Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 2005, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Frd ay JuIy 1,2005 *Comment *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 875 Main St. E., Ian Oliver Publisher Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 Neil Oliver Assoiate Pshlî.îlîer (905) 878-2341 Wendy MeNab Adveitiiînl Direuoar Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smith Miieigtiditir Adverising Fax: 905-876-2364 Tim Coles Preids, i< Manaizer Classified: 905-875-3300 Charlene Hall ('irruiltitoti Managei Circulation: 905-878-5947 Teri Casas Offii-e Manager The Canadian Champion, pub obed eveîy besday and Fi day ai 875 Mac St E Mitron Ont. LOT 3Z3 (Box 248). s one ofthte Metrolard Prntrnq P îbisbîttg n bîstrbuting td commun ty nensparers Advedîising ib accepied on the condition iratinrihe event oi a typodraphîcal error bhat pdor ionirte adved.isicng space occupind by the roneoas ientageiber witE a reasoîable alowance ton sgnature, wli dot be tnargea ta. but tbe balance of the adaertiîement nîli ne oaad fin ai te applicable rate Tite publsher reserves the idita caiedorize adoertiseroents or declîîne CCAB Auduîed RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY O ntario CommuoittoCaadian Conmnity S M boburbar Neosapers SNewspapers Association N ewspapers Assocîaîîoe aAerc TH-E CANADIAN CHAMPION I8 A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Haltori ealthurT Wli 0 1 ~ & P~ TV IICTO F MILTON 15e ThýO.kilic Miiton *'"WdÇ ' T-.--L' Sh owease Mîton -c 'GALA VR 4-wards TieMilon CaaaaaChamepon ia Recyciable Prodiacî Proud to be Canadian Deinîng what il mneans 10 be Canadian is no easy task- partty because of the ever- evolvîîag cultural mosnîc of our counîrys population and, partly, because Canada means many different things to ils citizens. This is a land that affords ils people free- dom and demnocracy. the latter having been exercised in Ottawa on Tuesday with the vote on same-sex marniage. Wbile we're a country that favours pence over conflict, our men and women have repeatedly placed their lives in petit over- seas when called upos. Canadas rotes in D-Day. VE Day and Vi Day are testament to our nations willing- nessb to ight fiercely when provoked, or when our allies are threatened. Canada doesn't take goisg 10 wnr lightty. Wben the US. plunged headlong mbIntraq, after careful consideration our salions leaders decided sot to sesd troops. It may not have been a popular decision, but il was a choice Ibat defined Canada as a free- thning country more than capable of say- ing flo 10 ils superpower neighbour. Last fait, when the CBC aired The Greatest Canadian - a quest 10 fisd the ose Canuck we admire most - the Top 10 fisaliats provided some insight mbt what Canadians value tîsost. 0f the finl I0, tour were politicians (Tommy Douglas, Pierre Trudeau, Lester B. Pearson and Sir John A. Macdonald), three were scientists (Sir Frederick Banting, David Suzuki and Alexander Graham Bell), two were sports figures (Don Cherry and Wayne Greizkyî and one ssas a bona fide hero (Terry Fox). Being Canadian entitles each ot us 10 develop our own interpretatios about what it means to be from this country. Whatever your definitios of Canada is. today is the day to celebrate our nations success and spend some time with others who value everything our great country stands for. It's unlikely John A. Macdonald and the Fathers of Confederation could have imag- ined where Canada would fond itself 138 years afier four provinces formed a domnin- ion. tf you consider yourself a proud Canadian, show il off today by raisisg a flag, sisging the anthem or by discussisg your definition of Canada with a fellow cit- izen. Perhaps we need 10 do this more often. Enjoy our day. 