSexi conte CD MADAGASCAR [ Wed. 2.Wp.m og FANTASTIC FOUR DàIy 6:45 pm, & 9%0 p.m .8Wed.Sat. &Sun. 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