Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 2005, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Frday, June 17, 2005 - A31 ~~o ie iled& ale s ejV Sales HeIp M Driver/Sales I RED-D-ARC WE LDER ENTA L S tomer service, orderîng rscsising, inventory Icontrat, planning deivery schedates, castomer deliserlea, toadingîuntoadling orders. We aller fult training, a competitive xalaryiadvancement Iopportuniîles, Contact Todd Watson, Store [Manager- 510 Speera Rd., Oakeilte, L6K 2G3. Fax:905-845-0398, sw8726@nherwin.com EXPERIENCED Superintendent Couple required for Burlington building. Free: 2 bedroomn apariment, ail utlties, cabie TV generous ssiary, benefîts, bonus and paîd holîdas. Must be avaitabfs îmrnediafely Fax resumne to: 905-632-3271 Attn: N. MAC DON'T MISS OUI! Great GOpportunty n BurIington! Guaranteed Montbiy Plus Gas Subsidy Early morning door f0 door Delivery of the Hamiltan Spectator & Taronto Star Mus have Reliable vehic e. 7 dsys asee Caîl Now 905-639-7700 NOW HIRING OQalt o-ig-tnet Pogans Benf, F-('mO --Sti ý.ý O G -r... M..1 P.,y ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER FULL TIME SUPERVISOR Full time & Part time s to0re fr ont also avaitable. Appiy in persan or fax resurme ta: 8501 Hwy 25 N (lus north of the 401) Mion Ph: 905-878-8712 Faxe: 905-878-1583 Opening Sose le Milts .. Seekîsg FTPT staff Ssccessfsi candidates must hase geod cosces- tratins kis & the abiiity te complets miner mthemnaticul equatîos used tor tintîsa ofthife preasci. Previsss saes esperience and paint/wail paper/wiedeow csserîsgs knewiedge is as asset. tf yes hase a sense et csissi, are a team player, and are service erienteit wth the abiity te mork isdependentiy. Please tax yaur reaumne lo 905-878-9674. 'naytirne innr, f-on i-ri aîidTrainneg '1ftis ely pay ifeiletîro 5 iable 905-847-2210 9-p dat KFC MILTON Are you tookîng toi an employer that is wîlîng to be flexible? Than look no more! We offer a variety of shifts suitable for att. Eîring reaume ta: 226 Main St. (Corner of Commercial A Main) Attention: Angle PRO OIL AND LUBE SHOPPE Full Tîme Positions Avallable Emnail te: adamposil 0beliletca Cati 905-873-1640 Or drop by: 341 Guelphi Street, Georgetown Relief Suerintendent for Hghrise Condominium in Milton. Parltrme position, atereate weekends and consecutive weeks vacation coverage for tuti tirne personnel. Experiece preterred but mii provîde training for the right individual. Position weuid suit responsibie, active retires. Fax resume ta the attention of: R. Bailey (905)540-4450 nr aReeSsg 5a.kground ýreniai bangroruiid RNTAL COORDINATOR- linowledge of weldîng equipment &pscesses, as ssiI as computer profi- cîsc sîng icrosstt Office Prograins an asset. SERVIETÉCMNICIAN - We reqaire s highly mosii vated individuai wth knowledge of engise .repair and eleciricity SHQP SUPERVISOR -Supervises shnp personnel, Asnîgns work nîdlers and ennuies ihat ordero are ac- csrateiy filed and shpped on ime. Red-D-Arc Inc., 1034 PanIera Drive Mississauga, ON, L4W 4A7 Fax: 905-643-6293 Email: rdarecrslting@airgas.com Red-D Arc ls an equat opportuniiy employer FLORAL DESIGNER FULL OR PART-TIME Piesse apply ai 222 Mais Street, Mîton, Mut rnc ot' A eia REQUIRED ASAP 3 Month Contruci: MIG/ ACETYLENE WELDER te Iuy eut, cut, form & loin metul. FAX RESUME: 905-875-3578 LOOKING for Licenxed mechanic la work & manage auto garage. MuaI hase good customer service skiIIs. Ptease send re- sume Box 16A c/o Canadian Cham- pion 875 Main St. E Milton, ON LOT 3Z3 tStw mntt Full Time Technician/ Cashier 5 Main St. E 