Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 2005, p. 12

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'/!<7t/V7% AWoman and a Fork There was a young womae wha had been diageosed with a terminai ilinexa and had been given three months la, lîve. Sa as she was geting ber things "in order," she contacted her Pastar and had bim corne ta her house ta, dtxcuss certain aspects of her final wîsh- es. She tld imn which sangs she wantcd sung at the service, what serîplurex she wauid lîke read, and what outfît she wanted ta be buried le. Everytbieg mas tentrder and the Pastor xvas preparing ta leave when the yaang îvuilan uddenly reîaembered sanaethîng very impoîrtant lxi her. 'Therex uone nore thing, site said excîtedly. "Wbats thati' camle the Pastors reply. "Tbis is very imnportan," the yoîîag moan vîtîn- ued. I want ta be baried wîth a lîîrk an my rîghî lîand. The Pastar staad loakîng at the yîîaag wman. exil keawîng qaîte svbaîta ay CHURCH 0F' CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursdlay Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett That surprises yaa, daese't il?" the yaeng wamae askcd. "Weil, ta be hanecxî.P'm puzzied by the reqaest,' said the Patar. The yaung maman explined. "My graedmxîticr ance tald me Ihîs txry, and lrîîînthat ime an t banc always trîed tii pass aiang its message la thase 1 lve and tiîxse ssbvîareîie need ofecouragemlent. te ail îîy years ofi attendîîîg 511cmais and dînners. 1 ,îlxsans reîîîember thal sehen the dîshex vî thIe maie courxesvere beîng cieared. xameeîîe vxuli es îlahly eima lîer & say. 'Keep youîr fi-UrkIl 55 ax lîl) favoîrite pat hecause i kncw Ibal xîîîîellîîîg betterxas cîmm inp lîke veisety chaxalale cake ar dccii disli appie pie. Svîîîeîhîeg wovnderixîi & xxîh suîbstance' 'Sa. t1pîxî ivant people taxseetac therec ibtal casket xx th a tork en nly hand & i mant themîî i to wînder "Wha's wîlh the lîîrk?' Then i waeî yaa liiteel Iheni: "Keepypuer iark -thv best ix yet lxi cîiîe. Sp'rta Awakening' C on1 erence in the tent at The Faith Mission 10463 2nd Line, Campbellville Friday, JuIy 1 at 2 pm Saturday July 2 at 2 pm Guest Speaker: Dr. Sammy Tippitt International Evangelist & Author ALL WELCQME Details at 905-854-3284 The Pastrs eycs weiled np wîlh tears af jay as he bugged the yaang waman gaud-bye. Hc keew Ibis wauld be anc af the last imes be waeld sec ber befare ber dcaîb. H-e alsa knew that the yaang wamae bad a beller grasp ai beavne than be dîd. She bad a better graxp ai wbaîticeaven woued be like tban maey people lwix.e ber age. wîîb iwîcc as nîucb experience & kniiwicdge. She KNEW (bal Sortie- lbîng bette r wsvaxcîîîîîg. At the tunerai people were xalking bn tbe yîîeng wiîmae's caskeî & tbey sasa the vlu.k she wa sxvear- Cng & lue iîîrk piaced ie ber rîphi baed. Oser & over. the Pastar beard the questîin. 'Wb.îi's wîlb lite iîirki!" Aed 15cr & îmer be xîîîîled. Durîng lus mîessage, the Pasiiii tllxithe ipeople ii the conersatione lie bad xxlii te voniag xvuiîaiî sbtrtly beiîîre she dîed. He aisxî lîd hemn abouti the iiak & aaoutwbal il syiibxiied iii ber.,li- t ld theîpexople bîus be xaeld evîl sto)p tbînkieg aboutl ihe ari..