The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 28, 2005-7 v Strawberry fair fuîn The annual Milton District Hospital Auxiliary's Strawberr Fair took over the fairgrounds Saturday, teaturing entertainment, crafts and of course ail things strawberry. Above, Tara Yearsley spoons tresh strawberries for two-and-a-half year old daughter Arden. Above right, Roxanne Beyette cools herselt with a small fan while relaxing under an umnbrella. At lett, Melissa McDonald, 3, devours a bowl of strawberries and ice creamn. Below right, a couple found a shady spot between parked cars for an atternoon snooze, while trying to beat the swel- tering heat. At right, Sandra Grella and daughter Nikki, 4, peer through a giant berry cutout. F rom Deown t o w-n Milton ... To A c hil le s- Ma .t 's 0OnI1y A~NILLE5 18.3 Kilometers ________90.9_____________ Mwy7 No matter how you measure it, let Achilles 3 57 Que en S t. , ACTO N 11.4 Nions Mazd show you why it's "Worth the Drive". 519-853-0200 1Mie