A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 14, 2005 An age-old question ['wo:"TEAR' FEAI.T1 diàARNEI r1 Debate o11 the issue svon't likely inten- sify until the faîl. but the Ontario govern- mient put a bot topie on the front borner last week witb its announcement the Province is set to scrap mandatory retire- nient. As tbe law stands now in Ontario, workers can be forced to, retire at tbe age of 65. Opponents of mandatory retirement sec tbis as a humain rigbts violation and that retirement sbould be a matter of cboice. They point to the fact tbat Canadians, on average, are in better health now than they werc decades ago wben mandatory retirement was introduced. Tbey also argue tbat many jobs today are lesa phys- ically intense. la it fair tbat a marketing specialîst, university professor or recep- tionist be forced to quit bis or bier job wben bie or sbe doesn't want to? Can we as a society bent on extending equal rigbts to ail Canadians discriminate against tbose wbo bave bit a certain age? Surely eacb of us knows a "senior" wbo is fully capable of working. Propornents of mandaîory retirement sec it differently, of' course. Tbey lèci mandatory retirînent ensures snew blooid" svill constantly flow in tbe busi- ness world and tbis allows employers tbe opportunity to rid tbcmselves of emiploy- ees tbcy miay no longer want. Union leaders also see mandatory retirement as a way for employers to take advantage of senior employees by mak- ing tbem work longer tbus weakcning pension plans. Four provinces and tbe Tenitories bave already done away witb mandatory retirement as bave Australia, New Zcaland and tbe United States. This growing trend cas case finascial burdens for seniors, aid women wbo left tbe workforce to maise cbildren and bclp new immigrants. As long as seniors' workers' rigbts are protected, we view ending mandatory retirement as a positive step. We'rc sure, tbougb, tbere will be plenty of discussion before tbis becomes law. * Our Readers Write Thanks to ai who suppworteldarts festival Fourth LUne closure is înded caiusîng Dear Editor: As president of Arts Milton and on bebaîf of tbe board of directors, let me take tbis opportunity to thank everyone wbo attcnded our recent Arts Milton Festival. Milton bas so mucb to offer in tera of arts, and it was a pleasure to sbowcase it toi fellow Mîltoisians. A wide variety of interesta were available by ail our miema- ber groupa, as well as some very wel- conme guests. This event wasn't only a challenge toi organize, but a pleasure to see unfold. The bard work and dedication by ail par- ticipants is truly a testament to tbe vîbrancy of our cultural community. Masy thasks go out to our generous sponsors and contributors for their sup- port. Also, tbanks to our bard-working volunteers, orgasizers and staff, wbo sacrificed countless bours ta make this event possible. t would personally like to tbank ail tbe directors os tbe Arts Milton board. It's a genuine bonour to work witb you. Needless toi say, tbe artists theroselves deserve a tremendous round of applause. Tbey inspire us al]. Grog Nelson, president Arts Milton *The Canadianu Champion Box 248, 875 Mais Si. E.. Miltons, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905)878-2341 Editori Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Ni Oliver An.uerieuie Psb!ilier Jili Davis l-dituir-iii-Cluief Kareni Smith Meaniegiii Edieeir Wendy McNab Advr.iing Direuiear Tim Coles Produc tion Maner e Charlene Hall Di.stributîin Manaieger Teri Casas Offiee Manaîoger The Canadian Champion, puhlished eveîy Tuesday and Fiiday al 875 Main St. E., Milton, dnt, L5T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metrolaid Priiig, Po5iishiig & Sistiibuig LIi gîoop ot suburbai