... <L. A.14t S The Caneadian Champion, Fnday JuIy Ol' 2005 M -:P Issue 7t- JUNt jg -/«0neuee-s Ui 4se AIIUJ.O#% foGaU4SbCOn U,,4Ô w/lb Sue Harin7ga ____________________________ Aes PSupplises t Otllon oinSh eonsntant hattie arne ierping lim' n tn efin LiossCai n goal ton Inetorsot op weee Kylie Ltnly and Taylan I neodns 2 toto.Thtitatieno ton Tîmo Riant thahm in the tan hait Kietes Tiein Gherman and tan Sandongeno Marlon iPalma ont Rlry BildtIing l s MModisent à nmboc 2 Stydntmatir avasiant eafat, Ot coatlsnon ta p wtt anal Sabrina iton in tho2ndwerasenaltotatoicjrntent, eino taaing wtt tead hy ein Gatey'o 4 goaloanal ilston (idttdaygtîn) Emma Smith Stale thetRt lts in the Milttes Chyepim Bssgî the Sot Acre Supplies tram toryden oTaylor Ptrittam Sobtodnont ep Robinsono Canorn ealtot t a 4t Martao llanoShelpeout attwnaamantasof othisanTohPSt gamde andtal pnvtorsoGroop on top. Speesiat mentions ta ocord 2 atteamo goals againot Seno Gapplieso goaiea goals, anal MaîtheanMiînaooaîc attt3 offtSe came oheet Lions ClubSOc tîtg aas a ille mont opottal oat Sanon Srte geKaSnn oradon tan htn aatotanaling hootle and BailtingABlois opooedthOe coing eaSy an a tong effood lamant Cam and Styoaî liants Anodon a goatotno, im a stote excellenchances tnom Eikliebenhoandal Sdrean cttneden(2), Ryan Manphy(2),Mathean Rach c latr italing ont ton the tsamd anal stttangiog Sy Dalota Mnt-Danel nrighn aIf the openoog kick.isItît analonRwrog andAvMery lheng tonked al Snaan auOaSmary Ryto ggt, analstometrai 0401 tltewttoir gamde Item Whetam(l)anda nalw oo to() soprtthe iohSé r_ n Oentanal ta InantotaInoapo Paniolle Penela antto tined soamtttng ir Milton Poalgeo taapplisit tnnetentng aaeo ton. Goal soononofonSaro Sapplîta toto Maeaito athernerortaagan aho aamonttatoal tomne gotat tanoitand nal g, the goalttoodoo ton eina laowîng (Cennen Meloy and al iyedl l. prssuttoan tht Building Blct detendeno, nopaînîng an latta, Stetan Pîaoîc. Michael Maeitoldn (2), Pot ali contrai Phiiip Aells) and LiosCIaO (reoonad Ryan Maiphy) Clt Fone$ 2 acrooatîr aliplay by Buildng Blocloks'oepent atie Aider Chiappiro anal Pylan Stioyl (3). pecial mention goeste itno tara5 wr erii nti ihtCril qar hmrci anal Caityt MrCatoy Mo-to-mal action, tong dstense SîansoPetit ald Mattea Di Patio on the AMooSbpplies Etimftenicsi Wsetes3 Baneutohco Soigtto Ca eap scamesteplayese a dehrukery play anal antatic goatisoping enoe talmaaltan oft ha- tam ton gooa effort andBRyaen'o Marra Condoîno anal fed iets(ast)Sisfse iats Bt em aa apa ti îo n ahaoc al anoe aI th matcht or thia ttot tammen night, athoago SotS analon Swing tor Oing aggnoooîae in gon or tathe aii Tîm HSronS stara oSf nnîclly wtnS2 goals tom Ototi BieTriestin 2 Tht oa aathelal ly CanniageSpuare Chînapractîc ftata teamo thoal an optai tlain tan piriing aandoionsitMîono thowsi nd nopanal ri 3oaloarannb loan h lltoo Poalge stroal3 annanaeal goals, 2 by