Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 2005, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 01, 2005 /Three-way stop signs may .Tfown looking into urban tree bylaw be put inl at iBtersetiorç cxx &ILANIL iENNbSSy The Champion The Tixxxn xx il I ,uouli be takiIns aniithei loxok at xx'tethei the intersect ion its tCoxe Biiuevaid xx ihI auriei Asvenuie andt ('hildi Drive shocld tiecoille tree-\vay stops. Milton COtiiici I debated the txipic Monday evening aier Ward 4 Couincilii Johin Challinor broughit 1orward a notion catling toi staff îo report back on the possi- bifity of'placingx three xay stop siipoaste at the bîîsy intersections. Staff respondect to Mi. ChatlImors initial inquiîy on the natter xx th a letter deîaiiliîe tîhe trafiîc ciilints tîxat xx eîe coniptetect at the itersections. The letter concludeci att xx ay stops arecflot xxarrantect ai this tinme. Ireally ttîink that enaýineering 'ShIILIfct lxist take aiixthei looik ait."Mir Challiiiiir ar-ued althle coinci I iieetiiie -j tIiliik coincit deserx ex tîhe [Ioppîinuiity tii thinik aibout it. BLIt. \arct 3 Councillor Jan Miixxbrav Cautioned the Toxwniîagainsi putting IiiMoure ..0i[e uixte can Le the xx indixxx xx' xillixrtunlity lxoi a ciiticallyinjixieid ClildI.' sfic saicf. "Sxxliebocty's fle Cixxid he ai stake b> pxting in a stolp sigix.- Sfic adcted that morie andciimoxre people are inakiiîe rotling stops ai stoxp sigris. xx'ichi Ci caies imorxe prberixexs. Ward -4 tiiaxIixîor WendLY Scliaxi sait ,lie spokexii the crxxssiii guaid ai tdie cornîerioft Iiurierixnd Luxe. xxliii alsxx i aised cixnceins aboxut people nait u riniiu stoips ai (lie intersectixon, Mr. ('hialliiîxîî s îmoxtionîîcariecc. t)îecîxîr of' iîs-iiieeri ng Servsices PaixlI (iipps saidl stalff xxxîcîlld like iii xxaitiîîl the t1a1Ioxxredix the trallic Coixxixi. xtini- e liu1n xIiiix xx iiild Le Mixîîe xC CLirate siiiCCxîaxi dentis xiii Le oii sacatixoni îîîxx NIî/îîîî Hxiîii xixx xi hiîîoxîx'Ivil a hamiiii. Ward 4 Councillor John CLatlI or brought lorxvaid a notion oi thîe group's bebaif ai council Monday evening, asking Town staff to look into tLe feasi- bifity oîf inirodueing a bylaw pro- hibiting tLe injuring or destruc- tion of trecs in urban Milton. He explained H-eritage Milton asked f'or this motion ax a rexuli of iwo recent incidents where prop- ery oxvners cut down "signiti- iieic'lhb xxxi lxandIthe xx ler 'iit the'Town. The latter. he said, invoivcd a developruent where the Town wasn't supportive of the ize tof the structure proposed. The tree in this scenario, a watnut iree, he xaid was then eut down because of the revenue it rcpreaented, since it's often used for things like cabinet making. Mr. Chailinor noied that he had a bit of tiesitation about introdue- ilso Iecixse lic et eî ýSiîixiW Iy about prxpenty righis. He went on to say that irees in the toen*s business district do have beritage and that irees can be designated îbrougb the Heritage Act, but currently noue in Milton bave received that label. Wards t and 3 Councilior Barry Lee directrd staff to, consider iree designations under the Heritage Act. Council supported the motion. Fireworks bylaw may be updated A loc alix ciItîr oxxiix.elî i bout public saifet> xxie xit ciies itii cxx xrks lias sparked a cail lxix 1 xxil xx lito Ak a seconid lxook ai Mliltiîis exstixiui wai cf4 (xxxiicilliii Jixhi C liali xîxr rixsi-olt urss a cf a 11101111îxîîî a Ii CicinitMxnday ee iins ast up foxr suait ti i epxiil hack xxixtîe f'easihili t> Ot ipdatiig the by lxxx tii ulichtile stixiage requireieixis. s eixcr licexisixie ieqciireixxeits and annîxal l'i-îexvorks bylaxv iotificatixii iii the public. tser Last 14 yeais tuai t hiaýserixeciw.,an xxeleci- cd r-epreseitatixe. I1hx c ecxiiîîe ucras >Coi- cex nectabouxt thxe cicîxuci of' sxinîc xx Lxself aixcf sxine sefîibuy conisumxer f ,îx x ~ aid Mr. C(halxiixir xia fetter