The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 17, 2005- A27 To Advertise in the Chi Colleen Gorman ai 905-878-2341 ext. 211 CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett MMITON S~VmNTl-IDAY Aow9rCHURHUCH Invites vou to sur eekly ra/i/ath serices t Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown Si. Milton at, 930 .a tiri/.i-i/i SÇ/îîo,/xi Sat100il do orDivine Service FISEE BIBLE SCHOOL I s,, n i r he su W1 i ivrs ri, ls , r sî-1 m i i, ,11-r i ppl 111,ii 1 Rl IB i Pi () iii , j 1 iurch Dii Spiritual Awakening Conference n the tent at The Faith Mission 10463 2nd Line, Campbellville Friday, July 1 at 2 pm--- Saturday JuIy 2 at 2 pm Ch îdren "t Assistant/WC Guest Speaker: Dr. Sammy Tippit --Yo^ut International Evangelist & Author 9 a.m. -j 9:30 a.m. - ALL WELCOME 10:45 a.m. Details at 905-854-3284 Service Captic 1 6:30 Join us for Father's Day at ... Milton Bible C. u4rcI 2X8 Lovinqj Goa. Lovin0 people. 200 Main Street Sunday at 11:00 arn - Worship Servide 10:30 arn - Coffee & conversations Children's rninistry running concurrently 9810B7-358 Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh Youth Pastor - Mark Strickla SIN - WHAT IT 15 AND HOW IT CA ME The Milton Dawn Christadeiphians warmly invite you to a presentation Sunday June I9th 2:00 pm (God willing) Hugh Foster Hall 55 Brown Street, Milton /Next tr t o wnHallI tor Mev. Dan Rouge Natalie Rouge orship Esther Kossior Clînton Kruger -Earl y Worship Service Ait Ages Sunday School - Second Worship Service oned for Deaf/Hard 0f Hearing m.- Sunday Night LIVE Supervised Nursery & Dynamlc Chi/dren's and t- LAG YO. * g OFLOE" S 1J Grace Mount Don ,sa n Ci7ua ry r- . Apodtolic Churh A Ghwbf))t I cat il M 1&hp -Miton Seniors Activity Center e500 Childs Dr. (Ubrarîr Room) - Milton $Uf JUN.Eim 19 Christian Education (ail gs 10:00 (LM. (wNQUEr ROOM) 10:00 amn- 1:0a NeeMqS ON w0k oI 11:00 arn - 12:00 noon ""giving mercy at just the night time" 905-875-9169 www.thesanctuary.calmilIton Friday - Bible Class a Prayer Meeting ty 8:00 pm - 9:30 Pm ~ 905.257.3987 Milton Resource Centre H ,,, ww .milon.ibleightorgMilton Sports Centre wwmýmiltn.bbielght.r9-605 Santa Maria BIvd. (Derry Rd., west of Hwy. 25) GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL CIerg'y: 317 MainSt. E WELCOMES YOU 306 Ontario St. N.- 878-3873 Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the HilI 170 Main St. E.. Milton 905-878-6066 1000 arn The Lords Supper McDermott 905-878-2411 Il 45 am.-Suoday Scool Rev. Carole Langlniz Interici Moderatorr- Rec Harrx Klassen 6:30 p.m Gospel Seroice Father Mark Curtis Director of« Music Ministies Sonja sari de loeaciesa :3 ýn Sunuay Services Drco tDsilsi anl iitiý-Ji Prayer and Bible Siudy 8:00 arn - HoIy Communion I LVCAIOnIBE CHO 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist, followed by Sunday Worahip 10:30 a.m. Chîldrens Ages 5-12 cotTee hour. Service includes "Kids' Spirit" Nursery JuIy 11-l5th, 2005 - 9:30am-11:30am JuIy 25 - JuIy 29 Vacation Bible School Youth Class Grades 7 - 12 9:30 a.m. Pre-register foris Call the church office Children's Worship age 3- Grade 6 10:30 a.m. For the Son Of inan i.s corne or rowing iogeths'r in the gpare of Christ" Io seek andIo saeve Wheca. ces houhPrkn o Wheelchair aecess and washroomns provided so that ta hc a ot àwww.gracecthurchmiton.comrn lmycrn n osip cesof aySre.Luke 19.10 ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street Www. SoUthSideM iIton. org q,.5 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 958856 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 55 ffo1f~ cated on Derry Rd., between the 11:0 a. . M rnin W o shi I5 q E L g J N I ~ 1 Sports Centre and the Hospital 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Comm unity Church ThursdayA place to pursue Jesus passionately and connect to your God-given family 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer 10:30 arn - Father's Day Service in the Park Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-1 2) loin us in Tudeau Park (off Derry Road, ai Mattamy development) as we cebebrate Fathers. "You'iI always ind a friend at Graceway" Stay other the service for eats, chat and a imne of fellowship. Children's activities provided. 917 Nipiaain-g Ae nt1,Mlo Sun June 19, 10:30 arn CHURCH SCHOOL CELEBRATION! One Service of Worsbip in the Sanctuary supported by mus/c from our Worship Band Supervised Nursery Gare (rom 10: 15 arn Coftee & Conversation T/me after the service. Sun. .iune 26, 10:30 arn Worsluip in lte Sanctuary supported by mus/c troh St. Pauls Choir Vacation B/b/e Camp - Ju/y 4 - 8, mornings "Safari:- Discovering Jesus " Registration forms for campers, junior leaders and aduit he/pers available in the church office. Corne worship with us! Rev. John Benham Rev. Gerry Hofstetter Church office: (905) 878-8895 naààââàmâ nov, mi q 1