The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - All HIGH SCOHOOL REPO.RýT "MUSTANG MESSENGER"' ïieina Aluner Asfley ciertci Julia Fyper M116TON DISTRICT BIGE SCEGOLI The phrase of the week is clearly, blue and white dam right' Tii s because the past week has been especially full of enciting sports events. Il was un fact MDHS officiai Sports Week. It was hit off with a teaciter versus student softbail garne, and was conciuded with the Athietie Banquet. Also as the school year concludes. preparations for graduation are weli underway as weli. With less titan 2 weeks iefî of sehool there is stili so mueh gon on, and the mustangs are going strong ail the way te, the mire. Titis past week we have ai heen lucky enougit to experience some of the hest surnmuer weather Canada has to offer, and Milton District sure made the hest of tl. Thte Sports Week was a great opportuniuy to get outside, play somte sports, and enjoy the svarmth. 0f course uhere were ways to cool off ton, in the dunk-tank that is. Thursday was "Fun Day"' whîch included a BBQ, big blow up toys and of course the dunk-tank. However finding volunteers to be dropped into the water sas an easy task since nîost people were craving a way to refresit themselses. The same can be said for the Athletie Banquet as iny students came for the asards ceremony and dancc, and boy did tl hcat up! Ol course svhat else can vou cspect front a gym full af aihîcies dancing the niglit away. Su while ceryone left ihe banquet ssith a full bels. miany people also took home sortne assardsý. To menttioun a fesv; Jas Price swon the assard foir senior boys football Most \'aluablc Player, and Mari Reed receised the same assard foi senior boys hockey, This \,car MD isas proud ti hase a gis looi- ball teain. and Natasha Brancier ssun MVP. As fuor the spring sports, boys basebalI MVP iseni to ('bris Shadlock aîîd girls sistbaîl M\ P ssas- auvarded tii Mclissa Dale. The highlieht \ias unoi and senior Aihletes ot the Yc'au, who it 201 are Lie Clark. Shai Patel. Laiine Maicdonald, aîîd Ben Cliltord. A hue econgratulations oes to the:e asird ssinners but also ssînners anul athîcies t'roîn esers spot. Nos iutis timc l'o tan the spurtîohi lui flie graduatiug studeits as îhcîr last sear a i Milton District draus s5îo a close. Huissescu belote ict ce us sorne business ii attcend to 'îîeh as ejradüation luudraising aund the \aledictsriai selection. The senioîr suetîsîn loouk place on Wednesdav aîîd raised os er 10011 dollars. stîll ssîth the high cosis ihai couse o îh ail othei aspects of gradua- tion there is stîll a cry for more lundraîsîng. So since sve need fonds Iland no doubi ewryone cisc nceds a car wash, you can conte doîsn to Canadian Tire on Sîînday and pet vont car eleaned ri hit ap whîle sopporting the MD sen- ior class. 'Thi seniors also eathered carIs' Friday inornîne, to hase their Grad Breakfast and hear saledicîîîrian noinitc speeches. While munchîng on a hagel student heard pneviews front iheir candidates ihen had a sote. Good luck tsi aIl nominees and congratulatioîns to the final îhree. Well that closes thîs episode ofl mustang messengen. otie of the last for this school year. With only the hump of exams to pet oser the summer feels as thouaîgil t s w close. Students keep ap the hard ssork and thc thought that freedom is only a couple weeks as ayý "DATELI1NE DRURY" Kim liester Katie Bonguy Prasitont Nauikwadi E.C. DRIJRY aigu SCRGOL Hey Prashant! We just heard the good news! Congratulations on being voted the Valedictorian of the Class of 2005!" Katie said as she and Kim ran into Prashant in the hailway. "Oh, thanks guys" he said to the Dateline girls. "Your speech was awesomne," Kirn said. "I liked the bit about the athietics at Drury. You reaiiy seem like the perfect guy to highiight ail the Spartan Sport achieve- mients" -l'Il have to taik