28 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday June 14, 2005 uo Fnancnq Auto Financing 1 aescmil aor NEWLV rensvated 2-bedrsom apars. 89 Ontario St., Miton. $95Olmxxth + hydrx. Avait. immediately. 416-986-0690 RIENTAIS 1 and 2-bedroomn suites in historic building in Rockwood sfarting at $700/month, Caîl Eliza- beth Del, Johinson Associates Realfor .905-877-51 65. 4-BEDROOM hauce tx rext in Acton, quiet neighbxarhsxd near Lake. 5-appliances, nxx.smxkers, ns pets. Firstast/references. $t,35x/mxxsh plus utîl- itrac. Anailubie immedi- ateip. Cali 519-853- 5251. ACTON 3-bedrxxm f in- isheti basement, lix- ished backpard, ns poets /csm o k aras $t,200/wxnth + utilities. Available Auguat. x19- 853-071 0. MILTON, 3-bdrm t 1/2 bath, excellant condi- tion, sun dock, garage, finîched bsmt, 3 car dnîoemap, gus, cubie, ns pet/smoking 9o5- 878-5019. cmE camIscaEIZ DUFFERIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, s business unit of St. Lawrence Cernent, ix Canada's largeut concrefe pavîng cxmpany and one of the toremoas heavy civil engineering contractoru. We are currently hiring for the foltowing seaxoned professional... >Pirchasing Manager A strong communicasor with the ab iity to negot use in order to meet strict deadt nos, pou wilt be responsibie for ensuring termu and prices are consistent with acceptable quatity and deiivery in the purchase and rentai of materiais, supplies, and equipment. Vou miii also review ail tender documents, identify lob apecific materiats, review materiat specifications, identity iikety sources, and souicis pnîcing. Vos must have severat years of reiated construction experience. We take pride in aur projecta, value our E emptoyees, and build carmera. If you have what if takes to loin our team, piease apply d in writng f0: DUFFERIN CONSTRUCTION, gumJ Fax: 905-842-7974 &«A s-mail: eîozon@stîawrencecement.com L MM RENTALS 1 and 2-bedrxom suites in hîsturio building in Rockmxod starsing uit $e50/monsh. 3-bodrxxm txmnhouse in George- town, $1 ,250/mxnth plus utilities. Cati Elizabeth Doeli, Johson Asso- ciates Reaitor 905-877- 5165. 2-BDRM bungalow, lrg drinewa, 2 car garage. 51 295/mth + utilities, avaitabie Aug. Cals 905-87".750. 4-BDRM execotixe home, 2600sq.ft. Hard- mxod ttxsrs, manp ap- grades, att. ceilinga. Fronts xntx park. Cail Bruno Exit Realty Spe- ciaiist. 905,785-9234. MILTON- Steeles& Hmy #25, detached 3- bedroors, + basement rex rxom, detached 2 car garage, hardwood fisxrixg, A/C, public transport et pour dsor, Hwy minutes awap. 51400/mo. +utitities. 905-693-0829. WC CAR HELP QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL H you aeemployed, APPROVAL we can helpt Bankrupt (discharged or Yosr circemstance undischarged) Your rate In credit counseling or No down payment proposai O.A.C. *New immigrant/refugee Rates f rom 8.9%- *No estabtished creddi,ý 29.9% O.A.C. Applbymm cal CDM Wason Mon.I tSOL Today Motion Endeavoura 1-905633M6 3416 Falrview, #200 Cd: 95D--3( Burtingion 905-633988 Pout des< renseignements en fnçicomposez ýe 1-800-461-2621 Join Our Teamil Wells Fargo Financial Acceptance trac immediate foulltîme oppottuniries foi Credit Anaîysts as ou, eurlington location. A Sttsng cales background, thse abiiity to wonk in a deadline drînen ennironment and expenience with indînîduai goal trgens wiii be key to nous ce n this role. An aptitude fo, costome, service, combined with excellent verbal and mrîtxen communication shillis ia must. You miii be responsîbie for deoeiopîng reiationships wîth kev astomotîve deaierships i nos: region and makîng decîcions on connu mer cedît applications nubmitted. Yos, abiium to, close deais whiie speaking wîth dealers in a cier and courteoas manne, ix an important aspect of the Credit Analyst noie. me offe, a competitine saiary, as meil as an xustanding benefits package and profit sharing plan. If you're iooliing fox, a compano that recognizes and temards perconai initiative, please fermard rua: resume xx: WFFAHR@flnancial.weltsfargo.com Direct Energy Want a lob that works for you? Direct Energy Essentiel Home Services ix lssking fxr direct marketing representatioes mhx