Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 2005, p. 25

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Marauders rally to topple T.O.0 ,-Mosquîtoes win By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion On an afîeinoon far too bot for football ai Milton District Higb Scbool. the Marauders warmed up after a cold start and iced the Toronto Maddogs 23-14 Saturday -running tbeir record to 2-O. Toronto's tirst play of the gaine resulted in a 65-yard pass reception and a 7-0 lead. A couple plays tater, Milton quarterback Domenic Camastro sîepped in a pot bole as be wenî back to pass and wenî clown as if be'd been shot. The resulting fumble put the bosts in a bole in their own ierriiory and at quarterback, punter and kicker witb Camastro out of tbe gaine. H-e's questionable for this week as well. The Maddogs oniy managed a single point off the fumble, but the Marauders weren't moving the bail offensively, despite fumble recoveries by Kirby Ginn and Wayne Sliwinski. Backup quarterback Josb Spanik suffered a couple intercep- tions, and the Maraudera sustained more injuries - partly froin tbe heat and partly front tbe Maddogs' bard-bitting defense. Milton finally got a break wben uine- backer Derrick Burke stripped s bail carri- er deep in tise Toronto zone, and Mike Bartello scooped it up and took it in for the major. That seemed to spark the offense, andi Spanik's improved confidence was notice- able. Afier the Maddogs conceded a two- point safety, Spanik started hitting the tai- ented group of receivers and the Marauders gaine. welcome the challenge. Defensive were on the attack. Andy Taylor and Tbeon back Mike Bartello. wbo bas a knack for James bauled down big gains and witb a making big plays, credits the backfield's tourtb and two at the Toronto fine-yard experience and the bail pursuit mentality of line, tbe Maddogs went otffside. Jon tbe defense witb some of tbeir ability to be Nedeljoivc carrned it in troin tbe tbree-yard in position to make interceptions or pick up line to gtve Milton a 168 h aîf-time lead. fumbles. And even tbougb tbe defense is Tbe Maddogs stormned back on their ftrst broken up mbt different units, tbey still ail possession of the sec- feed off eacb otber. ond baîf witb a long "Tbe linemen and pass to make it 16-14 linebackers mnake lor Milton, but tbe our job so mucb cas- Marauders returned tbe i er. The pressure and f'avour on tbeir next drive burries tbey put on the after a long reception by *quarterback can force James and a 13-yard humt mbt making mis- scamper by Nedeljkoivc, takes." wbicb completed tbe scor- It's a rare gaine wben the defense ing. isn't contributing to, tbe Marauders' Toronto made some late scoring as well. -We're bungry out attempts to gel back in the gaine, bere," said Bartello. "Tbere's notbing but thse Milton defense abut thein down, more rewarding for thse defense tisa to put and picked up a couple fumbles along tbe points on the board. Everybody feeds off way. Tbe Maddogs couldn't get mucb tbat and it creates a positive snowball going on tbe ground, which isn't unusual effeet." against the Maraudera, but tbey did man- Coach Barry Emo also credited the coin- age sorte big gains tbrougb the air, wbicb posure of Spanik, "bcing tbruat into a diffi- is unusual. cuit situation," and tise teain as a wbole Part of tise reason for tisat is tisat a grounti overcoming thse early injuries and eariy attack is futile and opponients have littie deficit. 'Tbey sbowed beart and determina- eboice but to pasa, and witb more antempts tion, wbicb is the founidation tbat the opponents are bound to bit on some of Milton Maraudera are built on." tbem, especiaily witb a team. as talented as The Maraudera take to tise road for the the Maddogs. first time tbis season witb a tougb gaine in The Marauders' defensive backfteld, Oakville Saturday at 6 pin. at Bronte Field. Senior Sox scorch visiting Oakville By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion It's bard to say just wbat was boîter Saturday afternoon -the weatber or tbe Senior Rèd Sox' comeback efforts. Ainid sweltering tesuperatures ai Brian Best Park, Milton compleîely tumed the tables on the neigbbouring Oakville Atbletics after faliing bebind 3-0 - tbanks in equal panis to timely bibîîng and a credi- hie recovery by sbarbing pitcher Adamu Finkbeiner. The result was a convincing 8-4 decision and bump up to, 7-3 in COBA play - con- tinuing the Red Sox' best start in recent memory. "We only left four guys on base, tbat was tbe big tbing," said manager George Moore, referring to tbe bigb number of stranded runners beading mbt this past weekend. Reese Davies bîgblîgbîed Multon*s rally wîtb a three-run boiner in the fiftb. svbile moments later Kevin Coînisky took one over the fence as well for the club's firsi back-to-back long balis of tbe season. Nick Aalbers kepi bis sizzling sprîng campaign going witb a 4-for-5 perforin- atîce, and newcomers Mark Sgrignoli and Brent Teboekhorst aided tbe uprising witb two bits apiece. Defensively. Finkbeiner settled down after a somewbat sbaky second inning and "We only Ieft four guys on base, that was the big thing."