v M sc m un c tî rd rî gThe Cànadian Champion, Friday, Juty1,205-A huntng trip Ieads to tragedy '*OUR READER1s WRITE t It,,,,1;0111 oîd t<ywrPti(il>c<i >n.s ili o05</el f0 Pravidle a winidow ipito Mllo past. ExP/aniatorv comment is sometimes pro- "'ide' t pla(e t/te situation in contes-t. November 1905 An appalling calamity happened bo the Milton hunîing Party on Pickerel River Milîs Township Parry Sound District in the deaîh of W.A. Clark, Manager of the Toronto Creamn & Butter Co. on Thursday Of last week. The men in the two camps of the Party bad arranged for a 'combination still bunt' and were aIl supposed ta be fol- lOwing parallel lines in searcb for deer. In soîne way Mr. Clark came across the uine followed by Wm. Panton, proprielor of the Champion, and the latter, mtistaking Mr. Clark for a deer, unfortunately took aim, fiekilling im almost instantly. The fancoloured coat womn by Mr. Clark and his mov:mens behnda logW:th theover- thelowr artof isbody dcie r Panton. experienced bunîsman as be is. Mr. Panton was lerribly overcome when he realized whaî had bappened. Wben able 10 do so be started off to find a team and driver lu convey Mr. Clark's body 10 the steamboat landing. This being procured afler a walk of ten miles, be wenî witb the boy imself, Mr. John Pirie accompanying him as far as Burks Falls and remainng in charge until be cold place il in the banda; of friends in Toronto. Since is return home on Sunday momning, after tbree days of intense anxiety and distress, Mr. Panton bas been unable 10 attend bo any business, his nervous sysîemt bemng completely unsti-ung and the Champion is edited Ibis week by a substitute wbo is responsible for Ibis article. The Annual Plowing Match of the Halton Association was beld on the prem- ises Of Wm. Scott, near the G.T.R. station yesterday (Bronte St. N.). About sixteen teama competed and somne very good plowing was done. Commerce- Messrs. JR Lawrason & Co.'s new wagon bas been started out under the charge of Mr. J. Perriton with a full line of druga, fancy gooda, etc. Mr. Perriton will take the nortb part of Nassagaweya township first and work down towards Milton. He expecta 10 be home aI frequent intervals 10 pick up vani- ous supplies. 'John" is very popular tbrougbout the County and sbould do a Time<~ 'Shake the trees' plan just plain ridîculous Y ý,7- ' /1 Capsules Dear Editor: l'm writing concemning a'cam- paign that just began in my area of' t<)wn wbicb 1 leamed of tbrougb a pamphlet iii my mailbox. At firsI 1 saw the bilariîy of the proposaI, and then I became vexed -not only about the principle of wbaî was being suggesîed, but also because il was a blatant insuli of mny intelligence. l'm of course referring 10 the Let's Gel Rid Of Those Birds!' campaign that started lasi weekend in the Dorset Park ares. Despite the positives tbey bring, the birds- starlings - are a bit of a nuisance, and l'Il certainly admit that. And Ibis letter isn'î about tak- ing sides in Ibis matter. Wbat I do want 10 comment on is wbaî 1 con- sider 10 be the sheer stnpidity of wbaî's being proposed. Let's jusî take a look aI the metbods these people bave set in motion. Tbey're asking people 10 lie a rope 10 a igb brancb in an occu- pied tree and pull on il every 15 minutes before everyone goes 10, bcd, s0 "the birds will become so sleep deprived tbey will bave no choice but 10, leave.' Boy tbats absolutely brilliant. First of all, let's deal with the obvi- ous. Many of Ibose trees, including the ones in my backyard, are close to 80 feet igb. How is il they pro- good business. Rev. C.T. Bennett and J.M. Bastedo got home on Tuesday moming aliter hunting deer in Muskoka, camping witb three other sportsmen. Tbey report unpleasant weather but good sport and brought home their complement of deer. J.D. McGibbon got home on Friday evening from the Magnetawan river, Party Sound District. Business required bis presence here and he bad to cul short bis outing. He brougbî home a fine deer. The Bank of Hamiltons new office (site of current CIBC) is about ready for occu- pation and will be opened within a few days. Ail the fumnisbings are of the finest description and altogether the building does great credit to the bank. The Warden at County Council read and presented an illuminated address to Wmn. Panton. county clerk, and Mr. Cook pre- sented im with a gold-headed cane on bis having completed forty years of service as county clerk. Mr Panton spoke briefly thanking the counicil for the honor done hlm, for the handsome mementos given hlm and for the kind things said of him. The Stevenson Block (Bergsma's) bas been sold Ibis week to Bastedo & Co. We understand the