GOnîlîn Belanger Cetel OpeIt MîWrk h eooaooi n anothgolstam nrreootoan itkao Tht teama wenoeeotny matchoal dnoog tht tînot padt on thr gaaalpart of the inst hl hgoalostayJui vsadNcl anal an inorance goal Sy Ihane Magnotîch, wth a inetfies Hernss3 Baloerlcealin Sto tîrt goal ofntSe yeso anal tahbrialdd ant. ra' uoRearcm u an Chootlint ui prior goattndîng oy Co langeaanal Perla araontaTootn ebotan loaaoGaali elala antt S Aoen matchea lgaan nil teanal ontht tonthatletten Jolt O it otnoe ytan at oel tottt goalito playet elein th rang toatîto tonalstoano Sato Repaîtnd MichellyGriLasith ap goal on Building tBlo, whirtt eparktita atrong rame- Coaaghy tton Tîm Crton's trn aroe paon goalît Teot tîtat haIlt as aMahsre aragan anal PJ.MoMittan- anl John Ktotar, Tht goatîetan Boot Ttanotet r e WnttiggaayMtn aonaa Mcet oto h Sar sepnotahOewralonoSevtoTlyhitMidatPOmgaCriaa-ttnrletamCetrlopalaileo wortoatot fCatortaio cne t ht oarochatstaCoglts0 am Mahe Mltat na Imn alotaGol taint anttaueyongaordteltalOacatiltpfSegam Oaltataoya kepi tp a tong ftant, antS the fînal goal y Shano goal ftrtheoSe atgalde.Scotlog tîre ton Tim Moan n Tht seon al haSl ierns alildey anal Ronîgo rgaîrno St opi oo onMteap)oo rot2)Ji e ssth on inth se conage Spahn ayaleiteaqueeeOtht Magatch paartng tht îatctt att nI nactt anosnîr goat- tht tecondoall as 0Ty oanthong hanog tSe IoSt ouot ton gaadîng the 000ets onrtrîrrespertive tamo Ttty alto halt Cameontatd aul tSanaluTh1e goal sore orot nneto mor oals onenh oltnnethaitatnaeoto ta tottottAphr looin l n îat0aage'o aoratt Mlter anal Lait Welo in odt n at Mackenzie Owen anal JoolCaaagty great otîngo in goal. 13J had a strong terond alSitaddîng 3 Toonoten antre Loti Whdtehad analPeton Gno Antrans Autno mottaoitattCnn.oononidighali pisytda n important rote rn hein wnnîg eft.PTht Trm Ceatîng contng oppotnttea anal payîrg srorg derce goalostt inhoff therornng anal tting Milton WatT Ropaîr aorita l nst epirg thebint h etTasfrs Call tn thtl Drot o arig Sur SPfort Oooralo ont ta: Timvonr candatlJateWe t for ton ronCentral Iptîcal worîrMadîton Rosot lophît aProrool, honks ithe gamo maldJaton Chaboot ot rano sAtoRepaîr w0ta0 Traroteno Chropracoî er etha SthOe Caltaoan Os uab taoi tîe opdhar ty aci aloopte gand presrîrooi Bra ndalJagat anal Patia Mîlton Gatago ald JuaLanglois anal ratdonlan Certon or Kylo RerOot anal Sîmos LouioootWhir oorkiîg tard lattthe ap tofht hetrglîthe alrttcis trnîogane. arl g ameytith Can fiaolngan y hîAnna bso aoatttth tuildîng ttBlo.atoînt tn tht oîrtony ton tîm ortoro otere GtavntLy anal ' n9 GRLSMaîtoatel tan 555 Tonster woiett tard doste etn Mana olan.twic in te facîtetgtheîngcehitllJagpinttlttiitan,SVanessa Machado, ana l Saatil. nnnainn V...ge..uier- a[in atondooco Sopeal thatteans ooaid not ohowa rpet prfonmance hOt a st worr Intoo, it oas oago mon Jacob otardwoastt oîog terpratprformnance, îooaîrg hs second ha