A16 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday June 17, 2005 .........._-------Special Maria Sewell (Ieft) of Deborahas Home and Mayor «.Gord Kranz present a stained Sglass piece to Christine and Cory Opsteen in recognition of their Iong-time financlal sup- port of Independent Living Halton. Each year the Opsteens hold a garage sale and donate the proceeds - with the i 5th annual fundraiser coming Up this summer. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE zAà WE'VE LOWERED Head Office THE COST OF LIVNfl UT U11wma 2005 Sentra $Mýk$15 OF "Vehicles quaIify for ail special finance rates." 2005 Altima S ~$2000 OFF U6+$1000 GAS CARD %mtO300OFF "Vehicles quaIify' for ail special finance rates." 2005 Maxima $~$ooe OFF --lb"Vehicles quaify for ail special finance rates." 2005 Xtrail 'Vehicles qualîfy for ail special finance rates. Ail head office demo's ar-e based on $2000 down, 24000 km per year Pathfinder & Murano 4.9% ALR. A leases are through Nissan Canada Finance excesss km @1Oc per km &a 610 MARTIN STREET, MIL NJORTH END 95-88-4137 4" Fr. 9*00 - 8:00 soit 9*0 - 5.00wwwnlssi 2005 Pathfinder LE Storm grey toi -18500 kma $439995 2005 Murano SL M I I I $399995 2005 Murano SL AWD wfth aunroof -.mmfb blue, 11500 kms NISSAN GRA $3799' are OAC. LTON SHIFT.