flrm intend to bave it fitted np for one large store and wben completed il will be quite an improvement to the Main seet of our town. Messrs. OHeron & Fletcher have coro- Pleted arrangements for the openg of the Milton Marbie and Granite Works about Jan. lI on the premises on main st. for- merly occupied by Fred Wales,, butcher. They will move the sbop back from the street so that they can display their gooda in front of il. They wil import and manu- facture a fulli une of foreign and domestic marbie and granite. Tis rnateral is assembled on behaif of thse Milton Historical Society bs' Jim Di//s, who can be reached ai jdills @idirect.cont. Dear Editor: 'm writing Ibis letter on bebalf of my 14-year-old son wbo on Satnrday aI about 1:30 p.m. bad bis lacrosse stick stolen aI John Toneili Sports Centre. The thefi occurred wbile the pour kid was using the wasbroom. Our son paid for that lacrosse stick with the money be eamed ti.mekeeping lacrosse gamet. He could bave quite possihly kepî ime in a game for the person wbo stole bis stick. Il seems timies are cbangmng bere in Milton. The days of watcbing ont for eacb other seem lu be disappear- ing. My son was boro and raised bere, and he's sbocked Ibat someoe would do sometbing s0 burtful 10 him. Unfortunately be's leamning Ibat unr communi- ty is cbanging, and rosybe flot for the belter. To the person wbo stole my son's lacrosse stick, please relum it lu Tonefli arena. Tbere'll be no ques- lions asked. To ail parents, please check your kids' lacrosse sticks to see if Ibey bave a new orange and brown stick with lime green sbooîing string. If su, chances are il's my son's stick. We can be conlacted at (905) 875-5910. S. Harder Letters welcome The Champion welcomes letters lu the editor. We reserve the rght 10 edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. Letters can be e-mailed 10 miltoned@halonsearch.com, faxed 10 (905) 878-4943 or dropped off aI 875 Main SI. E. Theft of son 's lacrosse stick truly disappoînting 3 57 Q ue en St. AC TON 519-853-0200 info@acbilesmazdaca From Down town Milton ... To A ch ille s M a zd a...It 's 0OnI1y 18.3 Kilometers 19.7 Mirnuts ~~i~ No mater how you masure itltAhle 90.9Furong ,~ Mazda show you why its "Worth the Drive". 11.4 Miles 20013.1 Yards 909.7 Chaks 6w394Fect pose 1 climb the 70) feet 10 reacb these brantches svîîbouî incurring more risk than Ibis is really wortb? Also, the writers ofthIis pamphlet are quîck 10 point oui that Ibis svîll shake droppings out of the tree. but Ibis shouldn't be of concerîs because the wind does Ibis anyway. Waiî a second, if the wind does Ibis anyway and the birds still bavent left, on what basis is Ibis plan supposed to work? I've seen birds tolerate sbaking from even mild winds that would be far more grievous 10 any iree dweller than a simple shaking every 15 mtiutes. Wben doing Ibis sbaking, we're also supposed 10 dress in some- tbing similar to a full nuclear suit te, proteet ourselves from poîenîially deadly drrippings. l'm assuming l'm supposed 10, just leave Ibis suit on s0 1 cari go and shake my trees between every commercial break. The pamphlet also catis for us 10 lie a piece of wood 10 the trurik of the tree and bit it witb a sledge bammer every 15 minutes until the birds leave. Again lHIl be the first to admit that the birds can be an occasional annoyance, but not nearly as annoying as 100 homne- owners smacking sledgebammners againsî every tree in their garden every 15 minutes - a process whlcb the pamphlet instrncts us te, stant at 10 p.m. eacb nigbt. Anyone smnacking aîîytbing wîtb a sledgebammer ai ibis ime of nigbî xill be quick to know about il, flot only from myseli' but l'in sure from many others. The pamphlet continues by informing us about bow dried par- ticles of bird feces are polluting our air and pose a significant bealîb Ibreat from the well-knowri disease Histoplasmosis. Wbaî the pamphlet doesn't address is that the disease is in fact quite rare, and even if the disease is contracted itîs usually not serions enongb 10 warrant any kind of trealment. Wbat these people also fail 10 recognize is that even if the plan sncceeds -wbicb I can guaranîee will not -Ihey're simply making it somebody else's problem, whicb in the interesî of being good neigb- bours I'm sure is contrary 10 wbaî tbey're trying 10 acbieve. If yonr bird situation is that intol- erable, simply bave your Ire prnned. or if il means that mucb 10 you, cnt down. Otberwise, do as we do and simply jet wash the Irees periodically. At the end of the day. it's not that big of a deal. And please, next ime dont put sncb complete and utter rnbbisb in my mailbox. John Gordon Jr.