28 - The Canadian Champion, Friday July 01, 2005 Ge e ffce- -ic H l GeIlHIp GenraIHep E eiNop GnIlHep 16j enrHep [là eep e i Hep nonp DRI VR/SHO HAND MILTON MAN"UFACTURING PLANT II I V RSH PH N okng for full tme employees 4 loinOnPiM.. I IJLTM TTi Guardian Fibergiass, is airrentty recruiting ProductIonWorkems D Osu 0ear t eau t$42,000 ater yvaist Pa ear wiadrsarceme puptesl55 Dos vas ae" hteairficare,itereai, pescoptSr ari,life, shortatnd on term it dsbnity iissrsrre, penses, compny match R0005, sfety hvce an cthttag atocaric, paei oticans and vaton7 We wilI be coeductlnp on-the-sfft interviews Tuesday, JuIy 5, 2005 7:00 a.m. - Noon a Wednesday, July 6, 2005 2 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. CmmgwWut WWe apoatio mWi..,.mmw.gMbx* the «Mne m op.ea tgmlmI tecre ne ne uai4iw Ao#£&e Fno, e Airarar aM (51r9i)si833-6rs WATERDOWN Appiance & Furniture Liquidation Expanding! GENERAL LABOURERS F/T-(Tues. 10 Saf.) & PT-(Sat & Sun) Dutes include: Handymtan, Lifter, Delivery Person unload trucks, bsorne heavy lifting) & tumnilure asaembly. F/T, must have clean uhoiruof & 2syro. old Bevohilo package avaîlahle. Cati Rose-Hill Liquidation 905-690-8237, Ask for Butch BEARDMORE LEATHERS Commission Sales Corporate Promotions Department Requrto an Indîvîdual1 wifh. *Strong research okllo *Computer eopertioe *Effectie phone manner *Salesoexperience *Proves organîzatonal skl Excellent opporlunty for a self-starter. A teamn player - reat growth potential. Apply hy fao 1: 519-853-9494 Asbuilt ClimateCare s ookig for Part-l"ime, possilbly Fut-Timne RECEPTIONIST Duhes toindud!e atswering phones, hoolting ser- vice catis, enterng AP imvoices and vanious other office jobs. Muai be customner service oriented, de- faiied, organized and work well as part of Our Pieuse fax reaumne fo Liz Blighf ai. 905-877-8025 DON'T MISS OUT! Great Opportunie in Burington! Guaranfeed Monthiy Plus Gax Subsidy Early morning door fo door Delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Must have Relîule Vehîcle. 7 duyo a week Calil Now 905-639-7700 lmmediately for refrigerated food processing plant in Milton. Own Transportation Required. Fax Resumne to: 905-878-9010 Attention: GERRY DUCHENE I - iat Jb pprtniie We are seeking packagers across Mississauga, Brampton and Milton Please contact VOLT HUMAN RESOURCES ai 416-306-3390 or gtajobs@volt.com for more information. requie a MaintenaceAs- sistant. This is a challeng ing position Ihat ofrs a lot of vartability. Mainte- nance training is not essenlial, mechani- cal aptitude ta. Fao resume ta 905-632- 4022 or mail 10 1135 Gallagher Rd. Sur- ington UT 2M7 j.C.-S CLEANING SERVICES Now hîring ful/puri lime people. Must be bondabie, relîshie and have own transportation. Pleae cati: t-866-852-9643 Hairstylist Required (must have eoperiencel for busy downtown Burlington salon For Interview Pleate Catt WigsviIIe 905-634-9022 An gunP g' g g ggia ocaion inOu Miet 'e Secti Ci the mlîusîriai reliai iouson iouuirlg lui mechanicatiy tnclined person wtth good drtvtng record. Benefits. wj..........- ia'atitde Please cail: (647) 988-6445 IFax resume & drivers abstract to:. I 905-827-5445 Oakville SkliedHllod Ial o Ludlsw Educatiain Servces FREE TRAINING Da~ Become a Schooi Bus Drivrornx Have your oummers off! Train now for September Human Resources Torontc For More Informaio Caîl 905-877-2251 L a d a n , e a n e q s a op p o r tu i n i ve m p lo y e r ROYAL Onlarto Golf Club os now accepfîng applications for SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT WITHIN FTHE GREENS MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT We offer a pleasant wofsing envirooment and compefifive wages. Experience is preferred but nof necessary Valid drivers lcense is required. Please fax reaumnea la 905-693-9832 Atenton Mîke Pellerin, or maila 6378 Trafalgar Road, llornby, Ontario, LOP 1 EO. Succvvofui applicants wii On coviacied for an itvie w iseeekng IULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSON Foi deloîlo and application pleaue go to: wwwbeautifulpets.com/mobo Canadas Largest AuCtion House Full & Part Tîme Opportunities -Receptionist, Generai noicecultres Working with Auctioneers In a fast puced eovrovment. Wie wiil train. Fax resumne to Judi O 905-875-2910 EPOXY SOLUTIONS Laboorero reqoîreri for CONCRETE PREPARATION WORK $15»OSto tant. Must have own vehîcle. Fax reoumne Io 905-877-7648 Or email foi: roger@epooysolutonu cpm GENERAL LABORER POSMON AVAILABL Ful ime - Oay shiff Steel Environment (Mlton location) Overhead crane & forkiift experience an asset but not necessary Competitive wages Send resumne ta (fax) 905-693-9936 New Distrbution Centre in Mîlton located around James Snow Parfrway and Steefes requîres long term possible temporary f0 permanent positions. Certif ied Raymond Reach and or Order Pickers required for ail three shifts, avaiiabiiity immediate of if you can start Augunt lut, 2005. Startivg pay $1300 - $1500 per hour. Please email resumne to: obove@gaimco.ca STOPP'S DRYCLEANERS Now Hiritg Fuiltlime Shirt Presser, Monday to Friday. No Eoperience Needed. WiII Trait. We are Air Cooditiooed. Email: stoppa dycleaners@sympaticoaca or Apply in persan to: 885 Main St. #4 FuIl or Paft-lime Van Don.genNrsre C'atI 905-878-1105 Responsible for the installation, repair, and maintenance of telephone fines, you are highly customer service oriented. have strong verbal and written communication SUItS, and can work shifts within our seven-day work week. You have a G2 driver's license, can work in all types of weather conditions and can work at heights on poles and ladders. This entry level position pays $1275 per hour and a company vehicfe miii be provided. If you're driven to take your telecommunications skif s to the neut fevel, its time you join our team! We offer a challenging work environment that fosters creativity and rewards excellence. Please forward your resume in MS Word format referencing 1Technician' to: cvmissisÇauga@drakkar.ca or fax 416-514-0800. Please include the city you would f ike to work in. W thk h-a .1y tpc f ,,ffleew -i n c-tntý Y Ali/Yi 1% I. V:1 iiiiS i!i115 A teading manufacturer of converttng equipment requires ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLERS " Minimum 3 years expertence controt pane) and machine wiring " Abilîty to read and apply ochematios diagrams " Working knowledge ot electronîco " Pneomatîc and mechanical enperience " Abîlity to use hand tools and etectro mechanicat devtces " Excettent communication skills Send resume 10: 135 Capital Court, Mississauga jobs@deacro.com fax 905-564-6533 Please KecycIe th!$ Paper T AMADA ITrret Press Pegal 13671 IBrake Pressi iProgrammer & Open Over-Tîme Fax (905)336-0272 Watts Industries (Canada) lnc., a leader in the Piumbîng, Heatîng ond Water Qualify f nduotry, hao un immediate opening for a FT Accounting Clerk Dues include: proceuoîng of payorento, prepura- fion ot coolomer credito, and recorda management. We aloo have an immediate openîng for a Junior Clerk (Summer) Duties include: buck-up for eception, maintaînîng ivvoîce ond credit files and uuoîstîng holh A/R and A'P depurîmenis us requiret. Idealiy, you have a min. 2 yns. of office experienco including recoplion and uome occountîng and background for bolh. Reoumeo 1: HR Watts Industries tCanada) lnc,, 5435 North Service Rd., Bvlîngtov, ON L7L 5H7 Emuil: hrm@wutvscunado.cv W BEDUSTR1ES BRLNTHWEN HOMES Is seekîng a Receptionist/Admin. Assistant The oocceooful applîcant must ho profeooional, en- ergetic, with o friendly demoanor. Ploooont phono mannor and excellent communication o oa must. Self starter able lu work with minimal supervision. Most have orong orgonîzotionul ohlb, proficievti n the ose of MS Office - Excel, Word & Oollook. Duties include: Answvr ond direct al bolophone calîs; Filing; Prnvlng. Rocoiviog, Diolribotîng and uending mail taxeo ond covnioru. Bosic dota onlry, Administration support 10o ppor management. To apply, email: jobs@branthaven.com or Fan Andrea Peckart @ 905-333-1720 IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE!! FULL TiME / ALL SHIFTSI! Order Selectoro Production Workero Machine Operutors loduotriol Counler Sales Aufornotive Asoombiy Pori-Tirne Shîppor/Recoîvero Send Reaumnes via fox. 905-877-2411 Or orai 10: chu gaeorgvlownon@eoprtooperoonnel.com PEEL LUMBER MILTON ADMIN. ASSISTANT! CUSTOMER SERVICE Computer and organizationat akilis required. Excellent felephone manner. Fax resume ta: 905-693-9475 or Email: hr@&peellumbercom WALLACE PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC 801 MAIN ST. E MILTONd, ONTARIO Requrres part Ume recepfionist Evenîngo and weekendu Email resuma to: chaII@wlaIaepontIac.com lov eopxliai aduosîîa eaîîirs cuis ixncat, we need to talk. Mainslream is looking for professonal and dedicat- ed people 10 work in tîther the Oukvitie or Buding- totn location. Il you thînk pou fit the description and ure isterested in working ful-ime hours (inctuding weeltends) please faxt or drap in your resume to 90 ReynoldsuSL Oakvllle Jayn: 05-338-584 Home H.atth Services sa leader inprovidooquaiy heu i cre servces i ommunites across Cavadafor ovor 20 years Join oui team oi Pvrsoval support Workers, Revis- tvred Practîcai Nurses and Regsiered Nurses. We rovîde servicvs to Hlion residevis in thir oren homes. retirementrersidevces, long term cure rvsî- dvvces and hospîtals. Wv Cure oliers fleoible hous compeltirîve erages, hevelîts, on Cali super- vîsor support, and educarion. Pieuse lux esume: vl free 1-866-577-4899 local 905-821 -3448. L-