Park gets gyrlt for upgrades Local residents will soon see some changes around Country Heritage Park thanks to a large grant it just received from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The fonds wilI be used to paint 20 of the park's 33 exhibit buildings and to install a digital safety and security system. "Mhe volunteers, board of directors and staff are absolutely thrilled with tbe support we've received ftom the Ontario Trillium Foundation," said Reg Cressman, the park's general manager. "An agricultural heritage site of 80 acres and 50 buildings requires a significant mnvestmnent to repair and maintenance. We rely on volunteers who contribute over 600 volunteer days each year 10 do a lot of the work on smaller projects." Mr. Cressman said work around the park is expected to start immediately, with guests seeing the différence this sommer. "Each building wîll look like new and lit the timne period it represenîs." He also pointed ou1 the new digital camn- era surveillance systemn will he a major component of the park's risk management strategy, ensoring its collection of agricol- tural artifacts hs secure. "We have an outstanding collection that depicts 170 years of agricultural innovation and entrepreneorship. Somne items are one- of-a-kind and our tractor collection is rated as one of the hes in Canada, ranking in the top five in North America," Mr. Cressman said. "These items were collected 10 preserve our rural and agricultoral heritage and we have a responsihility 10 protect them. lIn addition, the systemn will provide an increased level of safety and security for guests, staff and volunteers. Country Heritage Park is a safe place for familles and we want 10 keep il that way." The Ontario Trilliumn Foundation's sup- port isn't new to the park. I 2000, il received a grant that assisted in a re-brand- ing initiative from Use Faim Museum to Country Heritage Park. It also supported installation of a heating systemn in Use Gambrel Barn and Use launch of a horticol- tural programn. In 2002, as a pant of the Trillium Foundation's 'Great Grants, Great Resulta' awards program, Use local park received Use Community Impact Award. "We are especially proud of Usis award because il recognizes Use heart and soul of Country Heritage Park," said Mr. Creismran. "We are agriculture, we are rural and we are acontributing pant of a dynamnic Ontario community." Champion Country, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - A19 Rural Watch helps koep residents informe afrom SUMMER on page Al17 Anythimg that makes the house looked hived in spotted in thse area, can help everyone be aware of lier owIo 10 Lksc thivs. -hen we. went away, Mis Woods said joluing a group sui.h as Rural nity. we'd leave toys scattered tbrougisout thse yard and Watch, a programt tliat mnformis residents of loca For more informnation on Rural Watch, contact a neighbour would move themn arowsd for us. crimes as wdll as suspicious persons or vebseles >Jean Woods at (905) 854-210Y7. r - rflJ IDr I A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 SAE - LESN -,SRIE*PRSaCLIINCNR