Budget includes enough to hire - from QUESTIONS on page Ai and be paid two years' salary attd 15 per cent in lieu of bencfts. Mr. .Papke negotiated an extra $10.0 in a retiremext gratuity. Mr. Papke publicly stated on May 18 during a raucoLis board meetintg -in svhich operattng pro- cedure powers, called poltcy gov- eruance, were taken away from the director's office -that he svas resigning 10 retire. His decision to retire was accept- ed publicly by trustees by a vote of 6-5 under a motion related to a per- sonnel malter. However, after the public session meeting Wednesday night. Oakville Trustee Bruce Jones told Ms Wbitehouse that the board bas found about half of the $600.000 that would go toward covering the severance package. To pay for some of il, Mr. Jones said Mr. Papke is entiîled to a $ 100,000 retirement gratuiîy. Also. $200.000., nioney that bas beeîî unspent trough funding budgeted for the director's office for the cur- rent budget year, is avatiable. 'lWe kuow where liait of il is comîug from right uoss< be said. "We know there will be mote sav- ings betsveen ttow and August (the endt of the curretît fiscal year)." Mr. Jones added il's possible that svhatever amnounti s remaiuing of the severance bo be paîd could come out of the director's budget for next year. Ms Whitehouse said in an inter- view that she came 10 the budget session as a concemed parent and wants to ensure the elected trustees are doing what's in tbe best inter- ests of students. "in reading in the paper about a lot of tnftgbsing," she said. 1 Nvaut to know svhy half the trustees feit so slrongly that changes had tii be made noss and cost us hait-a-rmii- lion dollars when il could be better spent.'" Oakville Tmustee Mary Cliapin is confused by the rationale that bun- dreds of thousands of dollars have been found 10 cover a severance. 1 tind il a litie bard 10 believe that there is $200.000O excess in any budget ai Ibis lime of year," she said, noting the only area she could see possible would be clawing back money in the maintenance budget. 1I am skeptical they actual- ly found a couple of hundred (thousand dollars).' Tlîe 2005-06 budget includes euough money to hire 71 elemen- tary sud secondary school teachers; a ne-lime grant of an extra $1 mil- lion f'or textbooks and an additton- ai $2 tmillion t'or special educatutu. vRetiing credit counselor recognized Credit counselor Jaîsice Jostak pruives that compas- sion pays. Ms Josiak recesved the George Penfold Asvard at the 36tb annual conference of tie Ontarto Association of Credit Couuseiug Services Jîue 15 its Toronito. -Janice exemplifies the very besi ii tnot-for-profit credit counseling," said Nancy Brown, execusîve director of Halton Famtily Services. -Janice's client- tirst apprnacb combines vvisdom. financial expertise aud cosmpassion. She bas nmade greas contiributions tut the Onîtario Association of Credit Counseling Services, as svell as so our Halton commuuiîy and Hait n Family Services." Ms Broswn also noted thai Ms. Josiak bas shossu spe- cial conceru for sud sensitivity 10 the financial prob- lems of people svîtb physical and emosînnal disabili tes. Ms. Josiak bas been te credît counselor ai Haisoîî Famnily Services stuce t1976, providiug nos-for-profit credit/debt asststance bo tbousands of clients from the ageticy's oîffices in Milton, Oakville sud Burlingn. Sie sviil retire Jîiiy -31. The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, JuIy 12, 2005 All Information gathered over - from RESIDENtS on page A5 services for seniors and children more important than any services for people in need, like social assistance or govem- ment-assisted housing. -Two in 10 residents, or 23 per cent, faced problemis or know someone who faced problems finding thse type of bous- ing they required su Halton. The survey goes on 10, say that only about half of those questioned, or 48 per cent, feel there's sufficient rental bous- ing in Halton. Seniors, youug families, low income individuals, single people, loue parents and yosug adtslts wcre seen as those most affected wben lookng for housing t0 mcci their needa. "There la a disparity between thse bousing needs of thse comrnunity and what's available," said Ms Savoline. "Wbether iî's young adults movmng from. their family home or seniors wanting to downaize, thse need for affordable houa- ing is a significant issue for Halton Region. .By raising tise level of aware- ness, we cmn work on resolving tise issue as a community." Ipsos-Reid concluded tisaI Halton rea- idents consider Regional planning initia- tives 10, provide isousiug for people in need more important tisan financial incentives 10 tise private sector and pro- vidiisg information sud resources ou affordable housiug. The researchs was conducted Ibrougs 750 randomly selected phsone surveys and four twta-bour focus group discus- sions. 1Melanie Heuuessey cani be reached at mhennessey@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. Next Day Istallations Finance f rom only $1 5.OOlmonth Free in-home estimates e Satisfaction Ouaranted APPLEWGOD __.e197 ID CONDETONine Mississauga Surrounding Areas 9O~-7!-4flfl1-SRflfl-7RR-RnfRfl f( t-.i41 Gary Carr, M.P. Halton Pleasefeéel free to contact me about anyfederalgovernment issue. I believe that it is important that I am aware of issues that are of concern to my constituents. CONSTITUENCY OFFICE 14 Martin St., Milton Tel: 905-693-0166 Fax: 905-693-0704 Email: carrg@parl.gc.ca OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fni: 8:30-4:3Opm, Sat: 1O-3pm w w w. g a r y c a r r.* c a