A30 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, JuIy 08, 2005 BEAUTIFIILLY APPOINTED 2720 SQ.FT. MATTAMY home finished from top to tie. Professionally finiofred lower level with exquisite maple bar, games monts, exercise area and walk-in shower. Large principal rams enhanced by dira- matic columrs. Oecorated with flair. Offered ai $475,000. COME BE A PART OF A CARED FOR NEIGHBOURNOOD Gel rio yoeri iann one sera Girner and wnrorw nacrer Just moan in and [nia, in thi cherming 3 bain enerutivecnoi ireîi36.5hOmO rorarine.Drnrnvnrrharrnno nia monri odorwnionn shopirg, briroir orthe farr Lay Oack in your arr rondriionnd 18'4" 2î" MbGin Crin 4pn ennuitee waikîn cirei 2 rae Odimn ara 4po nain barh on 2ea tloon Ounny nain ieni an nraed & cerenirs, preder in rak or. cepbids, prefty nove nnondgný IlRENTIN' & REPENTIN'? Yo dont oe it from fine front deor - fabuloos and opa- CIOOs 3 st, 3 bdrmo, 3 baths, eat-in kitchen, formai LR/DR, fam rm, gao FP, walkeaf fa fenced sopern back yard. SLaundry rm wîffr w/o and more. Let me fake yoe to oee ieside. $277,500. DOWNTOWN MILTON 2 bedreene 3rd fleur cende apaniment. Ensuite loGo- dry, 2 pince enroue powder room, two balconier tonr appt onces incfnded. Neuf al decor tinreugineut. Cononnient fa sopping, cinenchen, Mitlpond, medical/denfal effices and transortation. Offered ai $175.000. TWO STOREY EXECUTIVE HOME FOR LEASE Grroarnd in Dempsey and cimse ro scirols recroalîron shoping, GO train ara Opri 401 accoso. This imoiey 4 bedroom 3 barh home reatrrr hardammd, ceramîc and gnaiiy broadiron rorooghout 5Stop rrt tn lire oppi r -w-À ances. Onaîlabie 0ogoot toSI For Leaso or $1000 pion orirrîno. JUIw !AI5ULUU AMLIU L SOn premiuna eotra wîde pie-einaped lot on quief ofreet. Updufed neasinroomo & kîtcheu with walkeut fo deck, family roem witb ga0 fireplace wif h neaikoat foi lener deck. Large i tliving/dinieg roem wifh beveled glass Frencb deoro. Mature W lreeo & double neide four car dnîneway. Possession avoulable L Alniset .;lqt L2t50 crin 2 DR OOM 0H0 APT. Located in Downfown Milton. Close f0i eoe P ar . etc F0 'g '4 v1 0 'g ryfhing - Shopping' Chorcines, Library, H an 2Pring Spaces, 2 Balconien, Insoife Laoodry and a Locher Modestl y priced at $174.900. FY~IV~ IISA1IULY9THL.I~ SHOWS LIKE NEW Ail brick Mattamy end unit townhouse. Open concept main level. Main tloor tamily room with gas tireplace. Bright eat-in kitchen with walkouf. r OPEN NOUS! $UN. JULY 101H 110M4." PM 1040-U IR 0I'KiLEIJ IV 3ELL - flIifLT MUIIVAIEI VCNVVK Premium lot oizef 4 bedroom. Large porcn norroundo front orf Obouse. fHurdwood & cerumico. FR w/gar FR double cor garage w~n/remote opener Fnidge, gas sooe, m/waoe, waober & drper. CAC, 4CVC, upgrude ligint fiotures & mach, mocn more. Caf h Mol. 005-021 - -M 1900 Visît www~ rooilçafee rAoecmâi 'S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~SNA TUNNIN EN1NTOE boee oulrCofie modelMtuynoldo uetCecn h ofon 00fr Huge decin nfieskyud on ~Â tIr quie faîrcuse eothrawhon I<V~V1 ~ Cafufornia shotters & s MILONNATISA1DAYJUN OPEN NOUS! Sacvlfk660 LAURER AVE. ooiney srunnrng i,ooo nq rr execonîe nome. ruagnrricerr arCi- tecturul1 design ta top-of-rbe-Iine qoality derailsthIru-out. Faboloon open concepr layont, catbedral ceiling, gar lîrepiace, decorative colomno, 2nd floor laordry rom b riewly fenced yard. 4 bedroomi & 3 batbns, large pat-in gourmer kitctren -Grrgeoon b lîrenirlible! www.katiewright.com ww.realestaesceee.com -M Il BACK $7898 Ainofefely sfonning cosfom-boil f 0q. if. eteuriog double glaso iniserfed dooro in bes. Over $50K in opgradeo including: burdwgod Ira lg. bomof neindopro (2 sep isnomt. enfranceo) o mach more! FOR SALE CASH BACK $7398 A rare 3+1 bdrm bocbspl if in a mature ooiginboorood of Milfon. Lotso0f eotrao & opgrades. Jacozzi foin in master ensuite. Mamile files in foyer, hitchen & break- fast area. Deck & shed. Hign ceiliogo in LR and foyer. Close 10 scinool, shopping & public transit!!! 1 OPEN HOUSE OPEN NOUSE $UN. JULY 10 2-MP 569 HAYWAID (MES.