tuai ixent beloric ciuixcif. Cxiincif suppxxried Mr('hall xîîxrs mîotion. r Milton ~ * Online 905878165 www milUon.ca RECONSTRUCTION 0F THOMPSON ROAD (3RD LUNE) FROM DERRY ROAD TO LOUIS ST. LAURENT AVENUE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE As ident fîed through the Mlton Phase 1 (Bristol Survey) Secondary Plan, Thompson Road needs f0 be widened and improved. The, existing two-iane roadway wiii be widened f0 an urban section. Currenfiy, the Town is proposing tri construot road improvement on the section rit Thompson Road from Derry Road fou Louiý St. Laurent Avenue in the year 2005. A Public Information Centre bas been scheduied for: Wednesdlay July 6 2005 at fhe Milon Memorial Arena af 77 Thompson Road South in the Lions Hall on fhe second floor befween the hours of 6:30pm and 9:30pm f0 present information on the road reconstruction projecf. The purpose of this Public Information Centre is to ailow interested members of the public an opportunify f0 review the design drawings and discuss issues or concerns with the project team. If you have any questions about this project, please contact: Martin Bateson, CET. Manager, Development Engineering Town of Milton 555 Industrial Drive, 2nd Floor, Milton, Ontario Tel: (905) 878-7252 ext 2514 Fax: (905) 876-5029 mnartin.bafeson@mttonca Humphrey Wong, REng. Projecf Manager Stanfec Consulting Ltd. 7270 Woodbine Avenue Suife 300, Markham Ontario L3R 4B9 (905) 474-0455 ext 2489 (905) 474-9889 hwong@stantec.com NOTICE 0F PASSUNG 0F BY-LAWS TAKE NOTICE THAT the Counri: ot the Corporation of the Town of Milon passed By-law Numbers 76-2005 & 77-2005 on the 27th day of dune 2005 under Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amnended. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person or agency may appeal to The Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Milton, not later than the 20th day of July 2005 a Notice of Appeal setting out the objection to the By-laws and the reasons in support of the objection and must be accompanied with a cheque of $125.00 payable f0 the Minister of Finance required by The Ontario Municipal Board. Only individuals, corporafions and public bodies may appeal a zoning by- law fo The Ontario Municipal Board. A Notice of Appeal may flot be filed by an unincorporafed association or group. However, a Notice of Appeal may be flilec in fhe name of an individual who lis a member of the association or fhe group on ifs behaif. Please contact the Planning & Development Department for inquiries regarding By-law Numbers 76-2005 & 77-2005 et (905) 878-7252 ext. 2398. DATED et the Town of Milton, this 3th day of June 2005. T. McHarg, Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontario, L9T 5H2 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose and effect oit these housekeeping amendments are as fotlows: Greeniands A Amendment. To clarify the intent with respect tri the Greenlands A zone. This zone identifies lands regulafed by the Conservation Authority. This amendment will authorize certain land uses, which are permitted by the Conservation Authority through their permitting procesa. Greenlands B.Amendmenf: The Greenlands B area in the By-law is intended tri identify significant woodlot areas. Staff has reviewed some of these boundaries, particularly as if relates f0 residenfial lots and are refining the boundaries of the Greeniands B zone f0 more accurately reflect actual woodlot boundaries. Milon ranit Canada Day Transit Notice Miltn Trnsit Please note thaf there will be no Milon Transit Service or Accessible Transit Service on: Friday, J uly 1, 2005 Scheduled services will resumne on: Monday, JuIy 4, 2005 Phono: 905-815-2020 Informration Une for Oakville Transit, which is providing Milton Transit service) L ________________________________ L I v m MILTON ýLmo-N

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