The Canadian Champion, Fnday, JuIy 01, 2005- A15 -,Arts play big part in shaping commu nity: speaker By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Ch-ampion Ail over the world, the arts play an important role in shaping and defining a community. Natoraiiy, this is tlue in major metropolitats cilles that serve as renowned lourisi destinîations. Thîtsk London, knosvn for ils irchitecture and theatre. Or Paris, where the visuai arts are hig hiy revered. In Rome, opera is celebrated, and the list goes on. Bot il's also true for smnal -. er towns and cities, where the arts are just as important aînd oflen quile pientiful. Think, oh, Milton, for example. Unfortunately. mnany peo- pie dont realize the impor- oCaen-wi tance rtf the arts in everyday RoCaen-wi life, and the arts community is held back instead of encouraged. * If's up to those involved in the arts to change that. That was the message given aI the recent annuai generai meet- ing rtf Arts Milton, where drama leacher and show director Ron Cameron-Lewis svas the keynote speaker. "Only artisis and supporters rfthIe arts can change the public perception of the importance of artistic expression in daiy life, and thatîs the job of eacb of us bere tonighl." the Mississauga res- ident toid tbe audience. For more than 30 years. Mr. Cameron-Lewis bas taugbt acting and directed shows for the music theatre department at Sheridan Coliege in Oakviiie. As weii. he bas taugbt and directed for the joint Sheridan/University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) the- atre and drama studies programn since its inception 15 years ago. And bis texthook on acting technique is in ts third edition. In 2004, be svas awarded the Maggie Bassett Award byMTeatre Ontario for is sustained contribution to theatre in the province. So if theres anyrtne qualified te, address wbat some see as a downplaying rtf the arts. i's Mn. Camerrtn-Lewis. In general, he told the Arts Milton crowd, more people attend arts functions each year tban sporting eveîsts. but the perception is the opposite. 'Why? Were tort pole. If you go 10 a concert, the musiclans dont suddeniy lear off tbeir wvhite lies and tails and break ilto Oisi ftghîs. So we cant compete with the ensotional outbursts of a File photo by GRAHAM PAINE Scuiptor Nancy Cuttie works on a plecq during Art in Victoria Park. It's events like this that Ron Cameron-Lewis says help define a community. bockey game." he said. He îoucbed on the frustration mnany in Multons anis community féee about the delay of a long-awaited arts centre, svbich isnlt expected to become a reality until after 200)9. "You bave new ice hockey rinks, but if you dont provide facîli- ies, tort, for artists, you'll imbalance tbe attraction that Milton can offer to nesv residents, Mr. Cameron-Lewis said. The importance rtf the ants in tbe educational syslenisvas anotb- er îopic be addressed. As prograrn co-ordinator in the mnusic tbe- atre departoseist aI Sheridan College. he said there are three 10 four lImes more dysle\îc students inî the prograin than îîn the geiseral populationî. Tisai. be said. is because many studeîîts svbo cant express thein- selses iîî coîîventîotsal svays -atsd therefore fail lis succeed aca- deîssically - tons ti sisging. danîcinsgaîsd actinsg 1( express tlsem- selves." "This is ail the more reason wby commiunities need to provide support for the ants," he said. He added thai the arts generate money for commnunities. wvith things like ticket sales and dining ai local restaurants. Arts Milton presideni Greg Nelsoni said Mr. Cameron-Lewis was învited to speak at the annual general meeting because he knew bc'd be able t0 convey tise importance of iooking ai the big picîure when ît cornes to the arts in a community. Aiibough a faciity for Multons arts cornmunity is necessary. he said, members of Arts Milton need to, focus on what will happeis inside its waiis once if's but, and convey the importance of the arts- not just an arts centre- to the lowrt. He said he agreed witb Mr. Cameron-Lewis tisai arts activities bave a trickle-down effect. stimuiating other non-relaied business- es and contributing to the local economy. "Arts and culture are viable and a necessary factor in the devel- îîpmenî of a town and the ecîînomy in the long termn and short îerm"- Mr. Nelson said, adding. "ifs a message thats often taken for granied and put on the back humer." Stephanie Tle.ssen con be rertched at sthiessen®&-nilonctnatd,- rtnchanspion.c<»n. 0f. SpIioeIura :0- 000 3247 SMee v.E.Mitn 9574 eb Design H,îs isga a sscbsite111111k', Y Oct as a cIoosprfessiotisal. Has ing a prqes.sioiîal ss hsî tc -i\ssyotî credî hi liîy. 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