comparues which includes. Ajax/Pickering News dedtise, Aliton Heiald/Courie. Sarie Adoance, Bolton Enierprise, Brampton Suardian, Boîlîngion Post, Burliigton Shopping Newsi City Pareni, City of York Suaidian, Collinmworrd/Nasaga Connection. East York Mirisi. Fi dvoate/Couitry Routes, EioSicoke Soardiai. Flamboiough Beview Foieier Young. Georgetown Independentldcton Fiee Press, Bailon Business Times, Huîoîîa Business Times, 1idsae This Weelr. Marlrsam Ecoiemîsi & Soi, Midand/Penelang- uishene Mrroî, Miiio Shopping News, Mississauga Business limes Mississauga News. Napanne Guide. Nassagaîseya News, Newmaiket/Aurora Fia-Bainni. Northumberland News. Norts York Muiro. Sakoîlie teavei, dakoîlle Shopping News, Sudtîmers Hockey News, Oîangeuîille Banîe, Orfla Todsy, Oshawa/555itby/Clariiigto/Pord Peiiy This Week. Peterborough This Sieek. Picton Couiiy Guide, Richmond Hil/ThonhiII/Vaughai Lîbeidi, Scai- boroogh Miiiii, Stoottoille/Unbidge TriiSuie, dedtisiig is dccepted on the condition that in the eventio a typo- giaphical eiiii, thdi podion ofthse addîeiisiig space occopied ly tle eiîo- îeous dtem, togethei wit a îeasoîable aliowance toi signature, wiii iii Se chaîged foi, Soi tle balance if tle adverisemeît wiii Se paîd foi ai the appi- cable raie. The pohtishei reseonîs thi îîght to caiegoiize adverisemeets di declîne. Edioîal aid adoertisîd conten of Tle Canadiai Chamipioni s piotected ly copyright. dîauiloîîoed use is pîoilited The Milte Canadien championî ina Recyciable Predoci >1r problem; issue needs to be revisîted Dear Editor: This letter is in response to the Jonc 7 letter by Larisa Drozd- Trauzzi is regard to the closure ol Fourtb Lise. 1 svbolebearîedly agree ibat soîneone is goisg 10 gel burt or svorse in this area as a direct result of the poor planninîg by tbe Towni, svbicbi closed Fourtb Lise witbout essurise tbat proper alternative routes sîcre sn place. 1 e rnaited tbe Towsn ot Miltoni May 9 t0 question svbat tbey usere planning 10 dIo about Eiftb Lise and Derry Road. and uvas infonned that tbis particular rouil actually falis under the respossibiliîy of Halton Regios. 1 tben forwarded nsy e-mail directly 10 tbe Regios for a reply, t0 svbicb 1 was isfonned there weren't any plains 10 put in termporary sig- naled ligbîisg ai Fiftb Lise atîd Derry Road. aind tbat 1 sbould use Trudeau Drive. I don't bave access to Ibis road sîsce tbey closed Eourtb Lise. No sooser did I receise Ibis e- mail back trom tbe Region iban on tbe way bomne tbai evesiîîg tbere usas a major accident at Fifth Lise and Denry Road. 1 nase timied tryiisg o niake a leIt tors tromo Fi ftl Lise 01110 Derry Road. or- to go straigbht tbr-oLugb to conîtinue on Fiftb Lise. lit tIse nioro- îng beîsveen 7:30 and 8 a.rs., it cas take anywhere from l'ise to 12 min- utes 10 safely mnake your inove. Tbe Tosvn and tbe Regios really need to do soinetbing bere before someose is seriously burt or dies as a resoît of tbe poor planning. 1 e- tsailed back tbe Regios and strosg- yý urged tbeni to do a resiesu of the area. In my opinion. tbe infrastruc- turc in ibis area iss't wbat it needs tEn be t0 accomnnodaîe tbe ever- growisg population in Miltos, Tbe residents of tbis town need 10 start miakisg somte senioos noise about tIse traffie issues. Olberwise tsotbingý uill be donc. 1 urge aîsyone coîîcemed about tbe iraffic lesels sn Miltons espe- cially sn ibe Filtb Lise and Derry Road area -10 contact the Toswn or Region. Maybe il they gel esougb cails ansd e-niails ihey'll dio a traffic survey and dIo sotsselbing sootîci iban wben tbe new James Snoss Parksvay is compleied sometiîne next year. Patty Norris Babcock Crescent E-mail ail your letters to the editor ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease