2r3 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday Juiy 01, 2005 e Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 *Rentaisl170-196 *Leisure 200-239 *Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@mitoncanadianchampion.com a Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cai: 905-878-5947 Ad UW Womsio pmaIi rn Prnon:The Caradian Champion, 875 Main St. E, Miltu, ON L9T 3Z3 Deadiins: Mor.,il1o m., for Tues, publication, Thurs, 11 a.m.,tutrFri. publication. Special Foture & Holiday doadiles may vary, Paymani: We accnpt cash, choque, lnorc, is,MMntoCrAmrian Epress. bUsivessmacdbunts ar ospoord mih an appred creditappicatio avalahie tom pour Sales Consultnt. CHECK YDUR AD THE RUT DAY iT RUNS 10 ensureC thonration lu orref oactyour Sales Consultant mthîn 24-1-ours if an erorappears.Av enrurn a Fni. publication must ho reportod ns lator than Mon., 11a m. AparimoForiSaleparimenis & *Coming Evî ntam emouam ineqria vema MMU FoesiL - j isFor Rani 1 Fiais eFor Ranit Me5v e I n MemoriamnMemoriam lnMemoriamInMemoria Best Boy Hotlîst teveain 10 hent buysuin pour npecîfîc prive range. Frac recorded message 1-877-617-1275 D# 3040. Psruesia, «on C'nire Oaly FREE Ouîck OVER-THE-NET Home Evafoafion Vist hatonhomasinta.com commission *AIse Vera & Vifamin baseif nin care *Be your own bos -Set yoor san hours *Free tainng OWN pont Lite! Leamn f0 earn a potential ie- come of 10,000K or more pet monfh from home. 1 doi, s can you! 1-800-753-7775 ACTON 2-hedroom, asaîlable îmmedîatelp, Prîdge, stove, utiltios includosi No pts, irstlast, references te- quîred. Cali 519-853- 3877. ACTON 2-hedroom. Avalable Auguot lst. 5870/month utlties in- ciuded. Quiet Building. No-petn. 192 Churchill Road, South. Cail 519- 853-1 281. ACTON 3-bedroom in- clodes mater, sable parking. Overized backpard, finînhed banement. No p ets /osm oike rus. $1,200/month. Avaîl- able Augunt lst. 519- 853-0710. ACTON large 2-bod- room apartment, ground level, 5800/month pus. Aino 1-bedroom apt. $600/month pion. Cali 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352. ACTON large 2-bed- roem apartment, groond levef, $750/month pion. Aine 1-bedroom apt. $550/month pos. Cal 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352 mm pniiies -Caah Strupped"* Waof etra income? The fIntemnet ina Trilion dollar a year lndusfty. Ate pou aftaîd sf i? Hundteds oI Thousands are NOT! FREE imfowww.StoporktNow.com -FamlIies naed cash!** Bills pif ing up? Momn thaf cant f0 nfay homo. Eam income thato tfue. Goodbye teo fnancial sftess. Vina ww.HookedOnFamily.com F ais nts& masFor Reni $0.00 DOWNPAY- ACTON two bedroom MENT ,,Required for aparfment. $75OImonth 103% ,,inancing. Bad piun hydro, frstlasf, credif, self-employed, fridge/nfove. July 1sf. ns proof o n tccme - up No pets. Cali 519-853- f0 100% financine. 4721 41 ACTON, Large 2 hed- A 5-pr 04.55%. Also eqoity mortgage pro- geamu regardiesa oftie- come or credif. Cal Chris O 1-800-328- 7887 or omsit os ai c cm. su nelainrco ck- bom.com R h For Reni 1-ODRM basemeet apt., $700/mfh + laue- dry, availabte immedi- atetp. Cati Gerry 0 905-864-4326. mmom, parking, fridge, stove, casher, dryer. Ail inclosive. Cati 519- 853-9663 ACTON, large 3-beif- room apt., nctodes, heat, cater, parking, Necly renovated, nec fridge/nfove. No pets. Refereeces, firstlast, i mm e d ia t ely. $1150/mth plus hydro. Cati (519853-1996 CAMPBEILVILLE 2- bdrm country property, separate entrance & drîvecay, non-xmober. $925/mth tilities ie- cluded. 