about safety At k« %#alon Ptds t y duotonC"oinstor Slic Hurst chOcicu 1e0» how f ftt6d Jouhua ReSm la ln NO. M OMeatdurng a car andi booster »eMkal l*tat W» Part 0f Guarcln Angis Sohoore rment famlly nWgh. Salow wt, Hufon pwm*o PaPuline Smfth hokie or». yer.oici Aid. Sposato In front of the ambulénce while OUMher tgstrsch O hm* otN Abiruie.At right, SIX- Yoe-o Julil. MoKenne gels ler fingeoprlnte tulcn by rrY Smmt, an educatiora end vOlUnteerco-ordlnetor ith Chld Find Ontario. Photos by SABRINA BYRNES Il 011Icessomotors 4 cyc, Aulo FUy Loadgd ony98,800krcm P/W POt., crulse fi AMFMD, âd ý ~ pmlrrors. 1yw The Gran--d Chalet Presents: 324 Steels Ave- E- Mihon 905-878-7934 *feeing c e Ic leatherfurniture4shouW be fun, S. ýt i-ql-pf 4er, prices, sizzesf ring of thofurniture are ail very im i,*nt questio#s whe you have decided to make tAis invesfinen ' Tannery Manor, maIoers of fine leaherfurniture is a great place to stari. A nMon Burnatowski, owner There is a real sense of pride Z1of Tannery Manor, brings when tal[king to Anton and Larry £ Jover 25 years of experi- and they want their customner to ence in this field to his location in feel totally coinfortable and happy Milton. Milton is such a growing that they have made the right choice for their home and lifestyle, market that hie decided to open hi5 enjoying the pieces for years to location here. General Sales corne. Manager, Lanry Rothman, also has Ail the furniture sold by Tannery many years of experience in this Manor is made start to finish in business, Both know the fturniture Milton. No part of the process is business inside and out and there outsourced. They use only top of isn't a question that they can' t the hide leather, solid maple wood; answenthe frarne is screwed & dowled. AlI the cushions, seats and hacks are detachable to optimize the life of your furniture. Each piece is huiît hy a local craftsman. Tannery Manor keeps their prices competitive hy having a lower over head, which in tunpasses these savings O otheir customer Every piece of furniture is custom ordered (style, type of leather and colour chosen by you by the help of staff), insuring that you are gettmng exactly what you want and each has a lifetime warranty (see store for details). It usually takes about 4 weeks to complete your piece. Their hours of operation are Monday and Tuesday lOarn-4pm, Wednesday, Thursday -and Friday lOarn-8pm, Saturday lOam-5pm and Sunday 1larn-5pm. They will he more than happy to schedule a meeting at other times by appoint- ment if these hours aren't conven- ient for the customer. Please feel free to stop in, browse and talk to Lanry or one of their staff. You will be pleasantly surprised! EditorioJ supplied by Tannery Manor, located at 545 Main St. E. Milton, 905-864-6245.