The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 05, 2005 - 23 * - A *, *Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-69 e eti 7-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community' 20-299 Fax: 905-876-2354 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.COM la Merchandise 300-385 il Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Adl su hmîissjun, by mail or in pers n: ITe Canadian Champion, 875 Main St. E., Miton, ON 9 1 3Z3 Dead les: Mon- t1 t a.oi, for Tues. publication, hurs. il a.m . for Fni publication, Special Feature, & Holiday deadlines may vary, Payment: We accepf cash, chieque, Iciterac. Visa, MasterTard Americar Express Business accounts cao he opened with an approoed credif applicatin availabte trom your Sales Consultant. oCHIECK YDUR AD THE FIRSI DAY IT RUNS f0 ensure tIre information is correct. Contact ynur Sales Consuttant witlrin 24-Hours tf an etror appears. An orror in a Fri publicatint must ho reparted nu latex tlian Mn, t1t a.m. Aparmens & Aparments & Craff Sale & CatSl Fo Rentat Fore Reni Bazaars Bazaars I ;~I MILTON house for sxle ACTON, hachelor HILLSBURGH century - 4800 50 q apailment, newl p eno- hume, one hedron ShdIr, 4 hatho, plus vaed in quiet 8 Olea livng nnom h che Crat ho t1100 sq. ft wx k-oaf Pxrking & coun aundrti bath. Separate en- ~ Qualfied Exhibitors hxsemenf. BUY DI Jalp 1thh $495 rnunth tance, proxte. BIT DA AN I ER A YRECT FROM THE inclasixe. Cxli 905-877- $750/rnonth plus util- WanWe 1153, (905)580-3033, ff.f-598540 mwInaaa.Cgo O~emcaomi 'N ~~~~ee ACTON, lange 3-hedaey1(598540 Car h CmA&u Hap is Aniesr _ _ek rnsrn apt., inclades, MILTON t & 2-hdrm Ap8-10,2&&Nn f 211-20 fc 4 f862005 heast, waler, parking, apartmenl s fnr rant for Rhonda & Matthew PRIVATE 3-bdrm Newtp renonated, new August 1sf. Frorn RwbdinseefhpotoCme BmoumVçoeeA Country home mit h tnidge/stone. Nn pets. $SlOfmth. Cal t Jas @ Mar 5-6, 20051 Oct. 22-23,2005 tusf 16-17,291 Harrison rnany upgrades, local- References, tîrsftast, 418-723-4801 ed in the village of Kil- i m rn e d i a f e f y . For more ùfonon al905-426476 ex1222 bride/N. Burtinglon. $1150/mth plus hpdro. MILTON 1.9DRM o $288,500.00 cati 905- Cati (519)853-1998 hasernent apt., analt m o Vlsit 315-7845 ___________ able irnmedialelp, A/C, AVAILABLE August 2 appliances, no pets, î lot. 2-bedroon condo uitabte for singl e per-T i Buie n The Sands. son, cai atter 5pm * Tu OPPOrtunIIIIIItIs $1,250/month plus 905 -875-3418.tI ~i OW or îe Lao hydro. Caît Cherpl $850/mlh utilies in- lassified conenI100K AMBELILLE 2-_ NEWLY renooafed mure per monfh f rom hdrm couant ry prnperty, Georgetown 2-hedroom hume. do if, un caoi seprf e arc & a p r t monrit . lx earn a potenfiat n Jaks n 8-5-87. f d.A tr c vf Jly3,205 ou! f 800-753-7775 drixewxp, non-umuker. $875/monfh. AvarIable R e aders . juy3 05$92Slrnth utîlîfies in- Julp 1 sf. loclucles i Lookîng Io seIl peur ued car? lemîishmegs? Congratulai onsa cîuded. 905-854-2033. heuo/hpdrxlcxsîe, Park- osaed a job? osaet an employase? molnt le sce LoveMoî & ~<IMorgag, _______________ ng entra. Cal 905-873- pour lnuend e 4M1 birlhdap Missinse COUNTRY 2-hodroovi, 6284. Pl ac f and he Clsyî.e Harrison & Parsons briht asmen ap__ S0,00 DOWNPAY- mrent. bse50mol in-î Ilsa Ne od os MENT Rqurod for mon 18Omt n 2eRNmutAs i MARRIAGE \ ANNIVERSARY pets. fanna xd Cusax Fîrls N1o83 hit&2odroom Suil Cai 905-878-2341 today credît, self omployod, 97 Rnclxwood stxrfiog at ta place yaur ad.Zfjw nu proot of income -up 70mnhCaiEz- - f 100% ftnancing, DONONMLO 70mnbCl lz aainCjnpe DOWTOW MITON beIr Dooli. Johnson GodeW Wddn Cali. Dave 905-864- Milîide Towers Assocîxtes Realtor CLASSIFIEDS 82 Mîlîside Drive, 905-877-5Sf85 Attractive quiet build- A S yr @4.55% Also îng. Spxcîous brîght RENTAIS oqoîty mortgage pro dlean 1&2 hedruem taI2hdomSre iIo ~ ~ Brb grams rogardfess of in- unîfs wîth lxundry in bîslorîc building inM n come or credît. Cxli îacility anad okodntriga Chnîs @ 1-800 32 social room on site S8oinfh. 