32- Thu Canudîan Champion, Fr/day June 17, PakîwChidrens Centre are ourrent/y beîng ccught for 0cr Burrngton & Oakvî//u /locations. A/I applîcanin muet bave a dplema or dugruu en Eut/y Cbî/dhood Education. Preference wl)bu gis- un te Sppicanits wuhepenuncue nlîhînulu cutric- o/a, reum for ch/ldre wth special needs and iînte rgeneraîjonuî prcgrammîeq, Parkeîew chfers an excellent na/ury, benefîtu aed work Mvrornment. Cruatveu,ethueîustîc îedîoîduu/s can lnrward renumun by Jane 2Uth 2005 te: Sharan ihe, Eaecuiue irectan 5451 Lakeshare Raad, Burlingas ON, LL iEl by emai: parkiewintarmation@caguca.net TINY TIM DEVELO)PMENTAJ StHOOL, Is loekîeq for 4 Early Chldhooa Educators aed Assistante for Fn/t Trme Employmeet. îuîrase fax rîsurnî tu: 905-878-839l5 Tell your graduate how proud you are of them! Our special wii) rut Tuesday, June 28, 2005 $5500 + GST Deadline is Monday. June 27 at 1 1:Qam *No more than 40 words please* Name:I Phone:I IGrads Name u IMessage:_________I Phne 90I7-31Fx958626 clsfIe Ibnainhmpo. $5.0 +IS $88 IL I Saturday dune 18 At GoodLite Fitness 855 Steeles Ave. E at Thompson 7am to 11lam TABLES STILLAVAILABLE $20 Cai Debbie (905) 876-3488 ln support of Haton Women's Place Team Diabetes The Stephen Lewis Foundation 2 FAMILY LARGE GARAGE SALE Sat. dune 18 8:3Oam - ? 9884 Reg onal Rd. 25 (5 km N. aifCampbellville Rd.) Something for Everyone!! 3d1 Wisonî Dr. Urnit39 Antque collectîbles, ceystul, edof ustate items, collection of pints hy William Sherman, tua cart wt situer service (slent anotion) & more Somethîng tor evereeu Rain date: Sut.Junu 251h 8AM - 2PM 7533 Sth Line /uast sîdu btw Main & Steel us) Scmethîng for enerycne Toolu, kîds stuff, dîshes, chocclate mou/do, cookbccks, clothes, GARAGE SALE MULTI-HOUSE Sat. dune 18th GARAGE SALE 8AM- NOONH Sat. June 18th 661 Childs Dr. Unit 29 1 8AM -NOON l3unk bî ds cii drco s loye & moe Knight Trail GARAGE SALE Sat. dune lBth 8AM -NOON 729 Thompson Rd. S leduo ouldcor tuîff ew lethanded ado egolf clubs, kids clothesloys crb & 5o nmuch more RURAL YARD SALE Sat. dune 181h 8am - 4pm 48 Peru Rd. 2 burîdings of lufi ouotdoor seuf. iOld cars, du- nelbuggy. rire bike. lurniture. old dresseis, cabi- ners, china, mourare bikes, old loys. antiques TurMcecLi'Iilbho 5 REASONS TO COMEGinNehbu od Areyo lokig ornewters, es iat eigborhodSTREET SALE ArE, you eerifr rg 1cr eew Pri ,ht e Are yu okig or 'ards C ýGARAGESAEat ue1h Ai, you le kg fur ciassyho"e s Sat. June i 8th 8AM - ??? Are you geflîrro a greai d Yý7:30 AM -i PM Panton Traîl Sat. Jane 18th -8AM -1PM UDai'v' Ore,' i j ', r 157 Fizgerald Crescenasn C .Fernilure. chddrer slove cîotee Peg Perege Hgcairîrcrb o lf A 1-0w& 3ýt e ce &Ma r ru househfolit emsd & riecb more CHARITY GARAGE UERG AE WEVERENOVATED SALE Sat. dune 18 GSAduE S18 Sat. dune 18 8am - 1ipmSat ue1 9m-2M696 Marley Cres. Bam - Noon Bam - 2pm ~s eof Derry, off Ramshawî 9Mr t 1148 Barclay Circle Tys. baby stuf/clathing & alter treasures. 29uehida hreStm. COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE HUGE GARAGE SALEYADSL Sat. dune 18th Sat. dune lBthYA DS L 7AM - 2PM 8AM - 4PM Sat dune l8th 9AM -?? HeId at 193 Fleming Dr. Sun dune l9th *10AM -?? Long Lane Orchard (Woodward & Thompsonî 13496 Steeles Ave. W 10700 2nd Line ~~~Vases, toye antique sewîng machine. fumîture (enre te/s&Tuagr 100 n iedîshware, whites & so much more crn i feery thingand 97Trasam (close to Mohawk Raceway/ Come check tl oui, PLEASE Ltl i feeyhn n 97TasA muittfamiily MOVING SALEYADSL GARAGE SALE SaA.DJuneL1 Saturday June l8th Sat. dune 18lB.Jne1th 8291 - 6th LINE NORTH 8amn - Noon 1 e huN rt fSeeîes Avenue Haîro n Hýs ire-NO 8:00 am -12:00 pm 1574 Dockray Dr. 8M-NO 00010 Bukesrrouseriold Iems legs etc etc etc Couch, Dining Rm. Table, etc.. 316 Elmwood Ores. FAMILY GARAGE MOVING SALE Sat. dune lBth COMMUNITY SALE 8AM - ARGEAL Sat. dune l8th 199 Elmwood Ores St ue1 8am - 1 pm Somethrng for everyonel a.Jue1 1057 Barclay Circle, Milton Computer supplies & softwrare. futon. D VDs. 9am - 2pm Lots of kids laya, luilure & naothes, pet cageu. antiques, rockîng chair. Man/lyn Mon-25BoteS.S roe colleciibies, funky knrchnacks23 rneS. . GARAGE SALE MOVING SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. dune 18 Sat. dune lBth St ue1 7:30am - 1 pm 8AM -NOOIN 88m - ? (No Sales before 8am) 590 HoIIy Rd. (@ Derry Rd.) 1238 NeweII St. ntee@plb (Bewue Ttompon d S& Otan StS)(Main & Maple) Collector clearnng yeara of amas lfumiture, callectblea, Good Stuf!! Renooutors dream I: gitt fîtures. cabinetr, musical instruments, nom. ruga a few antiques and comte & Soe household items & more quait items. Smaiier amount 01 househaid items. GARAGE SALE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. dune 18 Sat. dune 18 7am -lpm 8am -ipm 256 Oriole Crt Auger Terrace iternabetween 5.00 »- $500 (Hawtharne Vllage) GARAGE SALE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Si Sat. dune lBth Sat. dune 18 7:30AM - 10:30AM 8am - 11 am WIhW 898 McNaughton Court 692 - 698 Robertson Cres. GmlCisfs (offCobot Trail) Furniture. childrens laya etc. MULI-FmiY GRAE SLE a>idlace your êarage Sale for oitl GARAGE SALE MUL TIJILYGARAG SAL0-0pls On Sai. une18hSat dne i8t Sa. unel8t 8A NOON AS ÀfrocêarageSaWeKWiii Wc1ded to 288 Elmwood Ores ( s est insfor Murn & Munie) M I yir a wee. (off Hesloç Rd) Lots of household items. exerciuu equip. epmk ws aW y W Hausehuld, lsmituru & chiidren 's items kis/baby items, vacuums. wînter tirus, movies. musi cdu and mucf more. o-, ~' E lu ~ a E- ~ o' - S~E :q. ~' ou - I. 0~. ~ o>'. lb',. :0