Youth-police seeks youth input Halton's Working Commitce on Youih and Police Relations bas launchecl a study of relations between youtb and police in Halton. Usmng an on-Uine surýiey, the conmittee la consulting witb youth and police to tlnd out more about attitudes, expecta- taons, -concerna and successes related to relations beiween young people sam police. Yot eweteae f1 n 4lvn nHlo a fil oui the foni on-Uine ai wwwmrgon.ltotLof.caJiay, or pick one up ai loAl conmounity centres and achools. The connitee is a parnership between the Halton Region Yo"t Services Steering ComimiteS ad ihe Halton Regional Police Service. Memnbers include youth, mnembers of community organizations andi representatives fromn the Halion Regional PoiceService. A 'Tyuth About Youth' report was published in 2004 mak- ing recommendations to help police and youth in the region forni and mnaintain constructive relationships. Mie study focuses on the report's reconiendations and wtll develop inforrmation te help police andi youih foni pro- ductive anti positive relationships. Recommendations coing oui of ihe siudy witl focus on opportunities to build andi maintain those relationships start- ing witb a young person's first contact with police. For more information, contact Jeniffer Speers. chair of the Working Cortuittee on Youth ansd Police Relations, ai (905) 693-4249. Crim Stpps oIHatoI vOffice ransacked Halton Regional Police are investigating a break-in .i a Milton elenieniary sehool. At around 9 pro. Sundaiy. a sindow %vas torced open and an office was ransacked ai J.M. Denyes School. locateti ai 215 Thomnas St. Nothîng was siolen. If -vou have anv informaton that Ieads Ioana arrest in titis or an v other motter, s ou ma v be eligible for a cash resvard. You wiIl neyer have to give Vour name or test ify in court. Crime Stoppera of Halton doesnt subscribe to coul dis- play- Cal 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppera' Web site at Fun Little Spaces Working with lImited garden space is the subject of this week's TERRA Trend. With gardens becoming smaller what we do with sur space becomes more important. Lawns are being rplaced with stone patios. pathways and gardes beds. The layosi of the gardes cas make the space seem bigger tby creating gardess is corners and tricking the eye loto thinkîng the gardes is bgger than it really is Using contain- ers throughost the gardes and patio at narying tieights asd in lusters cas add dimension and coloar in a small gardes space. Utlîzng patio space is another great may to expand the gardes. SmalI water gardons, cozy uite bistro sets, funky tabIleare and eccentric garder' accents ail add spunk to the amaîl gardes space. Dont lt cenfined spaces lîmît yoar imag- ination or your gardon. Stop by osee oe r gardon centres thîs meek and explore the possibdîitîes. Listes te AM900 CHML for more & The Canadian Champion, Friday July 01, 2005- A9 ,Men charged after an argument Two people filling up at a local gas sta- tion Sunday were charged with causing a disturbance after police requesîed that a cigarente be extinguished. The incident took place ai the Esso Station ai Denry Road and Regional Road 25 jusi before 5:30 p.m. Police said a driver lit a cigarette wiîhin three feet of the gas pump as he refueled, prompîing officers also ai the station ta request that it be put out. The driver and another man became bel- ligerent, police said, yelling and swearing ai the officers. The officers antempted with- oui success ta calan the pair down. Twa Halton Huis men, aged 36 and 37, were charged. Trailer stolen from lot The trailer of a transport truck, worth $24,000, was stolen from a Trafalgar Road lot sometime between June 15 and 24. Police said the white 2005 JayC traiter was stolen by unkîîown suspects. The theft is under investigation. Home broken into A home svas ransacked overnighi June 23 and jesvclry stolen. Police saîd the incident occurred ai a home on Nassagasveya/Esquesing Tow Line. An uîîknosvn suspect gained entry by breaking a rear wtndows. He proceeded tii take costume jesvelry and figurinies. Police are investigating. Police Blotter High school shed broken into A storage shed at Milton District High School on Williams Avenue was broken into ovemnight Saturday. Police said the shed was forced open by unknown suspects. Its flot yet known if anything was takeri. CDs stolen from vehicle CDs Worth hundred-s of dollars were stolen from a vehicle parked at a Bell Street home ovemight Sunday. Police said the locked vehicle suffered no damage. Thirty CDs, a smaîl quantity of rooney and a cell phone charger were taken by the unknown suspects. The estimated value of the stolen proper- ty is $600. Property stolen froni vehicle An unknown suspect stole property from a vehicle parked in a Laurier Avenue drive- way overnight June 23. Police said ihere svere no signs of forced entry to the 1994 CItesrolet. which had been locked. Sioten ssere ai Sony Discrnan. a lashlight. a backpaýck aind ai drivers licence. Vehicee rnken into An unlocked sehicle parked ai a Bell We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. = -I - :::~~~~C Now OPEN! THE MILTON EMPLOYMENT REsouRcE CENvTRE Featuring FREE access ta: Resume Critique aind Coachlng 0 One-on Ose Anatysis &Advice from a Professional Career Speciatisi 0 ivery Mon. [Tues.IT'h urs. untit 4pm Career Resources 9 Information on Pregrams for finding Career DIrection 0 Tip Siseets, Books, Videets, Computer Tuiorlats Compuersand Equi4want " COmpeters wthtt nernet and Prînter Accesa " Copietr, Fax, Scanner andi Phoene Address. 55o Ontario Street South, Suite z03 Moîrs: Monday-Friday 8.-30-4:30 Pm Southview Plaza For more information, please callI 905-693 -8458, Ext. 107 or visit www. thecentre.on. ca. T lhe Centre 'qlI SkiIIs Development & Training This project is funded by the Government of Canada. Street driveway was broken ia overoighî Saturday. Police said unknown suspects enîered the 1994 Volvo and rummaged through the glove compartment. taking a small quanti- iy of money. Window broken A rock was thrown through the window of Adam's Convenience store on Main Street Sunday evening. Police responded to the incident jusi after 1l p.m. when the alarm sounded. 'Me esiimated value of the property dam- age is $900. Break-in attempteti A break-in was attempted ovemighî June 23 on Commercial Street. Police said an unknown suspect attempi- ed ta pry open the aluminuro frame of a rear window, but didnt succeed in gaining entry. The bouse sustained i mnor daînage. nen an*Om asuad-to ed 31ourue 30 W ,arov e risnoyncpu e y re exiusd n ,u e qr oufld r ro i le nes4o ne )ti ort a oth T'rota M W M WMt oi odilynveipro eai au 00) nilsc ine aiBsoBryr nt eenJn uy1 HoM aionIoedcsI Ch apr 905r 844 0098ion cue ya in o m ad.,Jn@sp n a29