AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, JuIy 12, 2005 Fight is far from lover If the terroris's who co-ordinated the and defeat this terrorism. It's flot anl attack cowardiy bus sud subway bombings iu onl oue nation, but ou ail nations and ou ail London Tbursday tbougbt tbe attacks civiîzed people everywbere.' wouid force Great Britain to, tomn tail and Wbhite it basu t been coufirmed, severai run, tbey re sadiy mistaken. uews ageucies are reporting that a previ- Obviousiy, tbey don't know their bistory. ousiy uukuowu group calitng itseif tihe More than 60 years ago, the British peo 'Secret Organization Group of ai Qaeda of pie witbstood far worse attacks duufng the Jibad in Europe' is claiming respousibility Blitz wben Adoîf Hitler and Nazi Germauy for the bombîugs. Whether the organization faiied toi homb the country into submîissîon ta responsible, it's clear the attacks were durng thse Second World Wur aimed toi coincide with the opening of the Iu addition, for the past 30 years Britain Group of Eight Summiùt in Scotlaud. bas lived under the constant threat of Irish The London bomhings are a grim Republican Anuy attacks. reminder that the war againat terrorism lis We don't meau to dimiuish the serious- far from over. Aud Canadians shouldu't ness of these sntacks. Our bearts go out toi delude tbemselves. It could happen here. British people who today are grieviug for No doubt many cotumuters *approached the rnany vidtima of these bombings. their daily momîing trip with sorte trepida- However, it's highly uulikely that these tion Thursday. We urge the Canadian gov- receut bombhings wiIl cause Britain toi alter emment to continue the figbt agaiust terror- its current course in the global war agaiust isim botis at borne sud abroad. îerrorism. If auything, il will streugthen tbe Iu closing, we echo the words of one of resolve of the Britisb people and hopefully Britain's greatest leaders, Sir Winstou that of their frieuds aud allies to continue Churchill, wbo said duriug a 1941 radio the figbt against terrorism. broadcasî at the beight of the Blitz: "We Shortly shter tbe bombings, British Prime shahl not fait or falter; we shall not weakeu Minister Tony Blair addressed tbe world: or tire... Give us the tocols and we wiii fin- "We are uuited in our resolve to confront isb the job."___________ *Our Readers Write Papke'a severance package outaeu Wîdenîng of Tremaîne Road would further Dm Editor:- I was shoeked 10, read of tie aize of thse aeveraince package tisa was given to for- nier HaltSt DistriCt Scil Boass dSer- tor of elulcation Dusty Papke - more dm $600.. pomsuow. - Que eau isarlly faulk the uuduaa who satcive suds copnsto pack- ages, but, raier we asould Mlarne, thse asoolboards diat agreeto uch lucrative packages in the 6Ma place. leta u disa ie achool board do somebeit tigbtening at thse higiselevels. It's newouder th£asmhc-needed funds for our cisildre's educatiou aren't avail- ablte, as thse few li thse top keep, blediug the sy*iumdry. somervflbl Two #The Canadiîan Champion Box 248, 875 Main St. E. Ian Oliver Pubhisher Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 Neil Oliver Associate Pubis/îer (905) 878-2341 Wendy McNab Advertising Director Ediiorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smnith Managing Editor Adventising Fax: 905-876-2364 Titu Cblesý Production Manager Classified: 905-875-3300 Charlene Hall Circulation Manager Circulation: 905-878-5947 Teri Casas Offic-e Manager The Canadin Ciiampion, published evety Tuesday and Frnday at 875 Main St E. Milton. Ont, L9T 3Z3 (Box 248), s sne oft ha Mettaland Printing, Pabttshtng & Dtstntsstttg td. cnmmurtty newsapats, Advetltstng is accepted onthe condtion that. in the esent ot a typttgnapntat errttt tnat portion ofthe. adveranng space ccapie by the attones ttem togattat watt a teasonabta attswatre tot sigttatute, wit nst be changea fort bat tte Satannentf the advesentmnt wttt ne pata toa thSe applicable tata. The punnonhen ttsetvs the nugnt tn cata5nntnt advettneantn nt atOlne CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY Ontarin Comnuntty "?A Canadian Cnnmunta Suburban Ntwspapens Ntwhpàpets Asoito + N Nawspaptîs Associattn BK % nt Amntrca THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: TV AtJAùON HTtte 0aaathMilant au' TheMiMi L4 . MS. h Champin s a RecyclaS.e Produc 4 damagte our town'Ys natural envîronment Dear Editor: Firstly, I'm very opposed to the prnposed CN intermodal termina sud bave communicated Ibis 10 Halton MP Gary Carr More trucks tbrougb sud around the edge of our town areu't wel- corne, yet I suspect sud fear that the proposed location could benefit from the wideuing of Tremaine Road, witb thse iutercbsuge consid- ered aI Hwy. 40 1. Iu tbe June 24 Champion, Shirley O'Reilly of Tremasue Road bas s compelling letter about ber cou- cerus in Ibis matter. I agree witb everything sbe said. There must corne a lime wbeu our wsy of life, thse enviroumeut sud tbe simple preservation of Milton as a smsll towu takes prioriîy over industrial development sud au increaaed tax base. It csu't ail be about money. Are the Town sud Region reaily cousidering an interchange ou Tremaine Rosd? If these plans go forward, tbey could destroy a wsy of life sud somte of the thiugs that make Milton s0 attractive toi us ail. Yes. we kuow that Milton bss 10i grow sud that tbe uew bousiug developmeuts wili require addition- ai roads. However, 1 challenge the Town sud Region to show more coucemr for the character of Milton sud 10 look for inuovative ways 10 grow witbout causiug major upheava 10 those areas that we ail treasure sud 10 those wbo've alresdy made Milton home. Einar Voldner Robert Street Thanks to ail who supported Milton Strawberry Fair Dear Editor: I wisb 10 take Ibis opportuuity 10 tbsuk everyone wbo belped te, make our 251h sunual Milton Strawberry Fair aI the fairgrouuds sucb a tremeudous success. Tbauks 10 ail the people wbo came ouI 10 support us. as weii as 10 ail the businesses, service clubs, bospital staff sud bospitai auxiiiary members wbo belped 10 make Ibis day the success that il was. l'd like 10, especially îbsuk ail the uew residents of Milton wbo came ouI sud supported Ibis wortby cause. Ail the mouey from the eveut is used te, purchase mucb-ueeded equipmeut for our bospita. Tbanks again for everyoue's support. Jean Kado, president Milton District Hospital A uxiliary J'ud by Steve Nease