Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 2005, p. 12

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*1 A12 - The Canadien Champion, Tuosday, June 14, 2005 it you flave any questonrs tflese professionals can answer, please write to: c/o I he Canaduan Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax toi: 878-4943 99AL'TOs COSOM fUN îT REHAB ITATI 0 Yq lina Doney 17 Wilson Avenue Connie Francoz PHYSIOTHERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q:' fno stCerions absont an"v sare spoart antd l'nie erer goecrg j/ar ta gold medal, but 1 do avnno te rs' rmproaue miv overal ituress leui chia suntmer Con Yon efer seeme tips * A: Somrmer iv a tes'rifsc tmne eo enjoy outdnor sport and fitness activities. Doing weiI in your choice of sport and havtng fun are important. hnwever, equally important is preventtng an îetjury. Examine tise sports you like mot. What type of enerctse do they provide? Thînk about tise compontents; of flsness - aerobse fitness, flexibility. balance and strengts. If you are partîcipaiing in an activity or sport tisat lis aerobie enercise sueis as soccer, swîmming, walkiiug, rnller-blading or cycling, try and combtne tis wits an enercise tisai requires precision, seeengtis, fleoibilîîy, balance or co- ordination like tennis, badminton, golf or yoga outdnors! Tiss wtil allow you to balance your uer/vit/es to isave a well rnunded active Remembrer, tisat tise nid sayîng "o pain.., no gain" is jusi tisas, an nid saying. Today. make ynur moîto "train.., don't strain". Tiss sîmply means ihat ynu'Il remembrer to stay in shape iisrougis tise wnter in esre tisai your body is ast a finess level tisat wîll allow yoo to play sports avîthous injury ail sormmner. Commit to, doîng a warm up and cool don each lime you exerctse nr play a sport. Remembrer tisai if ynu are new in a sport. you shooid progress ynurself gradually in terms of lise lime. înteosîty and frequency tisas you participate so reduce ynur chances of înjury. Lastly, rermember usai tise Most important aspect of <uldoor sprt is tise fus ynu'll hase misile staying ft! Ai tise Halson Communty Rehau Centre yesu cala sec a regisîered physivsîhera plt t'or guidance and traintng in prevent an rnjury or te treal an tnjory and returo 10 sports safely. Have Ouestieuns? Contact HCRC 905 876 1515 B. S., OVM Hawkins Animal Hlospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 j - HEATSTROKE CAN KILL te sumtuneoîtue. the naît ciounan cause ai Hypeotheottia tir Hearsîtoke is cies esposure tIo heat. Ery heur, acraus tise gloîbe, pets cafter and die foina being teft in Isvked sebtetes. In the cetrpecrares and the hatrttdrcy se hase bees expie- oiescing tiss suerki.. cout ttnth tale a feus mtttoes tir a pet to sucS unb. and tI my amarment. rrany peuple dto sec realize chts tact The înttt ctrrcsatn syrrrptoiinsio hearsurtike are excessive paetrtg. rescies,,neiýs. agitted. betng anabe ttt stattd tir Iitg diowr. thtct, sactva rn the t:oth atrd frsti catît/sf f:tm ch e nase tir t:outh. The pet aviti be ins ittci and Ilie bsidv tuay seen sigîd. nîtis the pet estendîog itri head, neck and Iitash. cf ntc reîuîîved fron tise situation, tise pet ouIl suifer a hom/ie death Shud hou ti a pet in thîs tesc/ie situatuon, uftr terst aid. dot ali char yîîu vin rt nemuse tise pet froînt tise cause if the hypeobhenutt. îakîng casre stît rt sajuce yiaurseif. Tale tise pet ta a shauts or ctol acea and fus the per rapidly. Il avaitc able. pous cool nt cotd lir tiser che pet's trut, and legs. and get a vetesi- nanian as sosîi as potssible. Try sacr ttî aveu coisi tise pet. and dot fsiotrce cîîld nases asr e dttsn lis chroat. lleatstroke can atso accus suhen pets are rift in garages leven if a nindrs is tefc open), or kenneis nithout shade. Dîîgs cao alsa espertence heat exisausian nisen their anners taS, ibem oui as joîgging ponters. Soute onners do suc meai îzr tisai unike tise humast boudy, tise dîîg's body durs Tout have a cnnttng sysient Wis ne ail keto tisas esercise iv as important as food ta anc pets. inappra- priate or excessive eecse in hsot neather shoutd be avaided. If hou frelt bat yon are tisty misen you are eut natkisg. assume usai yoar dog is aise tisty. Taise sonne naier along fer uhe pet tout Stins tise shade and shone a drink. One last peint 1 noulti tiSe tei mention. wiîcis sumnetîmes everiurised, iv tise tact tisai aider pets. and papi du sot hanite tise heat os neti as active yaung pets. As an esanpie. Rudy, a loveiy old Retrses i isa many yeans age., nus arthnit te anti very nenie. Site meuhd anays nantte, sIup unies tise lilc rre. despîte tise uemperature. i mode a peint of kurpîsg an eye on hec us she stepi se, deepiy. Sise dii niai have tise tens iohat stage tei remeve ieseef îndanrs. t apelogîre for being se, graphic abeut uhe symptonis of iseaisuroke. but iuts important tisas people are mode anare of tise dangers. h niay sve a tfie. On a tîgbter note. ivsh hon anti hour pet a nenderful heaithy anti happy êMORTAGE INTELLIGENCE 251 Main St. E. Suite 201, Milton Headi Office: 52801 Sotar Drive, Sotte l01. Mississauga. O)N 1,4W 5M8 91 A GMACGC.