& tlîd tbeîîî bai llbey priibabty xx uld eîî bc abile iii stop iikieg aboiuti iîther. He was rîpht. Sîi the nexî ime pouarcacb dîîwetfor yaur lîrk let il rcmîîmed yaa. ener sa geeîiy, (bat the best is pet ta came. Prieeds are a very rare jcwci. îndccd. Tbcy make yau smîle and encaurage yae ta succced. Tbey ed an car. lbey share a wiîrd af praise. & lbey alxvays manita a pen their bearts la as. Shaw yier finends baw mach yau care. Remember ta always be there foar îbem. exe wbee yan need lhcm maorc. Far yau neyer knaw wbee il mayhe Ibeir turne ta "Kecp Ibeir fark." Cberisb the ime yau banc. & the memartes yau sbare. Bcing frieedx wilb same- anc is na( ai apparleuty bat a xwcet respaesibility. Senior Pastor Rev. Dan Rogue Children Natalse Rogue Assîstant/Worship Esther Kasler Youth Clinton Kruger Communîty: Roc. Mike Van Sfingertand 9 a.m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 a.m. - Ail Ages Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service Service Captioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Night LIVE MILTON To Advertise in the Church ?ÈA ,e r Directory please call San cTùar Àm Fm CHURCH AOtundaln 'tlib\ ~ an Inites yoatoour ceekip Sabbaili sersvices ai Hugh Foster Hell 43 Brown St. Milton Colleen Gorman at SUN YJWY 3 iat 9 30 a, nm-Sahbath Secito S,1100 a n -Diine Serxvice 905878 100.00 G.ULtENQTOffm IiviethaaieFREE BIBLE SCHOOL Iil9 mneoLfe Divrtuaniig IBile a nsnerx iilite Iep i l LCt i (n S, qnexiiiicxf. 6f ind he scie io hapý kcý el.'living IJ* in a Niew Waya For FREFI iWLi LI55i)N, xriet)!1.0 lox 2iIl2. tn(ic t.tINTNI . hpu%p.cxîeîîîin n ww.thumnctuary.calmilton ývýý.aiazintâc,.or scoolnainap905.257.3987 PAstST Iii 519xta -830t1CMiltSn Sports Centre Foriimore iniiriiiiîion aiiiiii oui î e andce i iîiai. pý iii tteinitW5 SaitaMauia 40mTY Rd,. West of HWy. 25) GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main Si. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hll McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carole Langlotz Father 1Mark Curtis Sunday Services 8:04) an- HolY Comunion 10:00>arn- Sung Eucharist. Itllo%%ed tus calice hour. Serv ice îecludês *Kids* Spirit" July 25 - July 29 Vacation Bible School Cali the çaurch office or iit wwa gracecbnrcttmitos om Wheeichaîî Access lhraugh Parkting Lot lbx www.gracechuarchmilton.com gRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1 629 CA ! Pastor Wlter H. Isaauk 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) ,,you'iI always find a friond at Graceway", ww.gracowaybaptist.ara KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton 9015-878-6066 Ineriin Maderaîor - Rex. Haro KIaýssi Directîr ai Masic Mittistriex -Stîlîta i dei 15 l Direclor il l)îscîpiesbîp &i'atils 'iiti ltes -lit Sundai Worship 10:304 ar. \m'ittîl mattli 'Lisx (il aîlx'.,- 1 -'9:30) ar. ('liildien'tVtoitslip .ige 3(i itlr 0 14):30 a.nî. e n 1 .rmmumt ige ivr tlî'rii ttie rmte.mi hrx \heetchaw jr:ccxs, andt%%xaxliioti, i, i îioitaii ~aitliia.% iîir e d iiirtiip \xaxxiMir.% Sret VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Childrens Ages 5-12 JuIy 11-15- 9:15am-11:30am MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N.- 878-3873 (one block south of Steeles Ave.) (orne or a Saari Adnentî.îe viihius Io fd J'sus, Thi Kinggù,t uig Pieuse pre-register Sp Juiy lt Sp duwnleudieg registrution terme ut www.mditgoeç)pqili.lcorn or pick ap registration terme t Milton Gospel Hatl, 306 Ontarto St. North Jatte llf lt' ei905~-811-0102 Siun JuIy 3, 9:30 arn STARI 0F SUMMER WORSHIP 9:30 arn supported by rnusic fîorn our Worship Band Summer Sundav prorjrarn for ktds at 945 arn Supervîsed Nusery Gare frorn 9. 15 an, Vacation Bible Caifp -Ju/y 4 -Q. îttornîngs Registration no laPer than Sun- Juih 3 10U30 arn A12 - The Cantelian Chs.mnin-Fric,~ (7e * lii SWE SOCEnCAMP 2005 For Children entering JK - Grade 6 th th Monday August 8t - Friday August 12 9:OOam - 12:OOpm FIRST 100 CAMPERS SPECIAL PRICE- $39- (Regular Price - $45-) familles with 2 children $70- / families with 3 children - $99- Soccer Bail T-Shirt Photo Snacks Soccer SkilIs Songs Bible Stories Friends! Cali the church office to register -r

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