905-878-1947 WANTED CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Hîghly energetto indîvîdual for busy chiropractic clini. We prefer that you hase 8 legs, 4 arms, 2 heads, can do 10 thingsata once and treat patients ike royalty This ila a ul-time position, Mon-Thurs., înoolvîng enenîngs. Please e-mail resumes to adbustments4you(cbook.ca Only succesafal applicants will be contacted ORDER ENTRY Merlan Scîentiîic Lid is an educational distribator foi maoy csmpanîen nn the US and Europe. We are look- ing for a person to tsfe oser the rnis of aider eniry for sur cnmprîy The candidate must have excellent csmpsier sklîn and attentio b detaîl and accuracy is o muni This is a flli lime pnsition. salary and benetîrs commensu- raie wth experience and qualfications. Please send resumnes stating yoor salary especis t Onna@merlan.ru or by ftas 109O5-77-0929 SR BO9KEEPR/QFICEMANA$ER Our client in Mlton is seekîng a top notch Si. Bookkeeper who is proficient in Simply Accountîng. le thîs dynamîc position you would be handling ait accuuntîng tunctions as weil as ensurîng the efficient and effective management of the office. If interosted in this opportunity please submit our reaumne ta Mito@aevensreaourcegroup.comn IParl-Tîme I OFFICE HLPREQUIRED fo tiHornby Business lirder OeskjCustomer Service Person possessîng higb energy and who enjoys s customer focused and fass-paced onvronment. Skîll requiesmenis inclode sirong customer service. abîlîty 10 muli-tssk and problem suive, good math, phono sud communication skilis, command of the Eeglish language (verbal and wriflen), attention le detaîl, and s positive attitude s must. Presîsus ordor desklcuslemer service background ia desirable. Please emnail your resumne 60: sbIackwell@gerarddaniel.com or fax 905-890-6374. si/I hicniiiilu. Own vehîcie a must. Experience an asset. Submit Resume to: Cati: 905-842-5222 Fax: 905-842-5232 490 Speers Rd. canacoalcville@aoL.com Haîîmark Cards Miîcroft Plaza Now Hîring Mature Expernenced Retail Sales Associates reqsîred fer buuy Hlilmark Card Shep. Muetbes able te mork fissible days, sîghts, eeksnds, and ail holiday hesrs. Must Es a faut isarner and abses s mwork os tf-eu eme if nseded Must be able te mork mel mitE custemers. Must haoe the ssiiity te neysesnirrîwork te s fat-paced ensîrosmesi as we aresa ~wanted for j Data Entry aed Office Errundu. candidate mith escelli penerai Must have car, competer and Ptease lormard1 auomotive shop esperiece en Excel and Word Hattmarlt Milîcroft,: lin Mil on . 1 Appiy enlise. www.offstecorp.com 1Burington On Mut ereibl.Sae HÎpSle eï M es Hl NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 3 Fuil-Time Positions ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PROCESSORS s ieeking fer Electrenic Document recessers, mho loee mrking with techxeisgy; are sef-metisat- ed, highiy seif-disciplineit; and are sls te wsrh uc- csrateiy mth minimum supervision. Fer further en- formation unit hew te appiy fer these epesings, pieute vixit Oppertunîties sechion at: ww.magnainformatics.com ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Personol inanciai odvlsor and invesimeni manager requires ao tahe charge' Administrative Assistant to ossîsse ai aspects of practîce. Assistant musi De o highie organized, seit moivted. depend- able, osai, accurate, loyal, upbeot indîviduai wirh excellent oral and wrtten shilis. Computer iîferacy in Microsoft Word, Ecel. PowerPoint, Ouiiooh ithe Interner, Quicken, Oîmpin Accounting and ACT emsenriai to tunciion effecîîveîy. This is a demanding lob for someone who likes ta rus ihings. A legai secretarlal. accouniing or sîmiior lob backnground demandlng attention to detaili, tilbililty and co-ordinatIon wouid De ideal toi the position, Location is lusi west or Campbelilie. Repiy mts Resume by Fax la 519-763-0931 3 HAL-IITON The Oakvile Burlîngloni and Mlton Shopping News, a division of Metroiand's Haltoni Media Group, has an immediate openîng for an: ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The quaiified candidate wiii be a motivaled, independent, self-starter driven by achievemenit. You wili possess excellent written and verbal communication skiils and be familiar with Microsoft computer applications. n this role, you will be customar focused and wiIl buiid strong relationships witb new and existing clients by ensuring that their advorfising needs are met. You will be goal-oriented and capable of meeting regular montbly budgets and special section targets. If you would like f0 work for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may be the right ose for you. We offer a competitive compensation and benefit package as weli as opportunities for fu- ture career growth. A reliabie vehicie ix required. If interested please forward your resume by June 30, 2005 ta: jbîllinghurst@haltonsearch.com* Fax: 905-827-9950 We appreciafe fhe inferesf of a/I applicants however only those selected for an interview wil be confacted. No phone cals or agencies please. After School Supervisor Music/Piano Teacher Fao resume to. 905-338-0646 or Cali 905-338-7207 stors. If yen are quuitîeit ont urgunîzutissul sEulls Ëyour resamne 10: ,2020 Appîeby Line,m )ntario L7L 6M6 DENTAL HYGIENIST sesieit for permanent F/T 0 4 duys/week in Essy Miltes generul pructice. We need a deiticuteit, persosubie and professienali ndivid- sa who cas grow mîth us. Invoives se meekenits und minimul evenîng houss Fax resumne ta 905-876-3278 or 1cati Southview Dental at 905-876-4701 P I11 oel eaurant t e esturnt OAKVILLE SENIOR CITIZEN RESIDENCE ix tooking for P/T Dining ROOrn Supervisor/Cook 60 loin oui teamn, 60 mork 30-35hrs/wk. The scccexxfui appticant mutl have serving and cook experience in a food servicea or seniors hocsing environmrent and supervi- sory experience; gencive concers for seniors; tact wben dealing with their wixhes; abiiity f0 buîld professiona mork- ing retationship with aIl staff. Apply ta Jan Toms, Admin Manager Fax: 905-827-8047 or oscr@oakvillesenio.com Experienced Prep Cook/D)river- u Requireit for Easy s tp1ays cutering rompu- e %rtîse,~ ny/cule in Miton. ~ To Fax resume to: 905-825-5398 or e-mail: -Ca, infusioncateing.,om. PRE OWNED SALES AGENTS NEEDED Are you an experienced sales agent look- înlg to make a move? We mant you to jin our team as a top performer. We otter you: Strong Psy Plan* RRSP Fund Benefits* Demonstrator/Car AlIow- ance Supportive Management Team Establîshed Customer Base Contact us to see what the future holds! Submit your resume ta: David Nourse KENNEDY FORD Fax: 905-845-9588 dnourse@kennedyford.ca Direct Energy s tooking lfor Experienced Commodity Sales Reps ta prostate ocr suite of products ta Busieesses in your commnunity & surrosinding areas. Base salary + comitssion & no cap. Earn abat yuru aie worth aed joie an iedusirs' leader. Car requîred /inrternet required. Calil Tracey at (416) 222-4842 KITCHEN DESIGNISALES Positions availabte îmmediately at CANAC KITCHENS " Generous Commissions " Flexible hours Great work environment 905-878-5984 Computer EM Data Processing

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