tipkino as nany gantes (prnhaps nona ceteloation an thtnriai on is aeaOor bruiter Jaydnr eadînG ls ftloan llnge Trcks tan a onvnng -P iltay Soalge goanirnder Caitîn Monk Panîrd tht anon etan otthrl ian îg aes inthne iat hait, analiledasa ttnagh tho Trcksa ould al oni anaeasy nîtary intoad. tans otan rated teaa ilda aaîtitathe second hanti nia ton pacl pols y VPlagea Ryna PLeaynneîag il a ne ponl gante ita pi01 aimeInn atne aoiai PinRamona illage aalctaontinutel oth nutnng Ciso y Hayalar Pnaney and oBtaonley Gandottnanid polies Mat Ricardîs ana Cuienanoanas Irpi île Tuceainidia oi r e batroapant ni thiaecnd adaThetdyii5mnuits oftepat a san anni nninit C a Coastne(un A oani.mratfanana anan t oniant ana naît gontîn Saitt Maîsî;itut n nid niai-pt un-t, itou Slyssa Coxandp npanrofnai lTagoab, uauan harda ih th api heai nia S apuPn spaît teant pînua ain n aloetheSanobons iaanan KSP 4 Pianete ita Sommet Camps t wsmannalntanndiid O,,Sadtyqn nnd rattfura MSP avnN oan Bel'anna Mat týan nianno heInalaning panitinonon panet orasna'aGal ion MPPo nD eat Sua aih2 Brandonanaîdduia Caunnon snanad nanani lau Pannt adliPs oites tousaynaclnti niSpecai mninato Pet ananid Magia ni sup oirin ramacelantlap iittint pînat enffor nan nmu tfin Hst Chrite Jeep 7 lies Calta'- Sitveen2 lia uit Cirysian jeep ta'ra ntanninînan a p ta ninu GoaioumPltPanae mionet aenOand arSnni aniai ado i gaarcher 3gavethetfn s 0oan Pcatnan ts tincita about Onu Sanon s ropion iii 3 nftir nî anSan uiaa mentions t gIoa a das iaaaJoh nsn u ap ot fini n ntaorTis nd asa ucasandna Coites tatg dnlZaap SiaiandOpnnana ns -w o tridtnacii nrdinannu ptensco nun,îast s te nuipiiau a ala[ 11 Iiia.11 lita ortati - sage O Les Plnuri Kattatten 3 Tii yorion s aaîaayeswria onf nnî i i n ntion ol i- Hoioan s ont aîpn ita 2Paînot aun a 1 Einy Smnala i .ana Rsns thapinaoannOPu anonatn puas mena Jordan Pannia oana Cannari tn tatînti Inani Lon Paonrs athnatat 1pgan 'on Slinan -n10Pand2 fom Matttao0n11i sairynoanast cannas guanoi anla uLit)thty Futo Tylet Tymmon ana Jenraa Paanet ha vans oing a antasaîn job pecîiaMniain rLesSFers KSuita n ta drianfon gnat deonant aho great goalîrenîna Popaîna. Pan in Sapion sye Fiaki nCannerAugand aitbath Moorefnrdtancaconidjtan sprit 5rarintgtCtstruction 2 lies Hartta's-Pilanen t Taceolant goant taopîng fot ra Sanngeo Cnstuinna litalai mon Tyler Wats analseond all ait noTaninMania 2 grn goal n oraral y Snoialge TrstanRitcharason an tassi bn Madaln aîtSlinu Tîmrî inasgoalnanrd y Ben Rîard in seconalhali As oel geiSgoal taepîag fotrami Hotns n egan Wallon analseonaithai antSlat Naesein Eetia îles Hates Saetf in HaoP 0st1 an taniy itad wottta goal esthît thttîst mitntana l tacontînuaid taoadal5Smoie orti pated goao totrale te gande S-n Hgh soaero, botS esth 3 gao an re Jordyr anal MaîheaoIngoal tan in oSton's oreSniy anal Catonrwhit omnîîrpayed n gîetIgante of drtrnct aith sonne eatty