A34 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, June 14, 2005 Datelline - from DATELINE on page 23 a foot care cllnc wjth a VON nurse by appointmaent only at a cost of $24. Contract bridge is held at 1:30 p.m., 'Me cout is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information, cati (905) 875-1681. Friday June 17 This is the last day to reserve a spot for the United Way of Milton's aimual general meeting June 27 at 7 p.m. at Waldie Blackssnith Shop, 16 James St. For more information or to reserve a seat, cati (905) 875-2550. The Khmi Communisy of the Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., suite 3, holds Khi Youth, an eveming of fun for 13- to 18-year- olds. For information, cati (289) 242-1432 or e-mail bill@khicommunity.com. Wellspring Hatton-Peel, a support group for cancer patienta and their families, holds its drap-in Relaxation and Visualization group from 1l a.m. to 12:30 p.m. as 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more information, cati (905) 257-1988. Milton Public Library, 45 Bruce St., invites seniors to ils Seniors' Tea from 10 a.m. to noon. For more information, cati (905) 875-2665. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds its Free Coffee Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Its Evening Euchre Party starts at 7:30 p.m. 'Me cost is $2.50. Its Computer Club is held as a cost of $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Enebre is held as 1:30 p.m., contract bridge takes place as 10 a.m. and its CyberCafé takes place from 1 to 4 p.m. The activities cost $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information, cati (905) 875-1681, ext. 2753. Saturday June 18 The Fine Arts Society of Milton presents its fr-ee 'Art in COMJHGSOON!l Live standardbred racing returns ail summer long. Starting ]une 20 until October 8! *Join us for 80 nights of live championship standardbred racing every Monday Tuesday Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening from june 20 to October 8. New post trne: 7:20 prn *Watch the prestiglous Canadlan Paclng Derby on Saturday june 25 lèaturing the continent'1 s top standardbreds and brtng the Kids to FarnlIy Fun Nlghtl *Enter our new $50.000 Hole-in-One Golf Challenge! *Enjoy aur new lloensed ourtdoor patio! See our flyer comning soon filed with money saving coupons including a FREE $2 Bet and Raclng Progrml MOHAWKc RACET1SACK 109430 Guelph Une. CampbeInIl Ontario LOP 1IBo 1-88a-75-RACE wwWoModbineEntertalnmnentom TRACK HOURS - LieRacine ai 7.2Opm lune 20th October Sth RACEOOK - Open 7days a eek frm na m-ttpm MOHAWK OLOT HOURS - Mon-Wed 9am 3amn Thurs-Sun 24 Hours. Subject ta change. Victoria Park' a show and sale of mixed media paintings, sculptures and gtassware - in front of Town Hall on Brown Street from 9:30 a.m. to 4 pr. Milton Malt invites kids to make popsicle stick birdhouses for their dads for Fathers' Day in Centre Court from t1i a.m. to 2 p.m. The Town of Multon's Community Services Deparoment invites the public to the officiai opening celebrations for three of its newest parka from 1l a.m. to 2 p.m. The officiai ceremony for Dempsey Neighbourhood Park is as il arn., ifs as noon for Beaty Neighbourhood Park and at 1 p.m. for Trudeau Park. Each event includes kids'activities such as kite making and face painting, plus a free barbecue. For more information, catl (905) 878-7252, ext. 2189 or visit www.miùlton.ca. The Women's Centre hotds its Transformative Seff-Healing workshop from. 10 a.m. to, 3:30 p.m. at Hearthstone by the Lake, 100 Burloak Dr., in east Burlington. The coat is $100, which includes support materiats. For more information or to register, catI (905) 901-9848, e-mail events@tamponthepatb.org or visit www.lamnponthepad.org. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, hotds its yoga workout from 9:30Oto 10:45 a.m. and its book club from il ar. to noon. For more information, cail (289) 242-1432 or e-mail jen@&khicommunity.com. Eucbre takes place at 7:30 p.m. as the Hornby Co-operative Nursery School. Everyone's welcomne. The Ontario Early Years Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., holdo its Devetopmental Early Identification and Prevention Program Clinie from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. for families with kids up to five years old. Lt offers 15-minute consultations with various profès- sionals including speech, hearing and behaviour profestionals. For more information, caît (905) 876-1244, ext. 10. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holda its Strawberry Social froro noon to 3 p.m. featuring a preseotation by the Mobile Millinery Hat Museum. The coss is $ 10. For more information, cat (905) 875-1681. Sunday June 19 Boston Prcsbyterian Church on Third Line celebrates its 185th anniversary as il a.m. with guest minister Rev. John McGurrin, followed by a light lunch. Southside Community Church, 2850 Derry Rd., holds the Alpha Marriage Course as 12:30 p.m. with lunch and childcare provided. 4hCK-ET SMOK$ ieG Pro fessional pit? à"uImm' euk & Car ServceE (MIN»i) lac. I www iohnsrvcentre.ca Mj , -MY SISTER'S CLOSET 1rk Someday, you'l be oftered a cigarette or be templed 10 smoke. Betore 0ou stafl, think about il: every drag yao take scres Up your body. Smoking cas cause permanent damage to your body. Once a person sarts, Il itecomes extremely toogt 1 quit. And diti we mention al lthaI cash youIl be blowing in tihe process? So, 4 you're tempted to start, aok yourselt, "Wbat's lte point?" This message brought to you by: Zrtj Canabian Cbampion