905-854-2033. COUNTRY 2-bedroom, brîghl basement spart- mont. $850/month in- clusive. Fîrtl ast. No pois. Cal! h19-853- 3937. DOWNTOWN MILTON Milside Taners 82 Milside Drive. Attractve quiet build- ng. Spacîsus brîght dlean 1 &2 bedroom uvts with iaundty fscility and social room on nte. Regniar tenîdenit euents Open 7 days & evenfego Cal 905876-1249 www.reattar.ca FARM 10 minutes 401/Mînnîsnsoga Road, 5 minutes Georgetown. Ktchen, 1 -bedrsom, don, niorage. bane- ment. S1,Osolmontb cable/hydro/heat. 905- 867-0477. GEORGETOWN Bach- elor apsrtmenf, avait- able Augont 1. Utilities înloded. Quiet area, clone 10 GO. No pets please. Coul 410-522- 3102 GEORGETOWN spa- cîosn, 2-bedroom apart- ment, clone to High School. Appfîancen, great neîghborn. No pets/smoking 5980/mth af1 inclusive. Available Februsry lst. 905-873-' 1174. N Geonrgetown, avail- able Julp ist. 1-bdrm api., ridge & stovo, parking $765 plus otîf- ien. Cail 905-876- 0650 (for appt.) MILTON 1 & 2-bdrm opartments for ront for Aogost 1ist. rom $870/mth. Cali Jas @ 416-723-4801 NEWLV renovatoif Georgetown 2-bedroom a p a r t m e e t. $875/month. Avoulable Jufp 1Ist. Inclodon heat/hydro/coble. Park- ing extra. Coal 905-873- 6284. RENTALS 1 & 2-bedroom sutes le historîc building in Rockwood starting at 5700/mont h. Cal Eliza- beth Doeli, Johnson Associates Reaitor 905-877-5165. RENTALS 1 andf 2-bedroom suiten n historie building in Rockwood stoîtieg at $650/month. 3-bedroom focehoose le George- tome, $1 ,250/monfh pion oflitien. Cali Elizabeth Ooelf, Johnson Asno- ciaten Realfor 905-877- 5165. VacaltW Me Sho Chiidrca amea 5 - 1 Juty il - 151h - 9:15 - 111Oam MiNou kaspel Hait a0oSt.N lome biock souffi tf SteaiesAve) Corne om a Safari Advmture witt us lu fimd Jesus. fThe Klaq of Kims. Nluae pre-roqiatu by .iuly Ist by dowWloadiaq regstratic foetus at www.rdntuo*pehaile.o or Pick up regstrattoat forsata MiO» osd li Fo W ww.Nwaum~a âm n.& 80N-$#4-f fi DeahsDeth For Reni omodain NEW fownhos n MILTON 2-BDRM bon- convenient Milton loca- galow, rg dtîveway, 2 tion for commutoto. car garage. $1295/mIS Non-smoking proten- + titties, available ionai preferred. Pri- Aog. Caîf 905-875- vate washtoom. 905- 3750. 876-3550. 1% Bowen, Harold I ovingmeninoiixof- a dcar Father whîî passcd awav onIii inc 25, 1991 'o iinr v1crs eiurc Lîîsîsg you always Fîîrgettîsig vos nieyer Loiegly rernembered Your Daughterjanet PAMEI.A ANGELA ANGUN In lovng ntemory of a dear daughter, aiter & eraddaughter who paused on July 2nd, 1997 ln our hearts your mnemory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There s flot a day, dear Parnela That we do not thmnk ofi you. Sadly missed by family & friends Cao Thanks CardofTb anks phn-o At this time ni the worst loss of sur lives, the passing ni our beloved son Vedran Barbetti, we have expertenced tremendous support and love [rome many. We wish f0 express otir sincere fhanks and appreciation to al s ur friends, netghboues and feiiow parishioners. We want you al b know that, through your generosity, you have eased nue pain, which wiii last for a s'ery long lime. (bd Bies ou alL Joe & Dunja Barbetti & Family ETHANK YOU 10 everynne who sent klnd messages and cards. So îhougîf of you, os appreciated by us. I Murray & Donna Grenhe CatSale & CatSl Craft show QuahfedEâhbitmi cý eý'"IIIet Wante Mg. 9, 2005 & Oct22-23,2ffli li 16-17,20 For more infomation cdi 905-426-4676 exL222 or visit www.thehearofcounurY.co LIVE-IN caregiver for 7 COME foie un for Som- year old boy to drop mer Camp. Learn f0 off/pick up f rom schoof, ride. Have Ion with prepare meaf s & f ghf hornen. Cafi Nom 905- housekeeping. 905- 702-1946. 876-2319 THRING, Lyie G.