'c 18k wvurneauers wrire Real issue seems to have been mîssed wîth regard to the closure of Fourth LUne Dear Editor: This letter (s in resposse 10 the June 21 letter by Joanne Rowe enti- tled 'Closing Fourth Line a good move for safety.' Fm not sure people are under- standing the real issue with regard 10 the closure of Foui-th Line. I's sot the actuat closure of Ibis road tbat's the issue, but rather the fact that Fourth Line was closed before asy viable altemnative routes were put in place. They sbould have completed the James Snow Parkway expansion before closing Fourth Line. t agree witb Ms Rowe in regard 10 thse speed and unsafe driving tbat bas been seen now due 10 the iscrease in population, but it's sot just specific to Foui-tb Lise. And whilc her issues have been resolved hy the closure of Fourth Lise, in my opinion it bas created more unsafe intersections in town. Ms Rowe remarked about il sot taking ber more than 12 minutes t0 gel osto Derry Road from Fourth Lise. But of course il wouldn't, since she bas access tu a signated intersection, where she can safely make tumns. However, for many other people living in town who are using Fiftb Lise tu gel 10 Derry Road, il remains unsafe, and usual- ly tbere's a lise-up. The traffic coming mbt Miltos at rush hour is also very heavy os Denry Rond. with people driving over the speed limit as well as driv- ing aggressively and îailgatisg. Donit aIl the previous letters about lte closure of Fourth Lise say something about Ibis issue'? Tbere are serious coscernis about safety and traffic is Ibis area. t tbisk the Town and Region need to look a! the traffic patîems and speed limits os the roadways and make adjustmenis accordingly 10 handle the level of trafflc now is Miltos. Hopefutly wiîb the public infor- mation gatberisg and evaluations from Destiny Milton 11, dbis will pruvide further feedback 10 the Town regardisg the changes the peopte of Ibis town are lookisg for. Patty Norris Babcock Crescent Astrong support system really goes a long way t'm sot panicking yet, but the other day t real- ized just bow quickly the big day July 17 is approacbisg. tt's only about two weeks away. For those wbo missed my previous columns os the subject, t've accepted a media challenge is tbe 2005 Ontario Womes's Triathos Series. Pitted agalsst the managing editor of the Orangeville Basser, The Cbampion's sister sewspaper, t will compete in the Super Sprint Triathon July 17 in Orangevitle. Thes we'll botb do the Super Sprint Triathlos September il in Milton. Both evesîs consist of a 375m swim, 10 km bike and 2.5 km rus. Now, afler just 13 weeks of training, whicb t started is a state of being somnewbat out of shape, do t feel confident I be able 10 be do well? Honestly, 1thtisk MIl be able to complete il, but t really dont think lilI be all that competitive. So t'm considening Ibis a warm up to tbe event t realty bave my sigbts set on - the Milton triathlon. I've bees doisg alI the training as required. Every day except Monday 'm out either swim- misg, bikisg or rusnisg, but I'm having trouble getsing a bandle os what il will be like 10 do tbem alI ose after the other, especially if it's bot like il bas been. Ose tbisg I have come 10 appreciate is the value of having a support sysîem behisd you when you decide 10 do something like Ibis. t've lont count of bow many limes my boyfriend, Frank, bas gone biking witb me tu keep me company, or biked alongside me wben t ran at nigbl after dark. There's no doubt Franks encouragement and momings. And if's sot just about the training. We discuss strategies for the race and it bas really been ben- _________________eficial. And thes Ibere's tbe people who read my col- Pro m th e imn and take the lime wbes îbey sec me 10 ask ho tsgoing. TMat also keeps me motivated. edito 's desk 1 even bave a little bit of fan club of sorts. tn myneigbbourhood lv teyousg grandcbildren -1:1 -Ivilg:lof a lovely woman t ksow, Elizabeth Kiddle. From lime 10 lime lbey leave artwork and notes aI companionsbip bas betped motivate me many my door, cbeernsg me on. Il means a lot. limes wben t really juat felt like lying on the Witb ail that goisg for me, t really dos't see coucb. bow t can fall. And my running and biking sessions witb my Wisb me luck. l'il tel] you ail about it Inter Ibis sew friend Wendy Somnerville, wbo will alto month. compete in the Orangeville and Milton events, Karen Smith cas be reached at knmith@hal- bave belped ine stick 10 the programn on many tonsearch.com. 1 -1 1

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