Al he aiCapon esane2 , i2005 vRegional Road 25 widening projeet 11W in EA process If's easy to see who's just switched to TD Canada Trust. By BERNADETTE WARD Special to The Champion It won'î happen until 2009, but the proceus of widening Regional Road 25 to four lasaes is about halfwasy through Use Environmentasl Asseesment (EA) procesu, tse details of which were available to Use public at the Milton Sports Centre Wednesday. The infonrmation session, attended by about six residents, Regionai staff and con- sultants from URS Canada Inc, took the audience through Use EA proceas in gener- aI and gave an updaste on where they're at currently in temise of Use segment of road between Hwy. 401 and Campbellville Road. "'Mse whole EA procesje a way of iden- tifying opportunitieu 10 make thingu bel- ter," said Mark Nykoluk of URS. Mr. Nykoluk used the analogy of a leak- ing roof to explain the EA procees, point- ing out that first you have Use leaking roof as the problem, and next you need 10 iden- tify a number of solutions that might range from doing noUing to fixing the roof. Using Mr. Nykoluk's analogy. the nexe etep is how 10 ix Use roof. "That's where we're at now; looking ai altemnative designs," lhe said. Some of the altemnatives under consider- ation are widening the lanes, introducing median control. safety improvemenîs. noise attenuation and cross-sectional ele- mente such as ditchea versus storm eewers. These altemnatives will be aseessed ueing an evaluation -criterion Usat includes Use natural environment, the socio-economic environment, technical issues and cost. "We have 10 make uure that whatever we're recommending doesn 't affect Sixteen Mile Creek." eaid Mr. Nykoluk. The second stage of the study, which began in April, bas juet been completed. During the second phase, a variety of altemnative solutions in tIse widening and non-widening categories were considered including adding signage, changing Use timing of signais and Use addition of a tomn- ing lane. Some questions, comasents After thse presentation, there were a handful of questions and one observation about public attendance. "We go t0 aIl these meetings because you neyer know what you can contribute," said resident John Meyer. "Don't complain later on if the road is not 10 your liking," he 4laid. For more information about the road widening or 10 view the presentation, go 10 the Region's Web site at www.region.hal- and link 10 Planning and Public Works and then to Environmental Assessmenîs and then 10 April 25 Stakeholder Meeting Presentation. Mak th moe iSwitch your main chequing account to to cmforable TD Canada Trust and get a f ree iPod shuif le., banking.Switching your main personal or smah business chequing account M t ýtw' to TD Canada Trust means switching t0 a better bank. We offer convenient 24-hour access t0 your accounts from thousands of ABMis, as well as our telephone and award-winning online banking'. Plus, you'll get quick in-branch banking with no deposit or withdrawal slips tb fll iout. Our customer follow-up program ensures you get the kind of service you deserve, and longer hours at more branches help you to get to the bank on your own time. Switch by August 12, 2005 and we'll give you a free iPod shuffle - the stylish iPod that's smasher and ighter than as pack of gum. Whether you're an existing customer or a new customer, al you have to do is transfer your thain account fromt another financial institution t0 TD Canada Trust. For personal accounts, you'll also need te, set up a direct deposit or pre-authorized payments. And thanka to our EasySwitch- proceas moving your account is hassle-free - because we do the work for you. Contact us today to find out more. A more corufortable banking experience is dloser than you think. Ail you have to do is switch. Visit your branch for details or cali 1-866-657-6692 or visit us at * ~jjCanada Trust Bankung can ber this comfortabler 1. COMttrunerntrsfentwirn mot dreqrSgat uing twitch uSM ftt tesif itu itsitnet% r et e ~fde dequtng aceotaI lCm&tdeTut. Fer Men" custere, tire IDcururdtzut cassen usa o be set up aith aut ane hastdqte a r pt etiremed petruents (tas be neasort eautruî. Omt one tSe 0l per castar r." as toruasnWus ie 19 yz p ouesedr M. (oint accout inde beforeoe gft a0*-y.TI(stade Trut rasatstk isehit to o ttsiareiridassdM alhe t aswInse reitwt lie. Sotte Ued tsmet qepi. 2. Wal's les Coustst ntepale '- Odeler2004, GoW Rdiasse Maezire. iPes itseeisasir o Apçle Cstçe lac, rme" e ireM US. asa utlt stnhie. "Truennwk uOf Te(Csud Çus«CtMt. WEPVE GROWN! 80 TO HELP SERVIE YOU METR.. BICK FINANCIAL 1LSECURITY CORPORATION HAS MOVEDI W'w packed up the office, but we're stili around. W. didn't go far... just across Townl Pes. visit us for coffee at our new location. 142 Martin Street, Miton 1905) 875-10001