3n Gerom 7887 or visif us xl Rogular resîdent evenîs tornohou1 20mnt peorg w ww. sîinicl1aîir co ck tnnS 5imnhpu Eber Selma Johnstone /dîîîgbîer iï haro tom Open 7 daps uolîfît hns o x Eiabeth o f Vaîîglîn înd îf'erla JîîlnsrneJ and & eoenings DxlJhsnAs «O.îl1 905-8376-1249 cîxtes Realtor 905 877- atapher~~1 Wayne rtrn iîu gx1Aalents& 5165. m floacnme aînd Jîrdi Bertrand] ivere M, Flats or Reni rredilf/c îxBiclaa r'iît ii - om&Dad! 1 AM f iue Rachel Grace Deborah boro on Frîdxy May Puertîo Plata, Dtimninictao Repxblîîîîr Congratulations Mm&1-BEDROOM base- 401'MîssîooxugamRoad, M IFrRn 17th 2005 to Sarah (Harrison) & Shane TasdxxiViienbr b hIJ ~ -[ Jim and Ellen Harkmn ment aportmeol newly 5 minute Goglw Cern lIeri A suer for Joel & Samuel Proud The edgas îfcîidh- IeBie ceferxalng 5 1e6,af-farug 200 redof, triage, stoux,Kîce. tbrom CTN3hdom gapansaeRei& oneHsnxn tOrom don. storage, hase- îsbed hasemoot, over Gai & Dani Cxm oln. » .90 cour raId grandfatlîcr shxred yard ana punrk mont $1 ,00î/month sîzed bacoyard, no C/iris la aconstuable ru O/r Peel Police] uînd aWith love fron îng încluded. No chehdxba 0 Embier fox field manager with Mîasac] are fJim, Ellen, Bill, Kevmn 1 pets/smoking. Pay OWO al/yroha,95 88 047 Stslm0 k r- uiîes rodninMt- , and Anne Marie! g ' as heat and hydro, 867____0477. ___ A10oxlhf e Augu is . 519 A B o y DK $700lrnnnth. Fîrstilast GEORGETOWN 2- 853-0710, reqaîred. Credif bedrouvi apartment. chek/ofroce CîlClean & quiet, Preler MILTON 3-hdrm town- S t tt905-877-9953. single older peruon. No house in nom aiea, S I I i f i Spetsismoking. August appîxances 51300/mtb C13 siie P # 78234 e 8x87 -2 64 1-BEDROOM hase- 1sf. Pleferences. 905- e ufîlities. Non smxk- mont apartment nemlp 877-1209. or/no petu/available Au- redone, t rîdge, stoxe, giisf tst. 905-864- k ',1f 4 *~ei ~ f ~ a ~~dryer, stororuom GEORGETOWN 8357.l f ~ Ug * i ~ g ' g~shxredpyardxand prk- ET â ssif59 îit a i c a pa o n ncfudod. No t, 2. & 3 bodroons. MILTON, 3-hdrm t 112 NICHOLSON -Michael and Lisa are thnilled pots/smoking. Pay own Check xut weh site bath, excellent condi to announce the arrvai osf Carter Steven, gas heat and bydro. mmm halfonhilîs tion. garage, tînîshed born June 24 xl 8:03 arn., rnetghtng llbs Buin S_ * uins 700lmontb. Firstifxst renta boml, ne pet/smnking l2oz. Carter is the first grandchild for OppomerorSaelune Fr ae usnes ,qird Credît Aug. 1sf $1300/month proud grandparents Ron and Viviane MmmmmL Mn 0o~r "Caorshi 0 portniti check/references. Cati GEORGETOWN Bach- 905-878-5019. Gentleman and Don and Rosemary fftyas 3 Slepd 905-877-9953 elor aparfiment, aoail NcosnCatrialedbigspld vv 11 yrEBr_1 VVflt-" Y:>"**Cah Srîocfudabed uie ar1 . t uwnouse MILT N3-bedroo by his aunt Kelly and uncles JeoB, Graham CxWrV"? F'rEýt- lae c>O Wxnf extra income? ACTON 2-bedroum iclsed lui~ N et rea owo s gain drec and Adam. Specia thanks ta Dr. Tam and hxrm -iEl l vv,t" The lotemet in a Trillion dollar a yexr lnduutry. Aoaîlahie AugustI peaeCî4152 StJOOlmonth n utnlîfiesý the nursing utaff xl OTMH. $1 aomseeAre you afraîd of V7 5870/montS utîlîties in 3102'958649 ~~ c Hundreds of Thuusxods are NOTi cluded. Quiet Building. 95 49 a a4-FREE loto No-pets. 192 Churchill GEORGETOWN " 8 7-17-1 ý'7_5 1_____________________ Rnad, South. Cati 519- cîous, 2-bedroom Accomod 1 a03O s_ 853-1281 ment, close to ihB ý 9 o if T- **~i Familles neait cash!** O chool. ApplineMLO.2-0sml Bitis piîng op? ACTONlag -dm getnihos N t rfecsLre (i"r- F ~~4l~r-rE VMoms bhat want t0 stay homo large you rord &r~ n br rien -e,.---a z.,~,~na-- bi icmetht îoapl avaîlable immedi- pets/smoking S98/t GEdby tinncial tess ately S77h ,mlii +r uni- ail inclusive. AvdbeS9/otpakn Vîsît www 7ies Cati 876457 hb3h Eohruar forUCene