miii pro- mote their protection plan producto. Youil be trained on al of the details of aur Hesting and Coxling protection plans and gixen al of the tas you ahli neod to succeed. These are quality producta that could patentiuily save cuatomers thausands of dollars in furnace and air condîtiorer repuirs. The positon requires s friendlp and energetic atti- tude, thu must be up beat and positive and ho able ta understend a cuxtomer's point of view. Experi- ence in ihis industrp ix nos necessarp as we wiil pro- vide fll training. Compensation wiii bu saarp plus commission with no maximums. The hours miii be flexible Opportu- nity for promotion witl bu constant and there wiii be e need for Tears Leaders ta manage, encourage, and maintain e tears of representatives. So if pou have same ectra filme ech week and could use ssme extra monep gise usea cali. Il cenl hart t find sut moral Contact: Nick Email: directcx@roger.com %.dà1ViOio àiliiÏ-l Ontarlo Northland, eslablished in 1902, is a recognized leader in creating prosperity in the North by providing innovative, competitive transportation and telecommunication solutions. Ontario Northland is seeking applications from qualified individuals for the following positon: QUALITrY ASSURANCE (QA) SUPERVISOR - #390-142 Location: North Bay Qualifications: " Must have a thorough understanding of .S.0. 9001 -2000 " Must have thorough electrical knowledge " Must have a good working knowledge of computers " Must be available for shift work For a detailed job description please visit our web site at www.ontc.on.ca If your skills and experience fit the description, please forward your resume to: jobs@ontc.on.ca, fax to: 705-475-5055 or mail to: Manager, Quality Assurance c/o Human Resources, Ontario Nortiiland, 555 Oak Street E., North Bay, ON, Pli8 8L3. Applications must be received no later than June 17, 2005. Note: If you are applying lbr e-mail, please cut and paste your cover letter and resumne into the body osf the e-mail and reference the positon on the sul4ect line of your e-mail or in your cover letter. Thaink you for your interest Ony thoe applicants selectued for an iniiw viiiibconalted, ECONOMIST The Centre for Sputial Ecxnxmics ix iuokmng fora fuit or part lime ecxnomist to wxrk in ilx Milton sf- fice. The rexponsibilisiex of the position include au- xîsting with: (1) the maintenance, use. und devel- opment of eonomic modeix; (2) cxnducting mod- ai bused ecunomic forecusto, und (3) undertutring ecsnomic studios. The minimum academic quuification for the pusi tion ix a B.A. in Econsmicu. A busic understunding of economie theury ix required. The millingrexu und some abîiîty to mxrk with datu and ecxnomîc mxdeing software are necessary qualifications, A purticularity important qualification ix an interest in wxrkîng in the field of applied econumco. Persons înterested in upplying for this positixon con do xx by contecting Erxie Stokes thrxugh email et: estokea@c4ae.com or in writixg eit the Centre for Spîlal Economtcs, Suite 203, 15 Martin Street, Million, Ontarlo 19T 2R1 3 plus ers experience nd enarxcQe-n baec.o Meae, ri e nddoa.loct work. No Txach Freight. Cai: 905-451-4f6 Or Feu resame to: 905-451-846 DRIVERS New Truck Delivery We delivar new trucks frxm factory to dealer- ahîpa fhroughxut the U.S. and return w/nem trucks front U.S. plants .42 per mille Motel prxvided nighttp must have AZ lîcense & t yr. T/T OTR Exp. ACS Canada 877-893-2066 MAIN LUMBER INO, AZ DRIVER required îmmeditely Fax resume f0: 905-846338 or deliver to: Main Lumber 485 Traflgar Rd. Qakvlle, ON ofR aid *nlm AZ/DZ DRIVERS Requîrod immodiatoin. Hxuseoxd movîng experience nroferrod. Flouse contact Barr Quipirta r: Ifixebird Rciocatinii vvsretxns (905)607-7 990. w Gnrl Help CHOICES, a provider ot support for people wîth Reporting ta the Interniediato Accouotant, you wiIi be responsible tor the preperation, distribution, and contirmation stea computerized biweekly payroll syxtem for epprsoimetely 100 emplsyees, with possible expansion. Part-time will entait 16 hours; par week. Vos will combine ysur Secondery Diplo- me with two years working esperience