-mpuvy JOhn Cava AMP 905.878.7213 Moctgage Cosultan www.stress reemnomtgages.ca Ronovalion Nation: Canadians use their home equity to leather their abats Mort tsa a decuit ao Irendupotters btga lu tell us about the future treci uf "cocuroonn Thet preieled tht dtcurultsg maganen, hnme rennultin huttnenue n luniIury hoe tubtoss uni lurstshingt oui tnt a big bnom. But in 1991, one cunlinuti In look oulside tht hume for our enlerlaicimenl, uni the ita ut nesting uit hnme neonti ast/Suit. Bt the tluritls wtre nîghI, and Canainn have comte hnne en musse: ta ort, lu play, lu nucciotiz uni tn reirtat. Nnl nurprtsngy, lhty use se-shaptrî tht:: homes lu accnnnninle thes nec punstnn for hone file. Canada han becnnet he rernuvtinn nation, with mnre than nne-thtid ni Camitlan hnmeonnrn planning a significatnf rtflualn in the star fulase, accnrdtng in CMHC. Sain hnne impruuement are tupeclet i rta.gh $31. bihllitns bnytur - up irn $24.6 billion sn 1999, Il ynu've lrti lu itni a parhing spact ut Hume Depol os a Sulurday mnmtng, tis informain cn cnmt an Su cheren the mnny gning? Tht tuts-pepular kitchen stuncvain han beet surpasti by etennr rennaillns (laniscuping, snnhing, dectu, itncing, etc,), balhron resnotnhnnu, and cagspeluinn. K:lcbtnn aretIhe inarih muni pupulur rennuatus psniecr tut Casiann, accnring su a CMHC sunvet. Dn-it'ynurstl renounlurs are Most hittit In lactie sec mont renouains us patnting uni cralpaper Belurt yu enbatb us a reouiatin pruiect, u thul cnsidr cbtbr ynu art tmprnut .ng ynur home for ynur ons cuminrt, ns lui tncreaneithe salut o unr hnne. Rennattuns use noi creulei equai, tsi tume wtll perinsoi hesfer titan nChers cher il cnmesntlu aiiing value lu ynur hnmt. Mont resmallous oeil mprne the salue ni ynur home. butlytu nhnuiis'l etyfict lui lu/y recoet us stînonhuro coul. Item are sorme exceptons, ni course, uni Ihit ailest ary irun une reon toi urnîher But CMHC inns prouir a generul cnst/value gaideire For toumple, ynu cas tuitect lui secnup 69% lu 73% ni tour suenîtment inu kectes renouatn - muling et tht imureni renusvain ismenmes A bulhroum relu s second, aI 64% lu 11%, A trest coul af pattt us tus hume's exter is lielt Ilr rouer 62% oftte cont taito tht ork, and a mats tlour fantis room recnaps 49% Io 56% tut tees noce lu the rtsovalîuon leuer Ihas a insîre t0 psrlîrie Traing Spces ai home. The usfo home le is ru:srtisg wîth the auuîlahîlily ut .suiu iisarîsg ge miten are aI s , tric o n Casuias ase leverugisg the eqoils sn Ibeir tomes lu finsunce the upgraies lheyuve heen ireamîi oft Il yoo're planning 10 spsci a signiltcanl amoorlt or a rrsuaatior, Iher tu sue etournei a conversation uth tour mortoage trîter 10 lotk aI cous lîsurcînt options. There are ueueral options availahie tieporditr or yîor siution.i A tecured lise tf cteiit cou/i provîle tu uth the lotis you resi. Orsyou may wlaIt lu consuer a variable-rate second muotage ofuto $1100.000 Ibal Iv usai/ale ut oery rompecîtue suIes and lerms ard estîch car te pai off ir t manrer mtl meelu tour ceedsu Garder gazette reueruled titchor or sOulever ytor irean ru, uty rot mate ilua rea/Ity? John Covan lis a Consultant with Mortgage Intelligence, wwv.atressfreernortgages.c. /ker e46aeMé~ -e tSTABLISHED SINCE 1999 0 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 www.herhalmagicsystems.com Stephanie Nurrie ats ural tir lte rhiu grtssu NHPD REGISTERED At Herba Magic products and supplements are registered w/Oh the Natural Health Products Dictorate (NHPD), a division of Heatth Canada. The NHPD is the regulating authority for natural health products (NHP's) for sale in Canada. Its role is to ensure that Canadians have ready access 10 NHP's that are safe, effective, and of high quatity, while respecting freedom of choice and philosophical and cultural diversity. With their own distinct framework, natural health products can bear a fuit range of heaith claims based on appropriate leveis of evidence. They can aiso have appropriate good manufacturing practises that are outcomes based, which wiii boost consumer confidence in the quaiity and safety of the products. Improved Iabeiling heips consumers make informed choices and aiiows then to take control over their health care