ntming stoppag pLoitinta Sm on d. île Nadalîn Tectria ton owas sotitailesitoithlren grat Pig ahenîs ai tho endni ho gane an machtliit y al saPrita, Tale, Tyteranad Lion al hall gîtimetina goal soappîag a golfnbeof a strong sorts, Jeotîca heioan tht onenre filtha gnat That nsi rgannie tratîgaJasîa, cong rats. Tisse Leedîcepe7 Dernie's Pins 6 GaminaOs tateal nul stoong bltona te simog ooadmng o Tyler Trajla anal goals ton Mahro Gruihean i2) anal Jereny Rouooeanut) a anownt inia tht stcond hait ItouIa 4-2 Iran Total analcapo came Pcl sirng Ihangh Prhmad sonn giSat goans yyle Macalaai oaa4. Tny Stuar mih2 an nomnu Sneyoa t 1 ot nSsyna nani anînooen auna 2 ran Pommao s Ohm grani oitora np ans soen tan TEenta ans, Mataro Sainamo ana Coanon Mclen tond Tal.ainid PutianRendlonumPanins Bv sn N 'ela P ana Sa- tnums fn-tiattnmnpnut asa u-e nanootratea ncnpînnan Set tnt topanittheinn punatn naOnap oont nmaipqsevi d omP ndvemu asrSuo Coin n ir manu ta is--an an anncnu ta t 5r sorfij n pualou rdersty a lor aiPncni of ni ni ns ý aPCd panilenolfrf rcpintan abiruu andui t 'ansua, 'ont anc jlvPSu hAnuna Dis ai nt a Tan Sapatis a stusa scouit' on 'nto[ mi Speca!t'mutmoiaisetisa naOt- nio u r Sî,e mua tuita Mon i l i n ou purran ot ain Wemnsdinusu t BeaemadgoContruction1 Pom isPizzatO nrio atu'hat an Mînitan Si-niran uirtitgpald iit aoi Sicandan inn h euat-n tas'gpais tata i-ina utb W-' au lMana-nadt1 un- n t inthe% ta 't ta-ý Pouinons ISP y e noal epot cmpnpatm!non antuI pl'n sacond lai' nIs usii-a nCînnliaheMn P ste-rh-onu npa uaîareMapm rnd onnoitura i Brinaas AtoO Cottrat Optîrai Sicae maiJasatlonat'-iiinta'ur Sia ,At',,c aan mfatY pîtan n-unt' eu .s 3-i or1néSui iten 'indu is aitul anu-,mai t rSatn rut L ut - unu a nsa -esan o innn au iS Hati ' Sa,iuaatatn.o en--t - aeniiGdO u fnur pi Can:iOti[o uon -ai nn er!it- nnm jdefota n in S'nnnîfrn'c MnS tîunt ',ilw a A a mn Klnan outmoen La Jptcmiý Tees Hîrtats Champagnes Tenry Rattsg Meottenicat A Speunamntionagnglt a tit aMammnian nolninMamt Pmyapn an PaiTer5 htiyMonti-ar)ci varmaMcae Salar ana Tylni attait n mnIn no iniHorion s w toin S ennaanid Pnau Mtsud wimiscplnati emnaicul nyanicanaeaabuagorKsa ti-iaa nguad iunmMinacl lies Haitata -Sage 5 itttoos its 0 Jasha Sonaan Wsey asan idanam!i- scot atifpluti yanltn-s mo s a ractng 5 -Ou vclans anan P rtunanoS Peoptît groat gnniteraîng ton Tnuiy Wenana ng and MeoaO Salana ni s tlnsinres. Jasanoitai3 pont).ainid Wsley joth P goals) nadentelierSnnaco n thogareOthur Maoti hal an otntanouag gaune i fraîmnmfoInaTi Caon on al ndmtea Cantit lpyrd a ey oimO gantaio dolenso Jontan Spairts andaklesîltti hunhan Pol made sone gîet saoesto tapnsoîoeth t oiua Pan nIa Simastnne id, aier Willias anal Jena rsn hadgugti gantes, bain mailing sone aery eacing rais on tIreriOdiith t bail. Tnna Sui auna payed a nern snorg gante on onionna RobetintnPet Hoital P fies tsîos (Meete) 5 TIr