Ai12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 12, 2005 *00 HeIp Promote -On Tyesday, Jnjty 28tti Canada will mark National Drowhlrng Prevention Day With chitdren out of schooi and fnany familles planning sumf- nier activities in and arouid~ the vager, July is the perfect time te disoues wte s4ety wt bW9f.é- iy. From 1991 ta 2000, dr*nig was thePuth most common cauis. of ow ,yunnntee4konal inur, aIîd Among those at highest risk for drownlng are tocdlers (ave 1 te 4 yars), youth (age 15 ta 19 years), and4 recreattenal fishermemn aili tMlle tragic, most drownings are Stepl entirely preveniteble. You can help childi to keep your farnlly safe by knowing area. the risks, recognizing the hazarcis, * Es and ke$aig a few simple safety 4rou' tips in minci fafiOt Madnts and Toe,. CI Young% oflidren have an amazirg ,eýa al;IJ te sneak out of the watchfui e * supérvision of parents. Remember, nîc droewnirWoccurs silently, and it orIy frn ta#es afew minutes for achild te ag.î drown. An infant or todcler can po drown in as littie as five centime- * M tres of water,,s0 parents should be pool alert of bathtubs, toilets, wash and palis and wadng pools as well as e p lakes, ditches -and swimming supe pools. arou * Neyer leave children, unattended e * in a bathtub or wading pool. and *Be sure to keep the bathroom as ' doors closed. andi e Turn ail wash pails upside dlown num after use. * M * Silence means trouble. If you have can't hear your child, investigate. train *Remember, seconds count. If a chld goes missing, check your Be pool/spa/tub first. e a Neyer underestimate the abiiity than of a chiid to get past protective bar- to Ju riers of w Pool Ownlers and As a pool owner, it is your respon- cuit Drowning Prevention t t take ail of the lleoessary i te ensure the safoty of your ren andi guests in your pool -ect a chilti-resistant barrier nd your pool such as a high ~oa- isure that ail gates are self- ng andi that latches are out of h of chiltiren. ep abjects such as chairs, pic- tables, andi large toys away gates andi ferioes to discour- chiltiren from climbtetg into the area. ake sure ail entrances to the area, such as doors, windows gates can be secureiy looket. rovitie constant, undivided rvision 0f ail people in and nd the pool, ~ep a weii-stocked first aid kit first aid manuai near the pool, veil as a cordless telephone a iist of emergency contact bers. ake sure you and your famiiy up-to-date First Air and CPR ung. Beach Side ches provide different hazards swimming pools. It is difficuit dge the depth of water, height aves, and strength of currents ioutside the water. Sun glare water colour aiso make it diffi- to see people and objects beneath the surface. a Always have an aduit cheÇk water depth/conditions before aiiowing chiidren te swim. " Neyer dive in an unfanillar area. " Provide contlnuous supervision and co nduot frequent heati counts. " lnsit onusing the buddy system. " Do nlot use Wnlatabte tQys as per- sonai fiotat4o*wdevices. e Try te Wm Itar >hannes l Pfa- guard towers. * Stay wittlr maePted swimming areas. *'Swim oniy during dayiight hours. eDo not swim when fatlued. Boatkwv A large portion ot drownings occur, as a resuit of boatlng accidents. Lifejackets andi Personal Floatation Devices are a boater's best friend. Even the best swinimers cannot stay afloat when they are uncon- scious, so ail boaters should wear a p roperiy fitteti PFD.- In Canada, 71% of boating fatalities occurred when the victim was not properiy wearing a floatation device. To avoid boating tragedies, foiiow these simple ruies: " Neyer mix alcohol and boating. " Assess the condition of the boat before setting out on the water. e lnisist that ail passengers wear PFDs. " Sit children low in the boat. " Avoid sitting on the edges of the boat. * Avoid standing and moving about in smaii, open boats. e Keep a well-stocked first aid kit on board at ail times. a Keep a flashiight, whistie, rope, matches and oars in the boat at ail times. " Plan to dock before duSk. " Be aware of other marine traffic at ail times. For more information on drowning prevention and water safety, con- tact Swift Aquatîcs at 1-877-228- 1123, or visit our website at ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY LiOISamUt ANeiIs S -Ls - pian3 - M"te fun" (M.SJ.L>) - reg"1 edeA af 30 "ww e4 Bob "Pie" Lee Kim MitChel 245 Commercial St. Milton L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 905 875-DECK ( 3 3 25 Boboat Services sunshinedeck.fonce J.K. Pools 7~~~\\\& Patio openings & closings above ground pool specialists pool restorations For personal and professional service, cati DAVE 905-875-3774 *okn to e use e te - i - of -rpt dae an s os of le *hs ar posed . s )CAROLE MURRAY'S SWIM ACADEMY I & SWIM BOUTIQUE 250 Bronte St. S., Milton 905-878-9747 Book nowforfall 2005 and get besi tintes! ACADEMY e AillRed Cross Levels * Semi:3/class Introducing 2 semi or Private & Aduit Lessons Open 6 days a week Temperature - 92' Rookie Range & Star - Bronze Med & Bronze Cross Lap Swimming BOUTIQUE Everything you've wanted in swim wear & accessories Parents - you are your child's lifeguard. Keep young children withîn arms' reach at ail times. Make sure your children Iesrn how ta swim... MILTON LEISURE CENTRE Leam-to-Swim Program, Leadership Courses, Aduit Private Lessons 905-878-7946 QUALITY swimming pool solar cover REEL SYSTEMS your neighbour for over 25 years 905-876-4766