Al 2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 05, 2005 Joust having funOu on Canada Day Clockwmse from above, Albert Lee gets knocked off the Get 'em Off jousting game by ight-year-old son Pilomon durmng Friday's Milton Canada Day fostivi- tues at the fairgrounds. Armour clad knights 'Cornigan' (left) and 'Malcolm - Dog of War' clash as part of the Blados of Glory jousting show, ane of sov- oral performances at tho day-long colebrations. Ethan Kret gets a bird's oye vlow of the festivitios on the shouldors of fathor John. Six-year-old Samuel Gibson-Gamacho shows his painted face. Julie Wilson takes a photo to romember hor 11-month-old son Nicholaus Schafhauser's first Canada Day. Looni Boughton onjoys the local colebrations. Eighteen- month-old Emily Sabljak takes in tho fun. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE iCanada's birthday and its freedom celebrated By GILLIAN CORMIER Special ta The Champion This year, Canada Day was a time I0 reflect on history as well as celebrate. The 2005 Milton Canada Day Committee planned the festivities to be both a celebration of Canada's I 38th birtb- day. and a time to psy tribute t0 the men and w,%omen that fougbî for ils freedom. "We had a really fantastic VE Day celebration for the 60th anniversary on May 8,- said Laurie MacNab, firs-vice of Braiich 136 ai the Milton Legion. "Because of that. the Canada Day Comrnittee decided that it would like 10 do somieihingz for the veterans because il Ns the Year of the Vteran.- Added Canada Day Committee Chair Paul Scherer: "We've always done a dedication t0 star! Canada Day and placed a wreath ai the cenotaph 10 honour our veterans. However. tbis year we've expanded il a bit.- This year. a veterans' breakfast was served from by the Knîgbts of Columbus and the Dptimist Club at Victoria Park. and was fol- lowed by a parade from the cenotaph 10 the opening ceremony at the Milton Fair Grounds. Six veterans were also presented witb Second World War Vterans' pins at the cenotaph in bon- our of their service. Bob Noakes, a Toronto firef-igbter, feit that il was fitling that vet- erans be a large part of the celebration. "I tbink il's very good Ibat the veter- ans are bere." be said. Is largely due 10 them Ibat sse have the freedom 10 celebrate this day.- Mayor Gord KranîL gave an address ai ibe ceno- tapb ceremony. Forgoing use of the megapbone in favour oI bis own booming soice. Mr. Krantz thanked the Canada Day Commiîîee and Ralph (left) and Eric (ni story by follow Second Wa Coulson whilo relaxing broakfast in Victoria Park1 Brancb 136 for their bard work. He also thanked the veterans for their sacrifices. -We know wbat democracy is aIl about, and il's you men and vomen wbo kepî Ibis great nation free," be said. He then led the crowd in singing 'Happy Birtbday' 10 Canada. From there, Milton's drumn and pipe band led the parade of vterans and spectators 10 the fairgrounds. Admission 10 the -fairgrounds was y.. free. as were mos! of the actîvities. Attendees were -able Io Cnjoy a 'Scie nc esali o n a Snakes' lenI. pony rides, a dog shosx, a horse sboN,, martiai ants demonstiations, gel tbeir piclure Photo by GRAHAM PAINE and much more. ight) Morkloy liston to a A petling zoo was lorld War votoran Harold provîded by 'Tiger during the votorans' Paw Exotics'. Il Friday. included goals, la- mas, rabbits, sheep. an Afnican porcupine, and a baby kangaroo named 'Jackie Junior'. Bemice Height of Tiger Paw Exotico beld Jackie in a baby sîîng across ber chest for a por- lion of the day, allowing kids and adulîs pet the cuddîy kangaroo. "Kids like just about anything," she said. "lt's the adulîs who like the exotic stuf - the differ- ent tbings that you don't get 10 see everyday." New Ibis year was the 'Blades of Glory' medieval performance troop. They held two toumamenîs of champions, wbere costumed wart'iors battled for tbe bonour of their ladies, who were selected from the crowd. Ils a greal family day.' said Sandra Hein,. who atîended the event wiîb husband Gary and sons Jacob and Cameron. She and ber family spenî the day lakiiîgin the actis lies and enjoy- ing being outi n the community. Wben bis mom asked bîm 10 guess how old Canada \vas, four- year old Jacob replied. ' tly-lsvo." Thc main stage osas alive wiîb music and entertainment for mosi of the afiernoon. and concluded ai nigbî wiîh performances by local band LTD and reunited musical group Barefool. The nighî was capped off wiîh the commitîes mosî ambitious and expensive firewerks display 10 date. Il took three îechnicians an entîre day 10 sel up the elaborale display. whîch began ai 10 p.m. and lasted a full 15 minutes. I couldn't be more pleased." said Mr. Scherer. "There were a lot of 'oohs' and 'abs' - il was by far' the best display we've ever bad." IHe also said that he and the commitle bave received a lot of positive feedback about the day's evenîs. "Everybody was engaged," bhe said. Iî îumed ouI 10 be a great party."