Ceetpetaindenm fna Robnson Pet Hospialifni my dallant n t Irsnnthati and ylan Pop p in scodîhal Poil naaetmnoy analitgaa saurs, anidaantaatiy stappuup lth anal nIf in CoroîlTe sanresfrs tm'sonr Tata WmeewhoneIarr arel bMisaonlm euth4Sons theoanty ton pitytan ta eat thon RobnsonTanneoar oIt gietnrferneta atop Tînt constant alaîksalsoA îenra nien-s Ati Repeir nditrles Satan'S Auto sconors wont Ghoniei Paillon PDantelle Vîs anal Admetyra inare. eepero oere anîre iso îtanal Janîn Sraiiy dolens goal snanan onsTaIylor Carey. Mrrpeas orne Taylor aninan-Word anal brganrdani drleas ppOg mont 10 Rashan tanhar tan herawaesnmr pnîneernarcn Congratulations ta oth fcresmortafa ntastîn prfrmance Honrablemtont rian itaSo i n tilncoahes ndrnaai pn panes nulta ooui Id a nt Oitalty Cenone O Oiiy as end ay thnia ntn p n ans aet nalackurn ana scrtnta3 Sayî Caurl ndn anaiha Wsaa n as tanna analeas mai ion O-taliPGnon minima I passîap pi unsi sana Pina untio pa nid turtheVtan nl ttant otan ain an10t'l ý,ti nopeai tnuîn,,î aW Sandni Suira Osptwania tainept n ,nîîînîj dn, , ota rt'Zain n afln u1ta t an as nMnnnta Mapun .r antt Pt Leaun iý ratpnn i t Pu to ýüL oi t i nia uSOit a SaLatoan a nail pelK b t no- n ont t Inrîni aîni hnCarlltpnntnnj riqtaiin pusiTantirStand o t i Trasunain-ot výlhi ow MaiSan ttsoyliieg 10 tGege N Jacksoe t Si lnn Panf, na tint tintà ut niut'lu onu th apai n4oa- Su , jn itut Pint%,a1 Oeu S Ntami panna Saiin ut, nai3 a ausi, fnt ni'rtnanlti aI ahana goanao i i taoL)'n u aio vhi ut n triat GerNpnn h on an nu nenitfrgnat pay intl Anaay dnîîn-nî nhi un a n uth-up' Iput tan oi e 'cpN inn nnan n, Sa nu d ctsl aito hnecîcuina pin nan Suae tua Li tit oe' nblL i ai caen;n'Ml aîclose orltheatîsi h ntu aai, nantt'or allnorhaa iinîj tatattod hi lea -mtndul1,pnît01 uta t onit- r ati tae poan r ii N nSJacsn i ietand ant n i e n1 mu Ct A n'Pu nIfflýw é'i tain roc auna asiinin ýran tuaina-uc e, n ni,, iý, Iý engfi ,iti'otilook 'ta otîtiorh Kîtunien Cub 7 lita Hoaoni t Caup p gans, Mantauc' Linulainut aiu4 andaCnît Matlais Hanu suatpSanenimifna Snto wMaSRangaven dînai allant it poagaulelu au0'1 tit lin Saîtaus ETînnut PaS panna-tard ttphnglott "n aucati mincatinq h u ot tatrmk, Pie bP ppnta1"ut Ort it tahmid binipit mata enao idu' r. Kimen 2 Mhebttures ler nehaidlaswa o yMtOi Soansonta goaatnang y dositnPersa wand Pan RoPson Infor nn Knm n an elas BoS imc Tîanad AsenairMthell 'ni Mealoiti lepa tho scoreoclontett in n me n Soaang tan KMsmon Ot aman nd Mînno LananCauri ora Meionummii 2 goals nctj sain dame PRn ra S et Prenîner ohite dasnradlr! the aoter We oit mort agani ftfna totshowoama0nitho eaona Liants CttuO Hait Boses Ete. g Par Liais Cub opono oas juni Ina nuan tan the gamianaIMail Boxes tan an iareaanpay Pecano soti-nunont toi Caonin CuP as theou ncamg anaopral ast ncty Ptott6Spay- ans Annato Pdsonrebadte0o5 mSS ha natuaai attri Matuno Waeîhann Tînnon Munpay