ý) .sllowed just balt-d-dozen bits overal tbrougb seven fraines. Matt Dickson dcliv- cred a tbree-up. tbree-down eigbtb, wb'iie regular dloser Nate Tami gave up a rather meaningless uneanîed mun in tbe nintb. Comtinitting just two errors on sucb a bot day was no doubt an impressive feat, and We believe... inu hýelpirg. Anyc»ne. Anywhec. fffiTheE "AnYe business that i V ATSROOST considers 1 FAT E ' A PC L itself AT E' DAY--- SP-------- immune to r 2-1 Dînner Free Golf Clintic1 the necessity I Aller 5 p.. CPGA Profeasional for In n> se Comp. Dinner Il Lu.-1 ptm. June 19/05I advertising entree, whena second 1wittih r1 o ec Tcket MLI sooner or Dinner entree et quai or 1 later finda greater salue is purdtaWe. 1 Pro Shop I itself IDines nuit indudeeenge. 1 Up te 50% off enlia stock I immune to IVolid Sun., Jnne 19,2M0 MLI JUne 19,2005 MLI business." t;llgj- Derby j1260 Bramalea Rd., Caledon www.banerosl.com 1 Broun L (905) 843-9364 1 (416) 200-5200 j HAIT Moore said bie was also quite pleased wîtb tbe catcbing of rookie Liain Tennant, wbo can play just about any position needed.- "He s so versatile out tbere, and be's got tbe rigbt attitude," remarked Milton s skip- per. Friday nigbt's gaine in Dundas was post- poned afierjusi an inning due to lightning. Tbe Red Sox bave picked up junior-age local Conan O'Brien and hope to work bim into the lineup witbin tbe next couple of weeks. Milton travels to Brampton Friday evening and is tentativeiy scbeduled to face Dundas in eitber a single-game encouniter or double-header Saturday after- noon at Birian Best. 3oard of Directors and Staff of ON CHILD & YOUTH SER% IE wili hold their 4th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on June 23, 2005 6:30 p. m. at Halton Region Auditorium Public Cordially lnvited Guest Speaker: Barbara Coloroso International A uthor Space is limiteti To reserve a ticket cail 905-639-2800 ext 222 www.hcys.ca own tournarnent Hosts capture championship with disqualification victory Given the choice, the Mosquito Red Sox would have pre- ferred to win by traditional metans. Then again, tournent championabips probably aren't something to, get too nit-picky about. That was most likely the consensus foilowing June Y's dis- qualification victory over the Brampton Braves in the finals of the local mosquitoes' nine-team showcase ait Lions Sports Park. tronically enougs, it was~ thse Braves who would lodge an initial protest, arguing nmidway tbrough thse titie match - whicb tbey were leading 6-4 - that Milton had one too mnany coaches on tise bencis, However, Bran'pto)ns mianager waa in fact referrng'to t- bail ailes, and bis te=m wound o ing the ooedisqualifled for using anc of their pitehers beyond the maxim sves inninga i a aday. "It was kissd of a crappy way to wiss, but tisose are the rides," explilsd convcssorJeff Murdoc. Usbete. on way to flMi The Rcd Sox strung ttsgether four wins en route ta thse chamiplanship, including decisioss over tie issss Twina and Georgetown Bagles - twa bem *sy'd av« beaten befare. Last Flrklay's 17-5 pasting of the Twins w*s particularly inapressive. TJ. Baker andi Janaiha Picb6 uhareti thé piteis- ing "ales, while a weil-balaned attack exloited opposing Mississuga's defeusse filon stait to finish. Baker, Piché and Walt Kirknesa offéoed s"id Mound work against Georgetown, with DTylor MéVry drrning in haf thse mma in an 8-5 triumph Saturday. Milon's othetr vctisns inctuded the PicloeriaRed Sox ane ie lier i Missaauga Tigers, who were upatageti 11-7 tn the semrifinals Sunday. The Red Sox jumped ail over Mississauga's mnistakes ta book passage to thse cbampionsbip. Kirknesa, Piché and Matt Pilarczyk fared well on the bill ta keep tise usually-explosive Tigers to single digits - enjoyusg exceptional defence along tise way. Along with finisbing first overail, Milton also stood out in akilîs competition. Baker and McVey took firat and third-place honours in tise bitting derby, while Nicholas Murdock and Jeremy Dixon each fmnisbed second in the accuracy and distance tbrow and base running respectively. Making up the rest of the tournamnent cbanipionsbip con- tingent were Josh DeMorais, Jack Goncz, Alex Kerr and Corey MacDonald. Look whalt5 on at t he Dic.kerl5 4~ Firkin Jonus Tu«dWyç for Opn x&e 7 to la Pul up a chair cr pick up a adc. A funU titi o b y .111 Wedn.odai Nlghts Wing Nsght with 25e Wtngs, '1-8pin (Wit puxehace ofan" beveragel -n 1.887 1ýV1_ Fl- L_ IE 's's 8.321-3433 Th. r1h 1 4 A ICES

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