A2- The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 17, 2005 bicciiesibili '27,95 ý16,950 '29-95. ~2 995coînrnttee 20 e p*Rbio x 200211t Si li m mX LE By M ELANIE HENNESSEY 2 0 0 3 J . e p J R o x l o e 4 x 4T h e C h a m p i o n A new Provincial bill designed to make Ontario fully accessible for the disabled has corne as welcome news to the Town's & pS5.000kirl iep. iCD ad70,l » m mVy-1 .pKd1,]4accessibility advisorycommittee. ~2O99 19 90 The legislation, called the Accessibility - "2,875 1 1,990 forOntaridns with Dîsabîlîties Act, '000,received royal assent Monday, making it a » j> 200 Pontc Ma~u Exunde ceahidl 1a step in the right direc- MA ý1nity programs co-ordinator and staff repre- sentative on the Milton accessibility advi- OnIy 71.000 km!> 6 o u,> .»» . p.0.y1 n ite (M A ) .0, til. Bol .ifToy.. W-, .01k 13550>. Si .. -144Ms Davidson noted the bill's goal is to $19,4951 heffl- '14,990 create universal accessibility by 2025 - an E v e n tobjective the MAAC is also Iooking to - SIr2O2002 CeV«*LWO adopt and a timeline that she said is [Ca- CMLD C ong ýoxDi"sonable. 1111 LWe Guarantee our Quality Under the act, the public and private sec- A 1 10-point mechanical and detail tors will have to meet certain standards cre- inspection results in vehîcles of ated at the provincial level on thinga like & 0 _k! n we '. .' facility accessibility in five-year stages, Stk 14w Si 01741 leading up to 2025. 41,995 ~12995. 511,840 . Examples of new standards include hav- We Guarantee our Value ing accessible transit, lower counter A heights at cash registers to accommodate 202FrVkW XWe'll refund the difference if you find a 2002 Fard FFoaje SE SportWm wheelchairs and accessible pedestrian comparable car (after factoring mn quality, routes and entrances to buildings. warranties and guarantees) for a Iower Ms Davidson emphasized that the act price withîn 7 days and its standards are important because 1»> 173.M k.111111 It's the rigbt of every individual to be able if Frd ASo>>,îî 1> to go where they want, wben they want." 11,995 We Guarantee Ilt9 13,895 Wbile the bill cornes as good news, Ms majoraccientsDavidson pointed out that there's no time- n fo mao ac ie t line for when the new standards will be 2MOU«otE20021botaCaroI.LE "downloaded," meaning the Town could be receiving the standards it has to meet by 30-Day or 2,500km200i208 Se also noted that no provincial funding Offly 'S500km!A» C k»» .6 Exchange Policy bas been identified to help implement the »>,t . -all. ...>oe >d 041i" u »e ,tOn7.111 in>0 utai, ,.PL oimeasures i te act. -hee are some TooaWr.Skýýlý1I o don't lk vehicle ta you've afin »> » >8712 issues, but it's a work in progress." '>1995. '16,990 purchased, simply retumn it for amodier [n4905. '3 95'Te bill passing through thse legislature Gorrud's vehicle - no hassle whatsoever and receiving royal assent cornes after a 2001oM dea a Ga E 202 w dWXb s Ort decade-long campaign by Ontarians with Powertaun w rrant disabilities pushing for this type of act. Powerrain Warr nty We now look forward to, rolling up our A 6-month/10,000 km warramty included sleeves to work together with the Ontario with the sale of every vehicle coverimg the government, the business community and Ooly 6700km! AtoA>i,,p.. p. i-,5»k.fi[&.. engine and transmission. l 7f)k'Qu i a 1,thse broader public sector to gel this new 0.L oNi- >W., 5k 452837 Sk B54800 legislation effectively implemented." said >m- $1,45T195. 12,995 David Lepofsky, chair of the Ontarians *W '10,95 95-with Disabilities Act commîrttee. 20 SlbuSE30-Day Mechanical 04)utienC Melanie Henneasey can be reached a 2005 jWarranty Smmhennessey @mtoncanacianchanpion.com. Covers 100% of ecessary mechamical repairs from back bumper to Rusknhuoe dudeg luneh hood ornamnent te* ?etour degsout? 0.1y 99.000 km.» v> 1w11 >quipped d ilp»> O»> 5ffkm'One onr.Q.od wat&.>mu -t& tratio ot>ik 1 65757 .B. ifToyt.WrStk503 $9,395 0 ~ o; aocf e 4r e . 019' 25,995 rrofeaaional 0o q Walklne 5c5r icoe 2001 Saaim LW20 2001 seben sa 2002 SebLm L200 2003 Hod duyE e provîde: We are: eIndlvldual or oPet FIrui Aid certitled SGroup Walks *Iooured and Bonded ffM*Weekendllloliday WallilngAsoitn 0>1>99.000 km! [.0>100> >1»o..auto. air. 0>1>68.M0km' Fi>- oped, ai,. p>. p. 0>1>70,(M 0km!'Auto.air. pw.p. cm. & Boarding pw. pi. cm»'». tilt. 51k 532523 tilt»>& r.0>0 .Bal. (if »»> mW > . ilt. Bal.>of Sa»> Wur. 01k 519967 Si 475Only 30,000 km! centm acte 1¶95. 11598 $9-. 8,750, P 29G5. '11,995 11905-893-0372 We're one of Southern GORRUD'S 410 STEELES AVENUE, IN MILTON wwcdeolec Ontario's largest AT D5o Yr277~sr O uoytobe used car dealershipis! A*9Om85 27your 4oq h xec5 gorrudsautogroup.comKK K K K K