and îdro Pachneudnr rana n han ao, heLonsoCub carn at icorllin ot Py siîgles igue ainJaustit Castonranid SyanaMaapay Sîdîto Sheiroanal dachans P Nei miraad ngomal ton tir ameana heot Boys under 15 compotitive standings Sponor Garnis ins Lsses lies Total Patntes Plaat Sarnenait diannanasas S 4 0P 1i 13 Lbains S 4a 1t 0P 12 ASPnhignni uncî S 3 t 1 10 Pastuinnns S 3 2 P S Lindsay MaLariiSoncný S 3 n 2 9 S hinianDPntai S 2 2 t 8 ScosCa Ccnîn 53 2 2 i 7 TeaDickensnand inkin S 2 3 0 S Lahon Iai an talnny n 3 0 S BrianoduAunoSpai and Tane S 0 3 2 P hîrunlla Rsnlaannîr S5 P0 3 3 2 2 Scotl8 Pnion'Rmao 5 0P 4S 1I ASevens e eisses i2 Miltoan Chystir Desile 2 SalI Iarns put batlh a gîtaitlfont GaisioS tvGensn rs aarcrs atot dmnodair groosoumi and al n uanSdy billon Chysita badge gasn ore Devon CaPPo anal Camu Ceaiy Bonilgnals oere score by Aldantisor lai Piten enaasoucrant scaor orlabttaitChîrsion eteetes Pst Centen Ouest Noble ttssranoe Bnîiesie. 2 Goia ifon tufitms anme Ation Graptaci & HSauta balmnnan hmamien loi AustinaNSalirveaua Sîdro Soi ahan & Saiey Sathandalo Pnal Scores ton uis motoIssac Sintruani, Austin Nonne gpan sanant as Jacob Penntinn Dm SPeaontaiontor a ims-SlatanCormm iran d aitîain be SpenuarnMitrael Sp us stan an nanathe suauîp wtaniru namnp guai ustianPomleesumnndd soanlinaber mti a pont nhiron Tmî oy k uiien ea mmi therfinai poan ut lIa ausonio a n b,,rttuDima lin retnti 100gain nus n sdduaiit rp aillaet iipageatp9alitanîplgalin edsofu h Koineld ig Oxfordl Larnetg t einn ta Tue -p10loo h in an anomniSuais tou' Sa n nu lin anManantsaKo Paxfrit Loanip no cnne Oan nP' gnpugalani uSstiandPm tin enurislamigaua Coll MunSanrtaun ana Sentvain aluig excelet a ana PnOxfr auto phanîJust0auiina lmai artnsnu Sanoo Specat Mani n gars taPlamad Laaîmîg s aOni nu CLanaiDeOneynotyhodn nd Mustafa ASaanFPin Stuns lamnng PPiInp WattsyniMooannd Simuanl Punanana uic îraet Palanceanid an saiint Catans 3 Rayteah 2 hîutanihpayuîa ouupî siîuaffnenaaa2dpgoasMai tinaq t a astrninlu et an tscnin nn,îtnhaan Sa a L,,taauck oa an lunaublit O " ai" Sai a, ni, ia'nayedei ns ei , P rusue C,, v,, "'un tuannn-n uhi i nnta '10 tidSou,îin nhMapun lafot arn calt ai n it'l tutur 4 an inc isairta n i[ sand qai D tse Gaod s Ato teaap 6 Chadiîpts 1 Goros Auîue oaSîupnlas lun iel a SuianaColn tuatahb h na usoataan gpalis Adinîtua goals ton Santon s Autoa Suip wmea naon am anMaiîa ara Pi tin Tayo ac on o ana nionstuania P atSaeiS an Matira Lacefr tanag offensiveapny Alan ta Brant SoaaieinîryP5Jacosbanonaonid Jordan Sînnhain epi CindînîugIo la onematgatoan hdînîpi a oie goal tans scaon dby nunhen 1,an iitMaPaap alGalardag dins lot Cildinîps as Spli toaru gSanno MaPonnid in tir fisa hallanon Srady SAndersanin 1the Second nhait Sonanablo mnntion rCtuoiiîp s gaostaoChan Suantr is tangi gilty pay 241 Pizza t atIer ositjusîteni 9 241ia4siartan sirnng tanmhe m ofaian ans aita sconry