- Tragicafly on Safurday, June 25, 2005 in Dunchurch, Ontario, Lyfe Thring, formerly of Burliogion, in his 62nd year. Loved husband of LyRe. Much loved father ot Tommy and her hos- band Scott Doerrl, Trisha Thring, and Jet- emy and his ite Heather, alil of Grimsby. Cherished grandfather of Jessica, Corey, Madson, Nicklauv, Chrisiopher and Eliza- beth. Dear brother of Shirley and hec huvband Harvey Docksteader, Larry and his ite Karen, Wayne and his ite Judy, Jim and is ite Ev, 0h11f and his ite Shir- ley, and Bey and his mite Connie. Prede- ceased by his brother Ron. Lyle wasaa retired fongtime salesman with Hosieva- Frito Lay. Arrangements entrusted to SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, Burlingion, 905-632-3333. In lieu of flomers expres- sion5 sof sympathy fa the Tim HorIons Foundation would be sincerely appreciat- ed by the tamily. www.smithsfh.com Simpson, Afred Panoed acap on Morîdap, lune 27th 2005 nurrounded bp hîs famîlp aI the Mlton Dintrict Hospital ix is 65th peor. Afredf Simpson, de- voted hosband of 39 ears to Moreen. Lovîng fther of YveBte and ber busband Bob Johnson snd Jozion ond ber busbaed Bill Alian. Sadiy mîssed bp hîn graeddsughtems Mîkala and Alexis. Lnvînglp remembered bp hie famîlp in Engiand, is mother-in-low Margoret OReillp and famîfp, sister-in-lac Maureen and famîlp and Auntie Joan. Family andf frieeds ste invited to vîxit at the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Maie St. Miton 905-878-4452 from 7-9 pm on Feidap. The Litorgp of Chrintian Ourial miii ho celebrateif at Hoip Rosarp Catholic Chorcit 139 Martin St. Miton on Satordap, July 2nd 2005 t 10:00 am. Interment to fof iow at Mlton Evetgreen Cemeterp. le lieu of flocers, memorial donations f0 the Canadian Cancer Society coofif be appreciateif. "Voui neyer waak atone, God Bins' Poliment, Giadys and Michael Fomiiy and friands are invitei f0 aftend a csm- mittai service chere Gladys andf Michael cil f be interred at Miton Evergneen Cemetery on Mon- day, Joip 4th 2005 at 11:30 am. 1 In /oving memory of our son Mark David Horning 11-11-60 - 7-03-02 Those we lotie dont go away, They walk leide us etîeryday. Unseen, unheardt but always near, Stl l oved, steUl enùed But always so dear. Love Mom, 1134 Mike In Ioving memory of my dear hasband Mark Horning who passed away JaIy 3rd, 2002 People asit me, How f m doing' And usuafle 1repliý '.Im fine But vier te surface, lies a pain and heortoche tat i ciii <mieheof in lime, You meant the ivorld ta me Ail sur hopes and dreems u'ere shortered Wtlhn the blink aflan eye. Eeer' dayv, 1 Iledhear or oeesivnething 7ltl rem mnls me of you Some mo/te me sule And other bring leurs tu mc eyes Yoîî gave so mnch ta me ond other folkts Iou aifey.s tem thlie lime nu laugh and toit witth the people u'ho meoni the mîust Yone energy forelitfe o so easY lii recali. Wle su1 it fla bout the waiee-von used t10jlbe irouud Anîd moite us iuugh, nîlsf <f ail fie shîîeed a ovie tîgetfîer Tif death tore as apart Buft niî, iou tiff ofwaî's he a part of me Yîîu gaveenie precîuî us memori .es Su ficif hbe safe and worm. Love Alavays & Forever, Your ie Phyllis In lovtng memnry of my dear brother Mark Itornlng wbo passed away JuIy 3rd, 2002 Wliat 'ueiiis lîke an eicruuos <i o w. 'ltfous su s s ep.aonu.- 1 sa i'vu iiifiil soile, Fel >(,r uigs andfurard ur % uit Yuru taught vue ss bt strengifu csotr.ge Ansi spiri are afiabiout. Atlîîugfî my hean u[his rkei Andi ters tain ms iieks Yot uasre my inspiraitiro And in ynîîr 42 shîîot ear ,<ruulase touîefeui ssoanvluses Love Atuuays, Your slter Mari4yn, Wayne & itarlng niecejoolle HORNING, MARK In ioviog mrmory of my brother, Mark who panard away 3 yearu aga Juiy 3rd. 1 wili always remoember fthe happy limes, 1 once sbared togther as a iamîly. The iaughfer, the fun and lots of love. Forever 1 milI f reasure your memory. Sadly Missed & Always Remembered Wth Love, your sister Marie, Phil and Kayla