Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 2005, p. 13

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13BARROW FAMILY I CHIROPRACTUCleQ 180 Ontario St. S. Milton Li S (905) 878-4994 s Dte nationB" Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarrow@sympaticu.ta HOW CAN CHIROPRACTIC HELP WITH MV ALLERGIES? Millions of peuple snflerng fromt a aîde vartety orf conditions, allergies included, have besefiîed from chiropractie care aven ihough chiropractie te sut an allergy treaiment. Wby? Because chiropractie es a metbud of health cara that permits yoar body to fntion atilus bant. Thati s espeeialty important if you suffer fromt allergies. Yonr immune systent is svhaî recognices and desîroys anyîhîng that is sot snpposed 10 be in yon: bacteria, vinsses, pollutants, duel, pollen. drsgs. tumors, dead pieces of yonr ows catIs. etc. A heaiîhy imîmune system meane high resisiance lu dîseasa and infection, better abilisy tu deal anuS stress, and greater heaiîh and watt beisg. Your immune syssemt le înfluenced by our serves and hormones, by your diet and by amotional stress, If il is snhealthy, il may fait tu recugnize and ramone absurmai celis; it may sut overcome infection; it may overreaci su foreign snbstanes, become depressed or aven antack isself!1 Wiîh allergies, anhai occams is that ihe immune system overreacis 10 an alterges (dusi, pollen, mîlk, dug or cat dandar, sirawberries, etc.) and pruduces sou many neutratieisg chemicats (epecîatly histamines) to cunteraci it. By releasing strass on ihe servîrus syssem, chiropractie permnits the immune sysîam tu fusetion more effecîively... susnethîng att ollergy suffarers need. A heaiîhy nervous eystem heips Une iîmnune sysiana Chircîpractors correct a haste cause of bodty malfunciion to licol the immune sysîem. A heaithy body is capable of nenîraliiîg ihese iei substances aînd a bud> ihat bas malfssicîioning dafasse nîechanîenns canstet. The enîphasîs on allergies inîsi ha on building, a heaithy Sudy, sut on trying teuse avasiva tacies b> eiririnating ail iha atiereens *Taylor Nursery ~~ ~7429 Fîfth Lîne, Miltontw 1 lnîghi a e esi end of Main St.) 905-876-4100 Phil Lawion June is Urne to enjoy your garden as itfiowers and grows but it lis stili a good Urne ta plant... .and to do essential maintenance. Before the heas of the sumrmer months, you can and should plant trees and shruhs and 'infill' those bare spots in your gardes with annuals and perennials. .. .and nosv that the weather is so comfortable, what benter way to spend somne evening and weekend time than plantîng, prunîng and maintaining your gardes so yos cas enjoy it for the tesi of the summer? Here are a few "must do's" for the month of June. " Prune shrsbs and trees after they have flowered " Prune evergreens and hedges " Mulch your garden beds. Whether you use wood chips. hark, cocoa geans, or decorative stones, mulching wiIl save you work-less wecding and watering-and make your garden more attractive. " Stake or trahlis your vines and vuinerable young shrubs and trees * Deadhead faded blooms 10 encourage new growth e Pinch hack tha plants that bloom later (murus, asters, dahlias, snapdragons>, to kccp them hushy and compact. * Weed and water gardes beds regslarly s Water and fertilize your hangisg baskets. They dry oui much more quickly thas gardes plants and are more suiscrable to heat. *Sut back and esjoý the colours and aromas of your gardes! Look for sur ad'nertisement in (bis newsletter. Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist k Wakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Ran StrhSe 905-878-5882 Opiomnetrisi Msni-Thnrs 9-t, Wed-Fr 9-5, Tses 9-8 Sainrdap AM ho uppsintmeni The Value of Vision Becanntng awrnae that vttios and health te an niportant tact af ice. Ilis ntce ta tee a pattent Srîng in Ser other fine an eye examisattas. Amten examînîng the mather il oas determîned than Sec condition had advanced ta the point thon she had diffncntty otanenverng to tee. She cantd rai recognice peapies faces, she otas bunpisg in tings. she castd soi enjîr> the colora tif flootees, and she cnntd son eead. She had ta be hetd Sy ihe hasd tir gin ptaces. Otheenthas than. ihe aident> lady otas ner> alern Evecs ihangh she mas in Siec eactly 70's she had the conversation and atecinets ai sameone 40 yeans ynnnngee. A seey sad siate. Bacante. The condinton cantd have passniy Seen avoded. Mas> heainS and eye canditiant cas Se pcevenied, and easnty denecîed ai as eaety age. The Goad sida. The dasphier of the patient was presesit The dasphier ceatiaed she neyer had an eye enamination. And mellier dîd an> of Sec famîiy membhers. She reatieed the difficnty hec other Sas Sad. And the dasphier notnînedianet> Saînked as eye examisannos foc hec famît>. Evest nhîagh the mîsisnry tif heainh. paiesiiatty wiii non pay fnr her's or hec hnsbasds. it becamne ai a Sngh pritîri and espressed a naine ta her Ilis farinate fine the dasphîcer..hot snas> others have ta hase sîrmeene in Seie arnarenss snifer befare a realtî,ano tifhe inipariasce of ihene eye stght asd vis'? Maso consditioss are peeveniabte. Man> srioas healîS coirstinstn are denecîed nhrongh an annoal eye esaînînainn 't il tacots lin Se ai lo pritit tr oan> peîopie. A change in raine ticconta Sýen people arc assaksencd tir ihe pntsîbîliîy tri t lss. -SHOPPRSM SD RUG MeART hp o midnight, 7 da s a weec Carnage Square, 265 Main St. E. O 905-78-4492 THORNTON Question: My doctar ban just diagnosed me with Type 2 Diabetes amibhe wants me ta get a btood glucose meter. Wby lis lit important for me ta test my btood sugar levels? Answer: People artS Type 2 Otahatet Site Stand tugan teesait are ta hngS. t itimportant La ty to redncet(het eeeIo trmnalnr asnnan tnralaspossible, nenreduce She rf nof long-tern compttcations. these compttications maclade Isidney damage. eye danmage, nrne damnage. enecttle dyrfanerian. Seant dînctan and tnaki. and l'oe problenis. Thene rire 3 tingr tsar Sdep keep yotn Slid tte.o te tentent 1th feîood yîîneaî 1 She inedîtation youtraSe (pîtti anrd ansnrar Mitreng treote rlvlscngv ouadNu ict aepoie e SacktonSîî tovae SatartergtShele 3ings IlisteîtîaSeteandes.ndnng of Stan titan dialbetes t ctîntrtîtted and atinar yen iti make lin adtnît dictant and tttetyte Setter, Il can aîî5ep yonSe.cth crt pro,îîderîaîn.îake.tni retersarnt otedcatîn change.SBltodtaugarmtnongncan Setp ytntnadeîecn and.îîttndttlee bodayan The tanadttn tiîa5eîeni5ttîîttaîtti gatdettnet tetetttend She tîtlito tnree Tîpleta r DtaSetet Ft- rnnprenie.ît 2-Sorpîoteal Goats glacoste (iînîr t i- gluacise (mm(ii) Tangen tortittiti patietesî 41 5.0- 10i Nînrmnal range (id itan. 4.0 6>0 5ý0 8J) Se, 'anal anStetedi Sut% titan .tîti mnintt îSînîîlt bc ttetarniiaî iitan ittictîti Nitîti iptorle tti Type 'li.ît, hotîatntrîîtî leii tinte titi , or Nîtitqîtaitaî'u i ý,ti iled( batît rte octgand c alleri,dîîn gaio fitt eladal lii ,Um teirL tnt l 'Iilita hli w t iti t I iii ,tit, iiîiiti ,t ltn \o i h1 it tw tia tttti itai, r j Dr. Mark Cross Towne Dental Group Mark Cras Milton Mail - 55 Ontarlo St. B.Sc, OD.S (905) 876d1188 Why is it so important to update your medical history at the dentist? Did pou know (bal more than 20% ut hospital admissions are due lu adverse drug reactîons2 EacS lime pou go lu a dental office toi au enami- nation and cleauing pu wîIl have pour medical histurp updated. Ils impor- tant for us lui krow nI aop medical conditions and drugs or sspplements yuu map be taking because pour health is ut paramount importance louas. You map he tempted lu think that somethîng lîke a vitamîn supplement or antacid wuuldnlt be important lu report but thep car have sîgnîtîcast adverse reactions wîlb somne antîbiotîco wbîch we map prescribe. lu addi- tou, certain anlibiotios reduce the ettectiveness ot birth cootrul pulis Most local anesthetics used toi anesîhesia cootaîn epîinephrine. Cuite a tew patients are taking buta blucher heurt medîcattuns whîch van poteottate the effect ufth1e epinephrîne caasîng a hppertensive reaction. i buse are just1 tew ufthe dtanp adverse reactios whîch map uccur with drags cunîimuolp prescribed Sp dentisîs. The other situation whîch we sumetîmes eneouniter is patients whu have o ides what drug thep are Iakîog. They knuw thal thep lake a pirk putl and a bIse pil) but thepîre rot soie what these puIs du. Once agaîn, il is impur- tant ton buth pu anîd us Iv krow su as lu avuid putertîallp harmlal drug interactions. As our population ages, more and more peuple are takîog multiple pre- scription drugs. The lîkelihuod ut d drag reactîvo in d person ou 5 med- tedîturs is grealer than 50%. So make sure pou lut us know what medica- lion, prescriptîion or rot. pou are lakiop vo bhat we eau maSoe suiv pou aie gîver tho bost ut cate, ~1 t r M *Carpet-a Vinyl e Ceramics a Hardwood s Paint s Wallcoverings Shnwrsom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Heeketh 845 Al. SI. 1. Milie ,os.878-4280 Think of Castles.... ..Now cottages, what cornes to mind? Cbarman and history? Well put this effect into a floor, now make il in an engineered bardwood. Narnes such as oak armangac or cassis wire brusbed 5" planku tudor, elizabethian, thaîched cottage, the choice is yours. The added benefits to an engineered over 3/4" wood is ils versatihity allowing you to instaîl it in any area of your home! Especially wait for it. Yes the basement even over radiant heat. The design options are endless under the pool sable. Incorporate it into a bar with brass rails. j For that really english pub. Great with the kids and dog too. Due to it's authenticity, definitely a plus 10 any room and will enhance kitchens bringing chariscîer and char into your home. Remember also ihat this product iv definiicly NOT a laminate fluor but TRUE hardwood. t So don's be faint of heart and turn your home int a castle. The drawbridge iv always down ai (Jomfi. -. Il r- 1 ý Il

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