to some of the athietes about what hap- pened at Iast Thursday's Athietie Banquet. I'mt sure there wviii be some gond memories there." Prashant said. "For sure- Katie said. "Make sure to congratulate ail the athietes who wvon awards. Oh and don't forget tu include ail the fun tiînes fromn the Drarna departmient." "Hey didn't you goys put on a show iast sveek?" Kim asked. "Ycah.ii ssc did This is a Test, sketches and somte other ssvect stuff iast Fridav night. Did you sec the play. Il svas realiy fonny." Katic saif. "It ssas a great 'say f'or the senior draina students to lease ssith a bang' Prashant added. "Voi should pi ohahly inelude a little tribute to ail the teachers ssho are leaving. Prashant.' Katie said. "Yeah. l'Il put in a fes svords about Mr. Petker, Mine. Charbonneau. Ms. McRac and Mrs. Ignatjcss. We appreciate ail they do for- us, so l'Il be sure to include then in rny speech for commneneecnt." Prashant saiid. "Yon kn1o\s ws at ssii bch an ass esoine nîhPromil We'l make so roans good nones. lIl hav e so rnutch te say.- "'ise excited!- said Kim. -'vc got rny ouffit ail ready for the big night." 'Whoa, svhoa, what's that music corning over the PA. systerni?" Katie askcd as sorne stiange tunes tloated through the airsvaves. "Didni't you hicar about diversity sseck at Drury 204? We announicers hase been playing music from ail oser the world to promote diversity in our sehool. lon't tl cool?" Prashant said as he started dancing to the polish techiao beats. "Yeah, it is prcîty cool!" said Kimn, as the Dateline team continued to boogie in the haliway. "1TUE ROYAL REPORT"9 Katie Nadalin Siobhan Desroches DISEGP REDINS aigE SCEGOL Well hello there Bîshop Redîng! We hope you've been enjoying your last few weeks of sehool here at Miiton's finest high sehool. It's been quite busy this past week especially with students finishing up their ISU's and studying for exarns, but han g in there it's airnost summer! On that note, we'd just like to, rernind you that due to surrnmer vacation this is our second iast ar'ticle. It's jusî not working out, it's not you, it's us. We know what >uou're ail thinking right now. What arn 1 going to do wîthout rny weekiy Royal Report'? In response to that, weli, we really don't know. Weii, Iet's take a look ai what has been happening this past week. Our athletes were honoured this past Wednesday at Bishop Reding's annuai Athietie Banquet. Ail stu- dents who participated in school sports this year were able te, dress uap and enjoy a nice nseai whiie watching the awaa'ds ceremony. Seeing as we're ail winners here at Bishop Reding. sse'd like to congratulate ail students ssho carne oui 10 represent BR by piaying school sports. Spécial congratulations 10 Sean Mathé and Lindsey Furik for ssinning athîctes of the year! Great year everyone! Atiother very exc 1ting and important event eomning up here ai Bishop Reding is graduation! 1'he graduates have been preparing for many months noss laking, graduation pictures, fliing out forms, subtnittcd feeN. and more. On Friday Jone 3i'u the graduates celebrat- cd their achievemeuits and success at the graduation dinner and danîce. Ail ssho sscnt said they had a gleal and miemorahie time. Wednesday Jonc 29th is a s'cry husy day for the grade 12s. The day starts off with a deiicious grad brunch. foliosved by a rehearsai, and lastiy the mosi important event: graduation ceremony! Ail the graduates' families and friends wiii attend 10 watch therni receive their dipiornas, and for many, receive asvards. The Royal Report wouid like to extend a sincere congratulation to ail graduates and we wish vou ail hest of iuck on the next stage in your if e! As the year winds dosvn, so does thus week's issue. Rernember 10 finish ou ail your final assignments and good iuck studying fLo exams everyone! But don't forget 10 enjoy the weather!