decisions. Herbai Magics main concern, above everything eise, is you and your heaith. Thats why we have taken the necessary steps 10 ensure you're getting the very best fron us and our natura heaith products. For more information you can check out our website www.herbalmagicsystems.com or www.heaithcanada.ca/nhpd If you have a question for ask the pros please email to herbaimagic-milton@yahoo.ca Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. Lunyor 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuela Q. I arn separated and want to know uchat Ily husband should tir paying to support his children? A:- Chtld Support is delermined according to a pre-determined formola found in the Federal Chilut Support Guidelines and ls offent referred for as tise Table Amount. Tise amounrt of chtld support depenuts on how many ehiltiren are being supported and the amoont of money hetng eamned by thse parent paying the child support. Tise basic table armont lis based on tise cisild living primui'ily with fine parent. Tisere are special miles ti adjust payments on cases nisere tise ehildeen lisre altanst equally w/ti bnth parents. Many people tisink tisai tise minute tise chiid lies equally with bots parents tisas o chili support has lo be paîd but tisas s flot soi. In tisese situations tise responsibility for child support may be reduced depending uapon tise entent of parenting assurned by each parent and hy tiseir respective tncomes. Io tise majonity of cases hnnever tise higher nricome carnig parent nil! stîli have tn puy chîld support. There are spectal raies, wiih may change tise Guideline amnoant for spouses earning nver $1506000 annually or nisere tisere are "special or eslranrdinary expenses". Special or estraordinary expenses otten seferred to as "aid ons" caoi affect tise basic amnunst to be paid unies tise tables. These add ons are tn addition lu tise haste amouns prnvtded to. Tisese expeeses may toclude: chtid cure espenses. healsis reiated expenses that enceed tosurance reîmbursemenî by aI leasl $100.00 unnualiy; exlraordinary espenses for primury vos secvtndary scisool educaîtin or tforeducationai pruspeants that meet tise chtid's particular needs, espenses for posl'secondary educutton; and or. esîraordrnury espenses for esiracumeiular aclivities. These espenses are paid by bolh parents in propaortton le riseis inconres st tisai tise htgiser tricotue carrer pays store thon the ruser parent niso carros Iess. Halton His SSpeech Centre Divso 1Ue MKee5 Sere i- -opr, Pathi5cP s ProeSoa C orpoatio 'Your Cari Partners... " Northview Centre, 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400 e www.haltonspeech.com Q: My ch/id has a s'tuttering prober which hlu odso been commented on bY h/s classroom teacher. Are there an" suggestions 1 cao give the teacher tIo help her dliai uc/Oh is stutterrng? A: Teavhers are alten unsuc'et owhat ta do suhen taced wtth il dNsclueitt stuuiett. They ail hav e gond intentionscct helptng, but sonirtnues have untntenttonally tncreased the problemn The tollasvtng 5 suggestions arc approproate flot only tor children who stutter but tor shy. sensttive and fecarful ebithen wha may be present in any cIassroont. 1. Do flot fuI in words when the chtld 'gets stock". Thts wui!l ficredse teeltttgs that thes cannot talk t'or thernselses lDt flot encoutage the ose ot trtcks such as deep bceaths. ttnger snapptcg, etc. 'a Pratse the student for parictpattog verbaly in class. Pratse what bhe> say, flot how they say tl Be cacelal flot to tmpose a 'time pressure" on the studenî's speaktng sttuatton. 3. Model slow, relaxed speech suhen tulking Io the student. Be aware of your tswn speech. If ytsu spcak ruptdly or use words and sentettces fihat are ahane the chtld's lesc!, ytau are setttug unrealtsttc goals and u.austrtg the student toi leel frustrated. 4. Aftec a dysîluent lterance. repeat back the content of suhat tbe student said. Tisis wtll ensure lise chtld thal bts message bus been understood. 5. Use a rundom meîhod to cul! on students. The upprechenston af wuîting bis/hec turt lai speat severely tucreases the student's tension. Il is tmportant for tise teacher toi speas to the student's parents toi gatn further tnstght toto lise cbild's slustertnp and determtne a co operatîve approacs. Consulting with a Speech-Langnage Palhologtst can also provtde bots lise parents and leucber wit arriser suggesttons and a belles understauding of the child's dlysfluency. REMEMBER; STUDENTS NEED OUR UNDERSTANDING NOl OUR SYMPATHY OR PITY! PIease teel free s caIl] our Centre for more information. i _1 1 il" , - ,, 77à 1 R1 î [

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