in account- ing and or payrol, gosd working knswledge of ba- sic eccounting principies and procedares, knowl- edge of carrent Canadien Peyrsll legialation, ebiity su meet strict deedtines and - meet ot al - atten- lion ts detail. Reply in complete confidence, stet- ing selery espectations to: Human Resources, Competton 106-0, CIIOICES ,459 Ofleld Rd. S. Dundas, ON. L9H 5E2, Fax: (9051628-6175, Email: choloes@chotcesgroupor Cloalng Date: Monday Juns 20,:205 We thank ail applicants for their interest. OnIy thos applicants selected for an Interview wlt be contacted. M ftare currendly recruiting for a DISPATCHER/CO-ORDINATOR Our clions ix a rapidllygrswiig established Oakville basedsranepsrtaticin prscde specialzng in grouric Cao n#af4out NrhiAmerica. They ofer a flrct class work environiment Iatindudesxtable enm*syment acompeitravewage, nmnthy bonacses asd beriefits. Reqaired ukitis: -Aixuve average commsnicator with ssrong organization siis -Gond listerrwith attention toidetails -Ability to workwell under pressure -Esthusiasicand energetic -Cutnmer servicedrin -Conqxsterbterato -Team payer Trasportation operations experienca wxuki be as acces bas are wiiing no tais theo rigt idbisL Pieuse ornai cover ltter and resussesi MS %M)RD ftxxnmat in concfidenceoi H.R Solutions Lsd: hrsotutions@cogeco.ca HELP WANTED EUREST DINING SERVICES MILTON CCPPC Has immediate upeningc for: F/T Shipper F/T Recelver P/T F/T GENERAL HELP To arrange to be intercrewed, Please Fax or Ernail your resume tO: Fax#: 905-875-2437 * bS positionis in ai departments " Admrinistration * Customer Service " Sales Personnel $2000 PER MONTII GUARANTEED No experience necessary. Oeil tor interview Mon. & Tues 9-7 oniy Muet have own trasporttion. 905-573-1569 Ladaw Eduication Services Scitool Bus Drivers stili needed *Free training Part-time hours *Perfect for retirees & homemnakers (yoir preschool chuldren may ridte wdh you> If you have a few hoars a day and enjoy the comspany of dlildren. Ffease contact us ait 90-87-2251 or 905-4&4 La*w isan 9M WMUW4,rtg RMet PAINT STOP F ibSAOA i - idil.i STAFF Experienoe preferred but essential Fax resumne, to 905-878-9674 PERMANENT PART lIME Mon-Fni Interior & Exterior building cleaning 20 houra/week Sait retired person Fax reaumse to 519-740-6663 or waynegaudt@ ssntsx.net REQ'D ASAP 3 Monsth Contract GENERAL WAREHOUSE LABOURER toi hendie prodac, package materials, assemble paiiets. FAX RESUME: 905-875-3578 W el&service iawn & adneupATVs, irt bkes, snopxmf Immodiate xpenîxg. Goodl experience Excellent psy Benft, uxfrm Fax resumne ta 519-21-7800 MILTON. 3-bodroum. Fridgo/stune, Wash- er/dryer. Wood tire- place, use of pool, nom tîsurînglpaint. $t200/mxnth. Anuîiablo Juno 25. Cali Grog 905-335-2352. Geeri Hein CHOICES. Suppsrting People wifh Deveixpmentel Disabilities. Seeks aplications for the osition of Under the direction of the Direclor, Support Ser- vices, the Co-Ordinator, Suppxrt Services will osersea the overali direction, co-ordination and evaluation of assîgned prxgrams and services in accordasce with legislated requirements and siat- ed policies and procedures xf the Agency. Re- sponsibitities will also include supervision cf 10 - 15 etnployees, planning, assîgning and directing wxrk, budget management, addressing and reson- ing issues raised by Service Recipients and em- ployees as well as employee performance apprai- sais and emergency on-cal duties. If you are a dedicated protessional with a strong commifment tx developing individualized support, always enjoy creative challenges and are a solid team player thex this positon will interest you. A diploma in a relevant discipline front an accredited coilege plus 3 years supervisory experience related ix chil- dren's programming, budget maintenance and management eoperience are required. Experience in a unixnized environment an asset. Respondlto: File fl2 CHOICES ,4590fled Rd. S., Oundas, ON 1991 5E2, Email - choices@clcesroup.org Fax: 9056284175. Closing Dais: Monday Jun 20, 2005. %seseno phlie catIs. W ffl all aantsarrteïr interet; how- ever, onlytiioacardldstes selected for on Interview IIIIt be conWate.