NEWS Chris lladfield presents SPORTS Duathiete golden at ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Arts play important role .~~C4yS .4R dI\UL l'age A 15z SBoard director gets $600,OOO package Five trustees seek intervention from Province By JASON MISNER Special ta The Champion Dusty Papke, who just ended eight years as tise Halton District Scisool Boards direc- tor of education, has received a $60 1,376.20 severance package through a negotiated setulement. The Burlington Post - The Champion's sister newspaper - has learned from a board source tisat Mr. Papke received tise hefty severance through an arrangement between private counsel, Mr. Papke and board Chair Paul Tate. Tise source told 'Me Post Mr. Papke's contracî stipulated six montha notice for termination witisout jus cause or he would be entitled to monies totalling around $500.000. When asked whether hes receiving a $600,000 severance package, Mr. Papke said: "I will acknowledge l'Il be receivmng a severance package and you can get thse total from tise trustees." Mr. Papke eamned $195,694 plus benefits st year, making him tise higist paid employee attise board. Tise highly-placed source said Mr. Papke leamned that a lawyer had heen hired isy two trustees to look into removing tise director of education. Afterward, said tise source, Mr. Papke and a lawyer met with Mr. Tate and counisel to negosiate a deal that would allow tise education director to "resign to retire." Tise proceas under which Mr. Papke left has left some trustees upset and demanding tise Province step in. Tise Post bas ohtained a letter in which five trustees- those who voted against Mr. Papkes departure and changes to poli- cy govemnance - wrote to Education Minister Gerard Kennedy asking that tise Province take control of tise board. "This board urgently needs your inevention," said the two-page letter "dé dated May 18. The letter also stated that the ktrustees "fmd the sit- uation quite remark- able considering tise director of educa- Dusty Papke tir>n's as eror ance appraisal (September 23, 2004) and signed isy the current chair stated, "It is the consensus of the committee members pres- ent that tise director of education has per- formed his duties in an exemplary manner, demonstrating competence, professional- ism and commitmrent to the Halton District Scisool Board and the successful accom- plisisment of its mandate." Tise trustees who signed the letter includ- ed Oakville's Mary Chapin and Kelly Amos, Halton His' Ethel Gardiner and Burlington's Debisie Downs and Janie Haines. se. CHAIR on page A3 Comment ........A6-A7 Dateline .......A16-A17 Real Estate....... A22 Classified ......A26-A29 GORRUD'S AUTO www.g) STOREWIDE SUMMR S/z)oemn>-for 6stekectionl! 22 ANS.E. 905-878-0506 e MILTON MAIL 905-878-9446 G.L4,T Z .- C A SU AL C L A SSIC