8 he Canadian Champion, Friday, June 10, 2005 Local union president calis agreement 'good deal' fromn TEACHERS/BOARD on page 1 îsrary conceru centering on the issue ot stalfing. Site retused tu provide details. Ms Beckett-Morton acknowledged t he ministry's deadline cer- fainly pushed both oides lu corne f0, an agreement, but the fact a cuntract is signed showed the board and union wvanted o deal dune. "We knew we had f0 put a cuntract tugether." she said. "We both had an interest in cuming lu an agreement. 1 think we will be pleased wvith the oulcume. 1 think if reflecîs the framework. I think GE.RETW e EI & LA E CO CIN Dr. Henry Lau, M.D. e *Laser Hair Removal Crl *Laser Vein Removal oi *Photo 5kin Rejuvenation *Laser Pigmented Lesion Removal *Medical Microdermabrasion * Acne Treatment & Prevention " Cosmetic Acupuncture FDA Approved Laser for Men & Women ncii Ave. S ite#0 Study at Niagara Colue thîls fali Mechanical Engineering Techinician Mechanical Techniques n iagarac.on.ci 905-735-2211 exit. 7559 info@niagarac.on.ca DUMMER RIDIND CAMP Huntor Oreen Equestrian Contre 0474 a Bth Lino Jrh of Uteeles) r Orson Equostrna Conr CaRp RUNDraio R D t es:O Presen thsuo or youra fOe n Roesn Valîd ~ ~ ~ al unfîl Auut3s,20 o b ook ude ýc!oel h:ýý\I tes o ', Beckett-Moton said. "1 think we needed lu have this agreement becouse we need the additional staff, which is wondertul for kids. and lu generally have sfobility in the oysfemn for the nexf three yearo is great." Moureen Weînberger, local ETFO president, said the union is "very pleosed" and "very relieved" at the tentative agreement. She said the union was successful in resolving sorte of the working conditions issues that had been lingering cuncernos for the bost few years. "We think this is going tu be a good deal for our members for years lu corne," she said. noting members remoined committed lu the sanctions. "We got down tu sonne things that were really important lu both sides. Il took os o long t ire to find somte com- mun ground on that. "I think we wolked owoy feeling we had resolved il in a woy that respects the concemns we have, and we hope the huard feels the saine way." Board Choir Pool Tale said tige deal. if raîified, would pruvide labour otability. 'Were thrilled, ubviuusly. It's good for the teachers and il's good for the board. We con go on now for three years withouf any con- cerns. Aoked if there mighf be fallout becauoe the contracf fook a white lu be reached, Mr. Tate eaid hie duesu't fear that happening. "1 think throughout the experience both teams wvere very cor- dial,' hie soid. 'Peuple corne lu negotiations with differences, but ihese differences weren't that great. really. If took some lime. "f think we have good relafionohips wvith the teachers." Oakville Trustee Mary Chapin was relieved a tentative deal was reoched. "'mr delighîed that if's finally settled. I'm sorry if has taken su long. Now we con gef bock lu doing what the school systemn is sopposed to be doing. Judge orders trial in man 's murder A, judge bas ordered lwe men lu stand trial for firsi degree niurder iii bls Jonc's brutal deaîb of a Milton rai Mvichael Jamnes McDonegh 39, aîîd Missîssalîa Jothn Kevîîî McClatcbey. 47, appeared before Judge Tbee Wotder yes- lercday îîîorning ai O)ntario Ceourt(it Justice in Milton t(or tbc dcis.oîî. Briiî Slîcklen. 48. ovas tunud dead in a flainr cr Jue 17l ast year bhbîîd Traffix transport company on Regional Road 25, iîorth ut'Hwy. 401. Judg Welder re-ileraled the theoriés presented by the delenre and Crown dur- ing the prelimiîîaîy heariiig. bot the e'i- deîîre is uîîder a publiratioîn baîî A pretîînînary hèaiîg ls held le deler- minîe tf Ibere's sutîrrient es deýnce tor a case 1(1 ,o te trial 'l'ie ilîe spoke louot b of ut he arccîse Pregnaocy and mom lotess, yoga, pers0000 training, biriS services and moi Beginner t Athloee Srllîe it w Avalable TAIR ONE FREE CLASS* Make Changes for o Lifelîme -New Costomers oIly MILTON 416-821-7240 www.fitmomcanada.com separately. store Mr. McDonoogh arrived aI the colurt frein cusiody afier Mr. MrClatchey. Boîh aippeared onfazed as the jodge read bis derision. Mr. McDonough wearîng aîî orange priseîî-issued jomnpsuil. looked sîraigbî ahead. as clid thie rîldeî. g1rey-haireti Mr. McClalrbey. Boîb ot the acrused ovill appear aI SUpeî ioî COuîII ot Justice in Miltons Joly 4 le sel a trial date. FIyer in Ibday w an 7.8ion. If you don't receive our Ilyer please ca/i us at 905-878-6163 or e-mail dgeddes@&sympatico.ca Corne see us at our new location at the Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles A» E. 905-878-6163 Look inside for your copy of now delivered in the Milton Canadian Champion. For Great Savings, Visit Our Store! 362 D)undas St. E. Dundlas & Trafalga-r WEEKEND HOURS Saturday 9amn - .9pm Sunday 9am - 6Pm 'Selected Homes cily Mr- Hunter Green Equestrian Centre The sohool owner and head inafructor, Lynn Pearson, has over 30 yeara riding experience inctuding schooling, Trillium and "A" circuit showing and coaching, judging, course designing and freelance teach- ing. Since November, Lynn now offers her expertise lu new and upcomning equestrian enthusiasîs. Privale, semi-private and group les- sons are offered at the centre. The group tessons neyer exceed f ive par- ticipants and are offered 10 cbildren as young as six years up lu adulîs. The centre bas a strong family almosphere and wetcomes parents lu watcb' Technical riding ls taught on hîgh cîsass horses and ponies in a structured and relaxed manner. The centre offers flexible achedul- ing, Monday through Thursday evanings 5:30 pmi lu 9:00 pmi and Saturdays from 10:00 amn to 1:00 pmi. In-house monthly shows are conduct- ad for the students and advanced stu- dents are welcome lu show school horses at othar aquastrian facilites. Pleasa cal 905-808-2598 for your personal tour and ganaral information. The centre is loiaa just norfh of Steelas - 8474-5e Lina.