atoril plar liaik anfthetaPantaI J J SchanapThe iatbaya gai graisupport Py Stovnr nnynki anal tineaienolasanie narty tumes but Panier goolian Bryan MacDonaldanidJuottnatwooalLetaraacancaiird alrmtîn- tng pinot de uneion anadPilan eail reannîa ots The SPadjsin r fncn espandeal ta theraiiy golîrp goala aanm Loîreno Sarnîr3-CallritaIt, Chanalatteon 2Satinl tatlai (2. rSnaMaDonaldalnad Joay MacDonald 241 soanies Nathan Sion aldTyteraGaniy Pinaleal nany itea antoneînso Intorsn rîsp 2 A antyraily resura ainInnenaîn Proap Picloria Waaana scaaîng tho tant goal. hPtyaiy tri bConat iala aasoernd hantfo an raoagenu Thîs raded tha naaaîng tan mhosi ni the tante an tht goalîsanid dtono nootacnana ta ier Ridge Peepssteapy 2 lais Peeneteop9 Rîaht traont tfrot otîstir Zai's Phaomacy was a tarceto Pr recloîrd ora iisoioffnsivete rformance fnom Sltaî nmaa dîjan Lally and Mîchael Major sacoîrd lie tend tonrdol sSonwsoma goal looping flyTharer Siisemre Lady Pionon and Jonathan hntocor Pntsttiding doirnsoro Sinon Rîdge Py Michael Chabot, Loin Cainin and Pearpe Plantrd Classia Cotlisers 4 Locipart Osto2 Il *an e i n t titan Braîndn Soldouo scanna nia lut goalfot Ciasa cCaninrs Tir Potbasian Panoîta st ied tot Lact iA to nIa a uln pthe pamae1tntasenond tait nansiir gaîsnrQuaenWilson lai Lockpan Silto trcn i o nia culîr ui fort t. iwen dacter Whteihenadliai Cassa Con enasaniarda ninetant irnaoinp tata Stain Thomans s nfom Classa Coaleta scanna 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ITi Santetiso Pestai Pasquatisas 2 l oto n close gamo ail nîgat nîlhA Snireacanfe,ETii cks analESir gcarifie holding tSoin detenoîaint tîý lghl agaîast tho sIrang Paspalînastram GSttvn i hasînaaOnoîr thianai to scaore egoalfla i hs Pasqnalna Iran CaneranPotinan laIna scaon da goali ton Paspalnos Iotalrr tesoare oi02 ta Planr Papaaiîas, Pa r n for tsPa ofaithe Santhaîro Ponta tram otan shal doon loy the otrona Poopaina Ottenco. Caria Paoaina, Paniel Loanaoottai andal nlhory Ggnoaa a angante anal hetptal o iorp tht Goathaîr Orna ttam scanetras Canreront Coffai, tyan Siown anal LinPannGabpna5ed ana l payod Sang ait ugha la ihein Pantanîra Denal Atalai Pierce terdel the post or inahs Souihaîra Penal tram ohiteMaTtesPoulin lpa Ste Pastualîra bouse ciyar ail niait Thonk yaa ta the coaches Ahmed liashrm aI the Pasalînos tramanal Pao Mattorain afntSe Soanhaîro Portai stram lie trams oa i tilttathani Soir reterro Pavid Sarîrga anal PionnasSarlîhanne The Foatgnotwa page (ota pa(d aalSotsenaent 5î the Miltog ott Socceî Club. Boys undor 12 compotitive standings Sponsoants PlapsO Ais Lotses lies Total Points ai sPhanmacy S 2 3 P S im LclandoSale h P h p p Siemnens Canada Lnd S i 4 p 3 Gnos 5S 1 3 i 4 livon Rioge Physiolinnarny 5S 2 2 3 i 7 Complte SudinO Vsuai S i n 3 S Tanguai no Catl &istin 5 3 1 1 10 Nantîgale Farns t 4 1 P0 12 Ciaic Caos S 4 P t 13 LouipontAuto S 3 t n n0 rmUA-1-