A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Juiy 5, 2005 * Commenut Another long weekend ~RU -and another tragedy lt's a story too often told on long weekends. Wh ile the holiday weekend Nvas supposed to be one of celebration and pride for Canladians it tumed out to be tragic one for- a local taxi driver as xvell as bis family, friends and co-workers. Milton Rainbow Taxi driver Michael Rayment, 44, was killed in a two-car crash at Den-y Road and Fifth Line early Saturday morning. No charges have been laid so far in the cr-ash, as the investigation is ongoing, but police say tbey believe alcohol may have been a factor. If it was, this will have been another preventable, senseless death at the bands of a drinking driver. It will have brought frustration and dis- couragement to people like members of MADD Halton wbo have worked for years to get the message out that alcohol and getting behind the wheel of car don't mix. On a more positive note in this terrible crash, we would like to applaud Tara Anderson of Milton, who showed her bravery and good citizenship by belping at the scene. Not alI people wvouId have gotten involved the way she did. and to do so at the young age of 18 speaks to ber character. However the police investigation plays out, neyer drink and drive. M U i~ 0 * Our Readers Write Carr's vote on Bill C-38 disappointing More opinions on local issues needed Dear Editor: Voters in the riding of Halton beware. It appears that local MP Gary Carr only supports the rights of sorte of bis coin- stituents, and flot the rights of ail of bis constituents. Last Tulesday, white tbe majority of the federal Liberal party members were vot- ingto support samne-sex marriage legisla- tion, Mr. Carr voted against thse bill. For those of us who voted for hlm in the last elecuion because we agreed with the Liberal party's stance on this issue, bis vote against Bill C-38 was deeply upsetting. Though proud to live in a country that supports samne-sex marriage on thse grounds that ail citizens are equal regard- less of sexual orientation, right now l'm. ashamed toi live in Haltin. M*ellsa Canwlon Barclay Circle Dear Editor: The Champion's June 24 editiari- rl eîotitied 'Ltberil Dreara Wuarld' aind te srilacious cartoono about same-sex InarTiaie %vould appear to be straight oît of the federal Conservatises' election carnipaigin handbook. Surely there are issues of a more pressing nature for the citizens of Milton. Is flot the purpose ot a local newspaper toi provide coverage of local events. aîd lia provide an opinoiotn oin matters most at fecting aocal citia'cns'l What's The Chanîpion's opinioin oan the discussions initiated ai the meeting about Destîny Milton Il'? What about the traffic chaos. lack of cotrol of illegal parking and dangerous driving in town'l How about having some discus- sion about the lack of affordable housing for seniors and young peo- pie'? Scîrely local politicians cani be chailenged on ail of these matters. Aîod iii vy opinion. it's altots reilundant te, mention the obvios lack of pre planning for the cnt ret housing- developmients in Miltona. Also. let's hope that it's not too late to improve the safety ot (aur roads and streets. A udrey Cairns Court Street Ticketîng cars on street is simply a money grab *The Canadianl Champion Box 248, 875 Main St. E_ Ian Oliver Publisher Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 Nei Oliver Asscait Piubiiae (905) 878-2341 Wendy McNab Advetsn e iec Ediiorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smith Maai,i; Eifataa Advenising Fax: 905-876-2364 Tim Cotes Prodi«-t'on Miaiilgiea Classified: 905-875-3300 Charlene Hall Ctacsiatian Maaa<a i'ei Circulation: 905-878-5947 Teri Casas Offiee Maageaar The Canadlien Champion, published evary Tuesday and Friday ai 875 Main Si, E. MilOtro Dii 90 ZO(Boa 248tis one orriraMeirorand Prunid Pubiishing & Distibuting LiA sommority oewspapers, Advetirsing is accepted on the condition thai m tire eveni ai a iypographical arroi, tiraiportion of tire advariir stase ossopied by tire erroneous item, togeihai wirth a reasonibla ailowan osi sgnatura rail irai pa hargad for. but the balance oi tire adarisemaot il aie paiO fur ai ira appicsable raie lire pubirseer reseives the igirta CIo toi advetiisemeois or Oecltre CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE EV OnDetario Cammoorty Canadian Gammuorty Suborati Nmlospapeis A o S Nasapars Association CCN Newseatars Association Un ofa Amassaa THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Je ~ ~ F a&raiTVUCION UPFE MA W571t5 OF o'T .4.-ars Th iltonCanadian Campoa îaa RevsaitProduct 4 Dear Editor: 1 received a ticket recently for parking on the ssrong sicle ofrmy street ovecmight. 1 parkesl there because my drîveway had just been paved. The streel svas full of cars on the one side and it svas the only place available to park close to ttty honte, I chose flot to park far away since 1 had iny two- year-old tsvins with me, as svell as some groceries. Like many of miy neighbours, 1 was ticketed. And sînce 1 work and catît take the lime off to iight such a ticket. 1 have to pay il. l'mu terribly disappointed about ibis situation, which 1 feel is an obvious money grab by the Tosvn. 1 don't believe ibis is the way to, make sta ntaîs îoess Milton residents feel svelcome. The argument that my neighbour was arîven .vas so emergency vehicies could get down the stîeet. However, 18 svheei trucks and other coonstruction vehicles seemied to have no problemr negaotiating the street with cars parked on either side. Shame on the Towvn of Milton. This isn't lthe svay to treat people. H. Hewitt Field Drive E-mail ail of your letters to the editor to miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease N