A30 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 12, 2005 ii- you hiave any questions tnese 'Ask l lie 1ýro1ess1oais c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 fl 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medical Buildings ý_ 905-878-0800 Jillian Guard Cattien McTavlnh Sean Bamban lAIns.) B. Sc., RUT RMT ANT Riait Weavor B.St., AUT LOW BACK PAIN Low back pain afflicts us ail at some point in our lives. Pain cao arise ftomi a number of causes such as strains, sprains. vertebral subluxation, or overuse injuries. The moat conmnon and most overlooked source of lower back muscular pain originales in the Quadratus Lumborum (QI-) muscle in the smaîl of the lower back. TIhe QL consists of four muscle bellies - wo on either side of the lumbar spine. The muscle originates on the top of each hip and inserts into, the sides of e4ch lumbar vertebrae and mbt the twelfth rib. The muscle's action is lateral bending of the spine. lifting of the hip. and stabilization of the pelvis. Pain usually begins in this muscle as a result of strain. overuse, or overexertion. Symptoms of QL problems include pain in the small of the back that radiales int the hip and buttocks, and the SI joint. Bending over and sitting positions often exacerbate symptoms. and coughing, sneezing, or bearing down can increase pain. Trigger points in the QL create pain that is usually steady. duIl, deep, and aching. However, the intensity cao range from miild discomfort toi incapacitating. WVhen this muscle becomes very tight, nerve roots exiting from the lumbar spisse can become trapped and compressed between the muscle bellies - creating burning, sharp. and lightning-like sometimes excruciating pain. In fact, the effeets of low-back pain of muscular origin can be as bad as. or worse than low- back pain from a herniated disk. Massage therapy is effective treatment for tlsis condition. The therapisi will use techniques toi loosen and stretch the muscle, thereby removing the pressure on the lower spine and reducing pain. Pleose callURyan or Jillian ai the Milton Therapeuii Massage Clinic, if you have any questions coneerning massage therapy or would like to book an appointnhent. 87840800. CWI Mmu MmRU& L 8 S& . 10-2 il a.my Mku' ib GREG J. L.AWRENCE B. Sc., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Miton, Ontaro, LgT P6 1 A PrIncess Anne Dr., Georgtown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 B. se., D. Ch. Member of 1h.e Ontario Society of Chlropodlasts and The Ontario Collage of Chlropodlats Q. Can high.heeled shoes cause chantage tu my fe? A. For several yeams, chiropodists have been waming women that wearing thoes with high heels and narrow toes cao lead to-painful and often pennaanent foot deformities. Now, a study has found thse ftrst evidence that higb-heeled sboes may also contribute 10 knee arthritis in women. For mniy women, painful and misshapea feet are the ultimate cost of a long-term love affair with lsigh-heeled shoes. la thse United States, women visit orthopedic surgeons for foot problems four times as often as men, and they undergo about 87% of operations performed to correct acquired foot deformities, sncb as bunions and hammer toes. Problems tend to develop i the front half of thse foot (thse forefoot)) and include buntions, hammer toits, claw toets and bunsonettes. A bunion is a bump or enlargement of thse aide of tise foot, at Ml base of the amnalleat toe. Hammer toes and claw toets are deformnities i wich the toet caris and its joints protrude upward, often rubbiag against a shoe and causing painful corns. Foot structure, heredity and the elasticity of ligaments can predispose somte people t0 such deformities. But aarrow, pointed shoes and Isigis beels also contribute, by compressing the toes and increasing forces on the forefoot during standing and walking. With a 3 1/4 incb heel, pressure on the forefoot is more than seven times greater than witb a flat shoe. New evidence, published in tise Britisis medical journal Thse Lancet, suggests tisat iigis ieels are also bad for women's k.nees. No one bad previously suggested tisat high-heeled sisous might contribute to knee artbritis. Higb-iseeled sboes prevent Use ankle fron working as it should 10 absorb part of the force of walking, so it was suspected that tisey migisî result ia abnormnal rotational forces on the knee joint. Walking ia high heels tends to rotate a woman's knees outward 10i a more bowlegged position. BARROW FAML CHIROPRACTIC iJ 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 Ocs a B-.. Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarrow@sympatico.ca WHAT CAUSES ALLERGIES AND CAN CHIROPRACTIC HELP? An allurgy occurs when thse body's natrai dufense system rcacts 10 a substance, such as pollens or dust and Usinks Usat il may bu harmful. Although no one rcally knows why somui puople have allergies, il is known tisaI il is a sensitization of the immune system. Chiropractors do not treat allergies, asthma or back pain for that matter, chiropractors work witis the nurvous systum. We wuru aIl bomn with an incredible self-healing ahility tIsat allows us 10 maintain optimum health wisen the nervous systemn is functioning pmoperly. Thu nervous sysîemn is the master control of aIl fonctions in the body incloding the immune systum, Use tissus and the cells. Disturbances in tise nervous system's functon, called subloxations, do not allow tise body to express itsulf to ils potuntial nor rcspond t0 Usu environiment accoratuly. By improving the nurvoos system's fonction the body huais and reulates opîimally. With a hualîhier nurvoos systum, many conditions cao improve, including allergies. Regular chiropractic adjusîments arc an important part of a Isualthy lifestyle. By releasing stress on the nurvous systumt chiropractic purmits the immune systum to fonction more effectively. Chiropractors correct a basic cause of body malfunction to hual your inmmune system. A Isualthy body is capable of nutralizing what il bulievus to bu îoxic substances wherc as, a body which Isas malfunctioning dufunse muchanisms cannot. Tiserefore Use umphasis shold not bu on allergies bot on boilding and maintainingz a Isualthv bodv. Canule Francaz PHYSIOTHtRAPISTS 17 Wilson Avenue (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 What are sanie contiton golflng injuries, and how coni I avoid these injuries? olf e a vee-y poursicport dsreng the sumer. cul due s, the repettî .swingin moin oeparts of ycsc bocdy are more prone se injeey thas oiec. Geelfers ofren eopic abouts "gole.e-s elibecc (paien oee Se-sede cf te elSecee. ce neck adIcer Scck ijues dueeIoethe fe-ce-f l -oationeof thepeliscdueeeg thce glf swing, the sustaied poesio fbedeptoeecdelgly wieh yeesr neck.and S.eck. oer cae-eying acScccy bag of clusc Steve are soute heiptai bluts tu venain su the noif course listh the tal euealher: A slrelch lu prevent golfer's elboce: .Weeh the lbos..egScand pleet:e-cigtp,,ad. ccc' yecrtee-ceech.ed ee grads.elIy apply peresueto hee-ee-ec exeeedeeveeilce.ed..the groed, leceee the ee-eech hy cslwyettcgheearni outwcsec. Heid fr 30 - 40ccsecondscand cepecce fo ceaech aS ce-. His te, peuvent neek aud lower back pain: Wear proper golf ceceeccece ie goeed conediteien. cseeh gecd Sceei aed ace suepporte Uea epull care ora gccid baecphtw ceseehecleeeceecps Sereechethe loerScck and hemstreg mes.eSit onecbenchcvll:eScl seracgheouieclonecteSec. Keepieg theS.eck serc:lee.Icend accte ehips. and ma-chfr yourtes oer leee-r eg. Hold for 30 ecconed. andecso eercher leg. Stansd up. legs spcn, Seed foeeecrd ce ehe Sep.. Scepese te Sue: serceght. ToscS youe r ee u eycse cess le r Iee Ig. aeed eu ce-s ccsrpper body ecceecede te regSe. reschere >osr rige amc ececceds te sky. Hccld Icce 15 sconds, acd repece ce- te otee sede Standccc yocr hase-dncyoce bseeccks. Sicecly en bntac.crcleeccce-clehycr locer bcck. keeig ycsekeecsleugh,.ndreceeco etane.ec HccId 1 2 sconds aed repece fisc ececre Roeecccececckece loosk celeed ecccend reseeeeclooke ceeeefhe.cSccdd Repe-cec frewecceec. Now leeg ycccecaceec yccr shcslcec. kecpingethe hcsldercdccc. Repcecafcss tintes. HceIdl1 2ecccndc Now yuu are ready for your rund ut golf. If yuu have nagging golf injuries limaI witl nul go away, cunsul your local physiutherapist. Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Wakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Rou Strohan 905-878-5882 Optomotrlat Mon-Thurs 9-6, Wed-Fri 9-5, Tues 9-8 Saturday AM hy appointmenl PERCEPTION 0F TH1E VISION SENSE ENCOMPASSES AIL PERCEPTION ENTITIS AS A V/MOLE, IN TH1E MINI) BODY RELATIONSIP. Vision is s holograpbic sense, receiving suld projection of infornmation which is powerful bo our needs tu cotomunicate sud survive in life. What yos ser influences how yos think sud react. How yos se things determinus how you perceive, sud therefore will react consciously sud subconsciously wîîh your estire body. Yosr physiology sud body fuselions respond 10 your emotions such as fear and gui t immediately. An imbalanced perception leads 10 imbalanced neurological sud hormonal responsus. lmbalanced perceptions and their accompanying responses is another namne for stress. Il is these responses which ressît in inbarmonious- (incoherent) cellular energetics, sometimes labeled as illness. Stress can run sur immne system down sud leave us vulnerable to psychosomatic ilîness. The eye provides s window toi the function sud vitslty of the whole body. The view of serves, blood vessels, sud fiuid dynamics of thse eye represens thse functios elsewhere in Use body. Responsus of Use autonomic nervous system are measurable in the eye funictions and eye movements. wltich represent the subconscious perceptions if the mind sud body. What you sec is s represunîstion of your swareness. Emotional reactions 10 what you peceive produces s reaction in your îhinking sud actions wheter e - jlisor subconscious. Thse elements of thinking sud When slsiking is emotional reactive, rathler thsu cestered sud appreciative, seeing. hearing. feeling and thinking aIl] are chsuged. Conditioned belief systens in thinking sud automatic reaction or Distortion of thse perception causes distortion in Use body in structure sud function. Thse center of where you se front is Usrough the heurt. Tise center of who yos are sud what you do requires punting your ber n mb thse natter, sud Usis in tur ressens in a form which you perceive as appreciative or emotionally reactivu. Enormous amounts of research is heing done to, understand Use perceptive processus involved in Use body sud Use relationship of humsu function. I cail il Use HIJMAN CONDITION. Y LAF1ILTEIORS Carpet - Vinyl - Ceramics - Hardwood Paint -Wallcovertngs Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Hesksth 843 Mois St. LMilles« ,oas87S-42S0 It's Back: YES! Wallpaper is ut Iast making a resurgance and I for one couldn't bu happier. These days it is flot popular to have every vertical area covered, but a more simplified application can definitely work. The open concept home cao be daunting when it comes to design ideas. Where t0 start & stop with colour? This is where wallpaper comes in, adding definition, interest & diversity. Wallpaper is being utilized in smaller areas and the higher end papers are becoming the vogue. The effects can be astounding, especially with the faux finish styles where the blend of colours cao mix right in and make the transition 10 another area complete. The one spot in your home wallpaper works very well is in your powder room: Traditional elegance toi dramatic contemporary. Walls and ceilings can turo this small space mbt a statement. Another good place for wallpaper is the dining room accented with crown moulding, panels, etc. Ideas are endless and with some creativity it cao truly be a winner. We can help here at Comfi Interiors, so drop in and sec us anytime, and have a browse through out books or take some home today. You'll find the choices are endless! __ý ---- --------