r t , , ; ,,i ",: I-r.'u Ir5 Trafalgar The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - A15 VIi us__onthe________www.miltonchrysler.__om as Indy 500 ..f rom PARENTS on page A2 offacers who paîrol the area so tbey cao tsake actaon. Ans ieocreoased police presence is vhoat psalrcni toIelley Davis stand lt sveuld take f'or lier tes ceonsider letting ber chidren take the hbes treon Traflalgar Risad ragsain. -I nnced inore tboan ta siigna. Peosple ignore tihe spcest linnit signs talready,- she said. Ms Dravis, svbo talso laves between Bratannata and Lower Base Line, said she's been driving her kids to scbool every day sance tbe road was widened from two lanes tes tour. -It's not wortb the gamble." site said. "It's like the Indy 500 out bere. lt's insane. 1 don't undersîand why everybody's iin such a hurry." Event before the road was widened, Ms Davis bond several brsrrowing experiences, like baving [a couple ol cars alrnost ruas her dosvn because they were passing the bus on the shoulder. Mr. Taylor pointed out that aggressi..ve driving is an issue tbroughout tIhe commu- nity. For this reason, local sehool bus driv- ers and police work togetber on a Bus Watcb programr. Mr. Taylor explained bus drivers wbo identify a vebicle tbat does' stop for tbemn and ils licence plate number cani forward tbis information 10, police. Police will tben send a letter 10 the vebi- le's owner saying their car was seen not stopping for a bus asnd informs tbem of bow mucb the fine could've been. Il alto bigbligbîs the fact tbat people were put at risk. Mr. Taylor said erecting signs on Trafalgar will be a good metbod of publie education, noting if thse information is there in front of drivers tbey can make a con- scious cboice. "We're looking to tbe public to play their part in ensuring our cbildren are kept sale," be said. Melanie Henenesse v con be reached 0ft mhennessex @&mnltonconadanr Inampnon co ns Not issue of sour grapes t ram SCHOOL on page Al Mr. Lauwers attended thse May 16 arnd 18 meetings. Mr. Tate bold Thse Pout following tbe May 18 meeting tbat tbe $10,000 fee for Mr. Lauwers' work would corne froos tbe board's $500.000 legal fees fond. A court reporter -x bose cosîs bavent t yet been publicly revealed - was also retaned to cover thse two meetings. Mr. Tate said be approacbed Halton police about public safeîy given thse agen.rda tbat was on tap for tbe May 18 meeting. Det. Sgt. Joie Barker said tbe oicers sat an on tbe four-bour meeting svbile on paid- duty and tberefore didn't cost the board anytbing. Policy governance svas drastically altered aI the May 18 board meeting and, lter tbat night. eigbt-year Director of Education Psapke aaonoonnced be stas resign- ang. Mr. Papke said the bocard uvas beading in a new direction tbat be didiot feel com- tortable leading. Ms Gardiner, one of fixe trustees svbo voîed agoanst cbanging policy governance. said ber request for a fuît taccounit of thse legal cossis isn't the result of sour grapes. 'l'os just trying t0 gel anssvers for the people wlao ask me the querstions.' ) -- rh40I0W ( Ch ie Caad . a l2 an ounea te retur o f ou f e LaePl A e 'dPoga PA U$ &ou Gtr xirsblee y1/5adA *2RI 3/0PA Whyirwl av i fyorrrann amiI e e e e 21U PKO 132HP DOHC ENGINE 5-spd manual, air, AM/FM/CD with 6 speakers, fog "STOW N' GO" SEATING lamps, 4 wheel independent suspension, split rear 28J pkg, 7 passenger seating, auto, A/Cbnhsa uhmr.Sk282 power doorlocks, power mirrors, tilt, cruise, floor II 00.ar00m 5.1L par 1001km mats, anti-lock brakes and much more. 35 *O 48 MPQ AS SHOWN 20 1 CHYLE I &30 200 IIIG RAM10 L HE 0 ECHAE 15 HER! * [u, css IIsi cciu isaî. ui i 'I'r Y"" -I- uoi irn ri, siv iiiuu u aano tsersi uassosisur y urttsdI(WILb I 1doali eIglcumi aTesne Taxes & Irtense Tee Fastors oficeror Onaier locale ma,, te requred rares on sockseaalabir.t SDecratrniamtcese tares arne rrteally exclusive and -rant te combineil ans are avairable in -eu of FDA Ses tester for setaris [nase pasment rae on nes as trocs [Du' al .IlrTre fit oa-imert trigsr soc payment as sscr, ans tcarfe taxes -tierse tes 2StO 400 K er seat alora 5essat Fur h aige 15c cr km Cll tend e'tauaso leass [CC Ses durler for serail p~y Aumiv]w -I _ý3 28S "pkg- 3.3L V6. auto OID trans, air. 7 passenger s s-9S p ,ating. AMIFMICD, di stidirig doors, floor mats. tilt steering, speed controi, power windows. door II heated side mirrors & much more. St#348191. SPECIAL EDITION EXTRAS! Power Quarter Vents - Deluxe Insulation - One Touch Down for Driver's Power Window - Door Trim w/Map Pocket - '. Reflex" Wheel Cover - Tachometer - Body- Colour Door Handles - Body - Colour Liftgate Light Bar - Special Edition Badge - All Caravan colours available. 1